pygraphblas API Reference

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pygraphblas requires the SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS library. The easiest way currently to install pygraphblas on Linux is to use pip:

pip install pygraphblas

This is currently only supported on Linux but Windows and MacOS binary packages are currently a work in progress.

To install from source, first install SuiteSparse, then run:

python install

There are two ways to download precompiled binaries of pygraphblas with SuiteSparse included. One way is to use pip install pygraphblas on an Intel Linux machine. This will download a package compatible with most modern linux distributions. This also works in a Docker container on Mac.

There are also pre-build docker images based on Ubuntu 20.04 that have a pre-compiled SuiteSparse and pygraphblas installed. These come in two flavors minimal which is the Ipython interpreter-only, and notebook which comes with a complete Jupyter Notebook server. These containers also work on Mac.

An installation script for Ubuntu 18.04 is provided in the file.

NOTE: DO NOT USE THESE PRE-COMPILED BINARIES FOR BENCHMARKING SUITESPARSE. These binaries are not guaranteed to be idealy compiled for your environment.


pygraphblas is distributed as two different docker images on Docker Hub . The "minimal" image, containing only the library and ipython and can be run with the command:

docker run --rm -it graphblas/pygraphblas-minimal ipython

You can run a "full" Jupyter notebook server with docker and try the example Notebooks use the command:

docker run --rm -it graphblas/pygraphblas-notebook

Open up the URL printed on your terminal screen, typically something liker and see the following Notebooks:


To run the tests checkout pygraphblas and use:

$ ./


pygraphblas is a python extension that bridges The GraphBLAS API with the Python programming language. It uses the CFFI library to wrap the low level GraphBLAS API and provides high level Matrix and Vector Python types that make GraphBLAS simple and easy.

GraphBLAS is a sparse linear algebra API optimized for processing graphs encoded as sparse matrices and vectors. In addition to common real/integer matrix algebra operations, GraphBLAS supports over a thousand different Semiring algebra operations, that can be used as basic building blocks to implement a wide variety of graph algorithms. See Applications from Wikipedia for some specific examples.

pygraphblas leverages the expertise in the field of sparse matrix programming by The GraphBLAS Forum and uses the SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS API implementation. SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS is brought to us by the work of Dr. Tim Davis, professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University. News and information can provide you with a lot more background information, in addition to the references below.

While it is my goal to make it so that pygraphblas works with any GraphBLAS implementation, it currently only works with SuiteSparse. SuiteSparse is currently the only realistically usable GraphBLAS implementation, and additionally it provides several "extension" features and pre-packaged objects that are very useful for pygraphblas. If there is a GraphBLAS implementation you would like to see support for in pygraphblas, please consider creating an issue for it for discussion and/or sending me a pull request.

Introduction to Graphs and Matrices

GraphBLAS uses matrices and Linear Algebra to represent graphs, as described in this mathmatical introduction to GraphBLAS by Dr. Jeremy Kepner head and founder of MIT Lincoln Laboratory Supercomputing Center.

There are two useful matrix representations of graphs: Adjacency Matrices and Incidence Matrices. An Adjacency Matrix can hold a simple graph where a single edge joins one source node to one destination:

An example graph and adjacency matrix

On the left is a graph, and on the right, the adjacency matrix that represents it. The matrix has a row and column for every node in the graph. If there is an edge going from node A to B, then there will be a value present in the intersection of As row with Bs column. How it differs from many other matrix representations is that the matrix is sparse, nothing is stored in computer memory where there are unused elements.

Two Incidence Matrices are used to store a relationship between two distinct sets of objects of nodes and edge elements.

An example graph and incidence matrix

Sparsity is important because one practical problem with matrix-encoding graphs is that most real-world graphs tend to be sparse, as above, only 7 of 36 possible elements have a value. Those that have values tend to be scattered randomly across the matrix (for "typical" graphs), so dense linear algebra libraries like BLAS or numpy do not encode or operate on them efficiently, as the relevant data is mostly empty memory with actual data elements spaced far apart. This wastes memory and CPU resources, and defeats CPU caching mechanisms.

For example, suppose a fictional social network has 1 billion users, and each user has about 100 friends, which means there are about 100 billion (1e+11) connections in the graph. A dense matrix large enough to hold this graph would need (1 billion)^2 or (1,000,000,000,000,000,000), a "quintillion" elements, but only 1e+11 of them would have meaningful values, leaving only 0.0000001th of the matrix being utilized.

By using a sparse matrix instead of dense, only the elements used are actually stored in memory. The parts of the matrix with no value are interpreted, but not necessarily stored, as an identity value, which may or may not be the actual number zero, but possibly other values like positive or negative infinity depending on the particular semiring operations applied to the matrix.

Semirings encapsulate different algebraic operations and identities that can be used to multiply matrices and vectors. Anyone who has multiplied matrices has used at least one Semiring before, typically referred to as "plus_times". This is the common operation of multiplying two matrices containing real numbers, the corresponding row and column entries are multipled and the results are summed for the final value.

Using the API

The core idea of the GraphBLAS is the mathematical duality between a graph and a Matrix. There are a few ways to contstruct matricies, but a simple approach is to provide three lists of data, the first are are lists of the row and column positions that define the begining and end of a graph edge, and the third list is the weight for that edge:

>>> import pygraphblas as gb
>>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
>>> J = [1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 0, 2, 5, 2, 2, 3, 4]
>>> V = [True] * len(I)
>>> M = gb.Matrix.from_lists(I, J, V)
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     t     t         |  0
  1|              t     t|  1
  2|                 t   |  2
  3|  t     t            |  3
  4|                 t   |  4
  5|        t            |  5
  6|        t  t  t      |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
>>> from pygraphblas import gviz
>>> g = gviz.draw_graph(M, weights=False, 
...     filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_from_lists2')


>>> g = gviz.draw_matrix(M, scale=40, 
...     filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_from_lists_matrix')


GraphBLAS is a sparse Linear Algebra API optimized for processing graphs encoded as sparse matrices and vectors. In addition to common real/integer Matrix algebra operations, GraphBLAS supports over a thousand different Semiring algebra operations, that can be used as basic building blocks to implement a wide variety of graph algorithms. See Applications from Wikipedia for some specific examples.

The core operation of Linear Algebra is Matrix Multiplication. In this GraphBLAS duality, this is an operation along the edges of a graph from nodes to their adjacenct neighbors, taking one step in a Breadth First Search across the graph:

>>> v = gb.Vector.from_lists([0], [True], M.nrows)
>>> y = v @ M
>>> g = gviz.draw_matrix_op(v, '@', M, y, scale=40, labels=True, 
... column=False, filename='docs/imgs/bfs_step')


pygraphblas leverages the expertise in the field of sparse matrix programming by The GraphBLAS Forum and uses the SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS API implementation. SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS is brought to us by the work of Dr. Tim Davis, professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University. News and information can provide you with a lot more background information.

Expand source code
"""# Installation

pygraphblas requires the
library.  The easiest way currently to install pygraphblas on Linux is
to use pip:

    pip install pygraphblas

This is currently only supported on Linux but Windows and MacOS binary
packages are currently a work in progress.

To install from source, first install SuiteSparse, then run:

    python install
There are two ways to download precompiled binaries of pygraphblas
with SuiteSparse included.  One way is to use `pip install
pygraphblas` on an Intel Linux machine.  This will download a package
compatible with most modern linux distributions.  This also works in a
Docker container on Mac.

There are also pre-build docker images based on Ubuntu 20.04 that have
a pre-compiled SuiteSparse and pygraphblas installed.  These come in
two flavors `minimal` which is the Ipython interpreter-only, and
`notebook` which comes with a complete Jupyter Notebook server.  These
containers also work on Mac.

An installation script for Ubuntu 18.04 is provided in the
`` file.

SUITESPARSE.  These binaries are not guaranteed to be idealy compiled
for your environment.

## Docker 

pygraphblas is distributed as two different docker images on [Docker
.  The "minimal" image, containing only the library and
[ipython]( and can be run with the command:

    docker run --rm -it graphblas/pygraphblas-minimal ipython

You can run a "full" [Jupyter notebook]( server
with docker and try the example Notebooks use the command:

    docker run --rm -it graphblas/pygraphblas-notebook

Open up the URL printed on your terminal screen, typically something
liker `` and see the
following Notebooks:

 - [Introduction to GraphBLAS with Python](
 - [PageRank](
 - [Betweeness Centrality](
 - [K-Truss Subgraphs](
 - [Triangle Counting](
 - [Louvain Community Detection](
 - [RadiX-Net Topologies](
 - [User Defined Types](
 - [Log Semiring Type](
 - [Kronecker Power Graphs](

# Tests

To run the tests checkout pygraphblas and use:

    $ ./

# Summary

pygraphblas is a python extension that bridges [The GraphBLAS
API]( with the [Python](
programming language.  It uses the
[CFFI]( library to wrap the low
level GraphBLAS API and provides high level Matrix and Vector Python
types that make GraphBLAS simple and easy.

GraphBLAS is a sparse linear algebra API optimized for processing
graphs encoded as sparse matrices and vectors.  In addition to common
real/integer matrix algebra operations, GraphBLAS supports over a
thousand different [Semiring](
algebra operations, that can be used as basic building blocks to
implement a wide variety of graph algorithms. See
from Wikipedia for some specific examples.

pygraphblas leverages the expertise in the field of sparse matrix
programming by [The GraphBLAS Forum]( and uses
API implementation. SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS is brought to us by the work
of [Dr. Tim Davis](,
professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at
Texas A&M University.  [News and
information]( can provide
you with a lot more background information, in addition to the
references below.

While it is my goal to make it so that pygraphblas works with any
GraphBLAS implementation, it currently only works with SuiteSparse.
SuiteSparse is currently the only realistically usable GraphBLAS
implementation, and additionally it provides several "extension"
features and pre-packaged objects that are very useful for
pygraphblas.  If there is a GraphBLAS implementation you would like to
see support for in pygraphblas, please consider creating an issue for
it for discussion and/or sending me a pull request.

# Introduction to Graphs and Matrices

GraphBLAS uses matrices and Linear Algebra to represent graphs, as
described [in this mathmatical introduction to
by [Dr. Jeremy Kepner]( head and founder
of [MIT Lincoln Laboratory Supercomputing

There are two useful matrix representations of graphs: [Adjacency
Matrices]( and
[Incidence Matrices](
An Adjacency Matrix can hold a simple graph where a single edge joins
one source node to one destination:

![An example graph and adjacency matrix](../imgs/Adjacency.png)

On the left is a graph, and on the right, the adjacency matrix that
represents it. The matrix has a row and column for every node in the
graph.  If there is an edge going from node A to B, then there will be
a value present in the intersection of As row with Bs column.  How it
differs from many other matrix representations is that the matrix is
sparse, nothing is stored in computer memory where there are unused

Two Incidence Matrices are used to store a relationship between two
distinct sets of objects of nodes and edge elements.  

![An example graph and incidence matrix](../imgs/Projection.png)

Sparsity is important because one practical problem with
matrix-encoding graphs is that most real-world graphs tend to be
sparse, as above, only 7 of 36 possible elements have a value. Those
that have values tend to be scattered randomly across the matrix
(for "typical" graphs), so dense linear algebra libraries like BLAS or
numpy do not encode or operate on them efficiently, as the relevant
data is mostly empty memory with actual data elements spaced far
apart.  This wastes memory and CPU resources, and defeats CPU caching

For example, suppose a fictional social network has 1 billion users,
and each user has about 100 friends, which means there are about 100
billion (1e+11) connections in the graph.  A dense matrix large enough
to hold this graph would need (1 billion)^2 or
(1,000,000,000,000,000,000), a "quintillion" elements, but only 1e+11
of them would have meaningful values, leaving only 0.0000001th of the
matrix being utilized.

By using a sparse matrix instead of dense, only the elements used are
actually stored in memory. The parts of the matrix with no value are
*interpreted*, but not necessarily stored, as an identity value, which
may or may not be the actual number zero, but possibly other values
like positive or negative infinity depending on the particular
semiring operations applied to the matrix.

Semirings encapsulate different algebraic operations and identities
that can be used to multiply matrices and vectors.  Anyone who has
multiplied matrices has used at least one Semiring before, typically
referred to as "plus_times".  This is the common operation of
multiplying two matrices containing real numbers, the corresponding row
and column entries are multipled and the results are summed for the
final value.

# Using the API

The core idea of the GraphBLAS is the mathematical duality between a
graph and a `pygraphblas.Matrix`.  There are a few ways to contstruct
matricies, but a simple approach is to provide three lists of data,
the first are are lists of the row and column positions that define
the begining and end of a graph edge, and the third list is the weight
for that edge:

>>> import pygraphblas as gb
>>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
>>> J = [1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 0, 2, 5, 2, 2, 3, 4]
>>> V = [True] * len(I)
>>> M = gb.Matrix.from_lists(I, J, V)
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     t     t         |  0
  1|              t     t|  1
  2|                 t   |  2
  3|  t     t            |  3
  4|                 t   |  4
  5|        t            |  5
  6|        t  t  t      |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6

>>> from pygraphblas import gviz
>>> g = gviz.draw_graph(M, weights=False, 
...     filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_from_lists2')


>>> g = gviz.draw_matrix(M, scale=40, 
...     filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_from_lists_matrix')


GraphBLAS is a sparse [Linear
Algebra]( API optimized
for processing graphs encoded as sparse matrices and vectors.  In
addition to common real/integer `pygraphblas.Matrix` algebra
operations, GraphBLAS supports over a thousand different
[Semiring]( algebra operations,
that can be used as basic building blocks to implement a wide variety
of graph algorithms. See
from Wikipedia for some specific examples.

The core operation of Linear Algebra is [Matrix
In this GraphBLAS duality, this is an operation along the edges of a
graph from nodes to their adjacenct neighbors, taking one step in a
[Breadth First
Search]( across the

>>> v = gb.Vector.from_lists([0], [True], M.nrows)
>>> y = v @ M
>>> g = gviz.draw_matrix_op(v, '@', M, y, scale=40, labels=True, 
... column=False, filename='docs/imgs/bfs_step')


pygraphblas leverages the expertise in the field of sparse matrix
programming by [The GraphBLAS Forum]( and uses
API implementation. SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS is brought to us by the work
of [Dr. Tim Davis](,
professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at
Texas A&M University.  [News and
information]( can provide
you with a lot more background information.


from suitesparse_graphblas import lib, ffi, initialize, is_initialized

def init(blocking=False):
    initialize(blocking=blocking, memory_manager="c")

if not is_initialized():  # pragma: nocover

from .base import (


from . import _version

__version__ = _version.get_versions()["version"]

def get_version():  # pragma: nocover
    """Return the pygraphblas version."""
    return __version__

from .semiring import build_semirings
from .binaryop import build_binaryops, Accum, binary_op
from .unaryop import build_unaryops, unary_op
from .selectop import build_selectops, select_op
from .monoid import build_monoids
from .matrix import Matrix
from .vector import Vector
from .scalar import Scalar
from . import descriptor

__pdoc__ = {
    "base": False,
    "build": False,
    "unaryop": False,
    "binaryop": False,
    "monoid": False,
    "semiring": False,
    "matrix": False,
    "vector": False,
    "scalar": False,
    "types": False,
    "run_doctests": False,
    "descriptor": True,
    "selectop": True,


from .types import (

__all__ = [

"""Maximum key size for SuiteSparse, defaults to `2**60`."""

""" Tuple containing GxB_IMPLEMENTATION (MAJOR, MINOR, SUB) """

""" Tuple containing GxB_SPEC (MAJOR, MINOR, SUB) """

def run_doctests(raise_on_error=False):
    from . import matrix
    from . import vector
    from . import descriptor
    from . import base
    from . import unaryop
    from . import binaryop
    import sys, doctest

    this = sys.modules[__name__]
    for mod in (
            mod, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS, raise_on_error=raise_on_error

from . import _version

__version__ = _version.get_versions()["version"]


class Matrix (matrix, typ=None)

GraphBLAS Sparse Matrix

This is a high-level wrapper around the GrB_Matrix C type using the cffi library.

A Matrix supports many possible operations according to the GraphBLAS API. Many of those operations have overloaded operators.

Operator Description Default
A @ B Matrix Matrix Multiplication type default PLUS_TIMES semiring
v @ A Vector Matrix Multiplication type default PLUS_TIMES semiring
A @ v Matrix Vector Multiplication type default PLUS_TIMES semiring
A @= B In-place Matrix Matrix Multiplication type default PLUS_TIMES semiring
v @= A In-place Vector Matrix Multiplication type default PLUS_TIMES semiring
A @= v In-place Matrix Vector Multiplication type default PLUS_TIMES semiring
A | B Matrix Union type default SECOND combiner
A |= B In-place Matrix Union type default SECOND combiner
A & B Matrix Intersection type default SECOND combiner
A &= B In-place Matrix Intersection type default SECOND combiner
A + B Matrix Element-Wise Union type default PLUS combiner
A += B In-place Matrix Element-Wise Union type default PLUS combiner
A - B Matrix Element-Wise Union type default MINUS combiner
A -= B In-place Matrix Element-Wise Union type default MINUS combiner
A * B Matrix Element-Wise Intersection type default TIMES combiner
A *= B In-place Matrix Element-Wise Intersection type default TIMES combiner
A / B Matrix Element-Wise Intersection type default DIV combiner
A /= B In-place Matrix Element-Wise Intersection type default DIV combiner
A == B Compare Element-Wise Union type default EQ operator
A != B Compare Element-Wise Union type default NE operator
A < B Compare Element-Wise Union type default LT operator
A > B Compare Element-Wise Union type default GT operator
A <= B Compare Element-Wise Union type default LE operator
A >= B Compare Element-Wise Union type default GE operator

Note that all the above operator syntax is mearly sugar over various combinations of calling Matrix.mxm(), Matrix.mxv(), Vector.vxm(), Matrix.eadd(), and Matrix.emult().

Expand source code
class Matrix:
    """GraphBLAS Sparse Matrix

    This is a high-level wrapper around the GrB_Matrix C type using
    the [cffi]( library.

    A Matrix supports many possible operations according to the
    GraphBLAS API.  Many of those operations have overloaded

    Operator | Description | Default
    --- | --- | ---
    A @    B | Matrix Matrix Multiplication | type default PLUS_TIMES semiring
    v @    A | Vector Matrix Multiplication | type default PLUS_TIMES semiring
    A @    v | Matrix Vector Multiplication | type default PLUS_TIMES semiring
    A @=   B | In-place Matrix Matrix Multiplication | type default PLUS_TIMES semiring
    v @=   A | In-place Vector Matrix Multiplication | type default PLUS_TIMES semiring
    A @=   v | In-place Matrix Vector Multiplication | type default PLUS_TIMES semiring
    A \\|  B | Matrix Union | type default SECOND combiner
    A \\|= B | In-place Matrix Union | type default SECOND combiner
    A &    B | Matrix Intersection | type default SECOND combiner
    A &=   B | In-place Matrix Intersection | type default SECOND combiner
    A +    B | Matrix Element-Wise Union | type default PLUS combiner
    A +=   B | In-place Matrix Element-Wise Union | type default PLUS combiner
    A -    B | Matrix Element-Wise Union | type default MINUS combiner
    A -=   B | In-place Matrix Element-Wise Union | type default MINUS combiner
    A *    B | Matrix Element-Wise Intersection | type default TIMES combiner
    A *=   B | In-place Matrix Element-Wise Intersection | type default TIMES combiner
    A /    B | Matrix Element-Wise Intersection | type default DIV combiner
    A /=   B | In-place Matrix Element-Wise Intersection | type default DIV combiner
    A ==   B | Compare Element-Wise Union | type default EQ operator
    A !=   B | Compare Element-Wise Union | type default NE operator
    A <    B | Compare Element-Wise Union | type default LT operator
    A >    B | Compare Element-Wise Union | type default GT operator
    A <=   B | Compare Element-Wise Union | type default LE operator
    A >=   B | Compare Element-Wise Union | type default GE operator

    Note that all the above operator syntax is mearly sugar over
    various combinations of calling `Matrix.mxm`, `Matrix.mxv`,
    `pygraphblas.Vector.vxm`, `Matrix.eadd`, and `Matrix.emult`.


    __slots__ = ("_matrix", "type", "_funcs", "_keep_alives")

    def __init__(self, matrix, typ=None):
        if typ is None:
            new_type ="GrB_Type*")
            _check(self, lib.GxB_Matrix_type(new_type, matrix[0]))

            typ = types._gb_type_to_type(new_type[0])

        self._matrix = matrix
        self.type = typ
        """The type of the Matrix. 

        >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.INT8)
        >>> M.type == types.INT8
        self._keep_alives = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()

    def __del__(self):
        _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_free(self._matrix))

    def sparse(cls, typ, nrows=None, ncols=None, fill=None, mask=None):
        """Create an empty sparse Matrix from the given type.  The dimensions
        can be specified with `nrows` and `ncols`.  If no dimensions
        are specified, they default to `GxB_INDEX_MAX`.

        >>> m = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
        >>> m.nrows == lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
        >>> m.ncols == lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
        >>> m.nvals == 0

        Optional row and column dimension bounds can be provided to
        the method:

        >>> m = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8, 10, 10)
        >>> m.nrows == 10
        >>> m.ncols == 10
        >>> m.nvals == 0

        One of the Python types `(bool, int, float, complex)` can be
        passed instead.  They are turned into `(BOOL, INT64, FP64,
        FC64)` respectively:

        >>> Matrix.sparse(int)
        <Matrix(INT64, nvals: 0)>

        A sparse matrix can be "filled" with a starting value using
        the `fill` parameter and the `mask` parameter.  The `mask` is
        required otherwise `fill` is ignored.

        >>> mask = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL)
        >>> mask[1,1] = True
        >>> list(Matrix.sparse(float, fill=3.14, mask=mask))
        [(1, 1, 3.14)]

        If `mask` is provided but no `fill`, the `type.default_zero`
        value is used:

        >>> list(Matrix.sparse(float, mask=mask))
        [(1, 1, 0.0)]

        if nrows is None:
            nrows = lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
        if ncols is None:
            ncols = lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
        new_mat ="GrB_Matrix*")
        if not issubclass(typ, types.Type):
            typ = types._gb_from_type(typ)
        _base_check(lib.GrB_Matrix_new(new_mat, typ._gb_type, nrows, ncols))
        m = cls(new_mat, typ)
        if mask is not None:
            if fill is None:
                fill = m.type.default_zero
            m.assign_scalar(fill, mask=mask)
        return m

    def dense(cls, typ, nrows=None, ncols=None, fill=None, sparsity=None):
        """Return a dense Matrix nrows by ncols.

        If `sparsity` is provided it is used for the sparsity of the
        new matrix See the [SuiteSparse User
        for details.

        >>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|  0  0  0|  0
          1|  0  0  0|  1
          2|  0  0  0|  2
              0  1  2

        If a `fill` value is present, use that, otherwise use the
        `self.type.default_zero` attribute of the given type.

        >>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 3, 3, fill=1)
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|  1  1  1|  0
          1|  1  1  1|  1
          2|  1  1  1|  2
              0  1  2

        A dense matrix can be the maximum possible dimension, in which
        case it is an "iso" valued matrix.

        >>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8)
        >>> M.nrows == lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
        >>> M[42,42]

        if nrows is None:
            nrows = lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
        if ncols is None:
            ncols = lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
        assert nrows > 0 and ncols > 0, "dense matrix must be at least 1x1"
        m = cls.sparse(typ, nrows, ncols)
        if sparsity is not None:
            m.sparsity = sparsity
        if fill is None:
            fill = m.type.default_zero
        m[:, :] = fill
        return m

    def iso(cls, value, nrows=None, ncols=None):
        """Build a dense "iso" matrix from a scalar value.

        This is similar to `Matrix.dense` but infers the type of the
        new Matrix from the provided vbalue.

        >>> M = Matrix.iso(3)
        >>> assert M[42,42] == 3

        >>> M = Matrix.iso(3, 2, 2)
        >>> print(M)
              0  1
          0|  3  3|  0
          1|  3  3|  1
              0  1

        If you change an iso matrix, it is no longer stored as an iso
        object, and your matrix will grow in size.

        >>> M[1,1] = 2
        >>> print(M)
              0  1
          0|  3  3|  0
          1|  3  2|  1
              0  1

        if nrows is None:
            nrows = lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
        if ncols is None:
            ncols = lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
        typ = types._gb_from_type(type(value))
        return cls.dense(typ, nrows, ncols, value)

    def from_lists(cls, I, J, V=None, nrows=None, ncols=None, typ=None):
        """Create a new matrix from the given lists of row indices, column
        indices, and values.  If nrows or ncols are not provided, they
        are computed from the max values of the provides row and
        column indices lists.

        >>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
        >>> J = [1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 0, 2, 5, 2, 2, 3, 4]
        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists(I, J)
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6
          0|     t     t         |  0
          1|              t     t|  1
          2|                 t   |  2
          3|  t     t            |  3
          4|                 t   |  4
          5|        t            |  5
          6|        t  t  t      |  6
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6
        >>> from pygraphblas.gviz import draw_graph
        >>> draw_graph(M, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_from_lists')
        < object at ...>


        If the third argument is a scalar value instead of a list, it
        is used to construct an "iso" Matrix where all values equal
        that scalar.

        >>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
        >>> J = [1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 0, 2, 5, 2, 2, 3, 4]
        >>> V = True
        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists(I, J, V)
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6
          0|     t     t         |  0
          1|              t     t|  1
          2|                 t   |  2
          3|  t     t            |  3
          4|                 t   |  4
          5|        t            |  5
          6|        t  t  t      |  6
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6

        assert len(I) == len(J)
        if V is None:
            V = True
        if isinstance(V, (bool, int, float)):
            V_func = lambda i: V
            V_func = lambda i: V[i]
        if not nrows:
            nrows = max(I) + 1
        if not ncols:
            ncols = max(J) + 1
        # TODO use ffi and GrB_Matrix_build
        if typ is None:
            typ = types._gb_from_type(type(V_func(0)))
        m = cls.sparse(typ, nrows, ncols)
        for v_i, (i, j) in enumerate(zip(I, J)):
            m[i, j] = V_func(v_i)
        return m

    def from_diag(cls, v, k=0, desc=None):
        GxB_Matrix_diag constructs a matrix from a vector.  Let n be the length of
        the v vector, from GrB_Vector_size (&n, v).  If k = 0, then C is an n-by-n
        diagonal matrix with the entries from v along the main diagonal of C, with
        C(i,i) = v(i).  If k is nonzero, C is square with dimension n+abs(k).  If k
        is positive, it denotes diagonals above the main diagonal, with C(i,i+k) =
        v(i).  If k is negative, it denotes diagonals below the main diagonal of C,
        with C(i-k,i) = v(i).  This behavior is identical to the MATLAB statement
        C = diag(v,k), where v is a vector, except that GxB_Matrix_diag can also
        do typecasting.

        >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
        >>> print(Matrix.from_diag(v))
              0  1  2
          0|  1      |  0
          1|     2   |  1
          2|        3|  2
              0  1  2
        >>> print(Matrix.from_diag(v, 1))
              0  1  2  3
          0|     1      |  0
          1|        2   |  1
          2|           3|  2
          3|            |  3
              0  1  2  3
        >>> print(Matrix.from_diag(v, -1))
              0  1  2  3
          0|            |  0
          1|  1         |  1
          2|     2      |  2
          3|        3   |  3
              0  1  2  3
        l = v.size + abs(k)
        C = cls.sparse(v.type, l, l)
        if desc is None:  # pragma: nocover
            desc = current_desc.get(NULL)
        if desc is not NULL:  # pragma: nocover
            desc = desc.get_desc()
        _check(C, lib.GxB_Matrix_diag(C._matrix[0], v._vector[0], k, desc))
        return C

    def from_mm(cls, mm_file):
        """Create a new matrix by reading a Matrix Market file.

        >>> from pathlib import Path
        >>> M = Matrix.from_mm(Path('docs/'))
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6
          0|     0     1         |  0
          1|              2     3|  1
          2|                 4   |  2
          3|  5     6            |  3
          4|                 7   |  4
          5|        8            |  5
          6|        9 10 11      |  6
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6

        from mmparse import mmread, get_mm_type_converter

        with mmread(mm_file) as f:
            header, row_iter = f
            mm_type = header["mm_type"]
            nrows = header["nrows"]
            ncols = header["ncols"]
            symmetric = header["mm_storage"] == "symmetric"
            typ = get_mm_type_converter(mm_type)
            m = cls.sparse(typ, nrows, ncols)
            for l, i, j, v in row_iter:
                m[i, j] = v
                if symmetric:
                    m[j, i] = v
            return m

    def from_tsv(cls, tsv_file, typ, nrows, ncols, **kwargs):
        """Create a new matrix by reading a tab separated value file.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_tsv(Path('docs/test_tsvfile.tsv'), types.INT32, 7, 7)
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6
          0|     0     1         |  0
          1|              2     3|  1
          2|                 4   |  2
          3|  5     6            |  3
          4|                 7   |  4
          5|        8            |  5
          6|        9 10 11      |  6
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6

        kwargs["delimiter"] = "\t"
        return cls.from_csv(tsv_file, typ, nrows, ncols, **kwargs)

    def from_csv(
        cls, csv_file, typ, nrows, ncols, one_based=True, **reader_kwargs
    ):  # pragma: nocover
        """Create a new matrix by reading a comma separated value file.

        kwargs to this function are passed to the underlying
        `csv.Reader` object, so you can control various options like
        quoting and alternate delimiters that way.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_csv(Path('docs/test_tsvfile.tsv'), types.INT32, 7, 7, delimiter='\\t')
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6
          0|     0     1         |  0
          1|              2     3|  1
          2|                 4   |  2
          3|  5     6            |  3
          4|                 7   |  4
          5|        8            |  5
          6|        9 10 11      |  6
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6

        import csv

        if typ is types.BOOL:
            convert = bool
        elif typ in (
            convert = int
        elif typ in (types.FP32, types.FP64):
            convert = float
        elif typ in (types.FC32, types.FC64):
            convert = complex

        M = cls.sparse(typ, nrows, ncols)
        with open(csv_file, newline="") as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f, **reader_kwargs)
            for row in reader:
                if len(row) > 3:
                    raise TypeError("File can contain only 3 columns: row, col and val")
                i, j, v = row
                i = int(i)
                j = int(j)
                if one_based:
                    i = i - 1
                    j = j - 1
                M[i, j] = convert(v)
        return M

    def binread(cls, bin_file,  # pragma: nocover
        """Create a new matrix by reading a SuiteSparse specific binary file."""
        from import binary

        matrix = binary.binread(bin_file, opener)
        return cls(matrix)

    from_binfile = binread

    def random(
    ):  # pragma: nocover
        """Create a new random Matrix of the given type, number of rows,
        columns and values.  Other flags set additional properties the
        matrix will hold.

        >>> from .gviz import draw_graph
        >>> M = Matrix.random(types.UINT8, 20, 5, 5,
        ...                   make_symmetric=True, no_diagonal=True, seed=42)
        >>> draw_graph(M, filename='../docs/imgs/Matrix_random')
        < object at ...>


        M = Matrix.sparse(typ, nrows, ncols)
        if seed is not None:
        if typ in (types.BOOL, types.UINT8, types.UINT16, types.UINT32, types.UINT64):
            make_skew_symmetric = False
        if M.nrows == 0 or M.ncols == 0:
            nvals = 0
        if M.nrows != M.ncols:
            make_symmetric = False
            make_skew_symmetric = False
            make_hermitian = False
        if make_pattern or make_symmetric:
            make_skew_symmetric = False
            make_hermitian = False
        if make_skew_symmetric:
            make_hermitian = False
            no_diagonal = true
        if typ not in (types.FC32, types.FC64):
            make_hermitian = False
        if typ is types.BOOL:
            f = partial(random.randint, 0, 1)
        if typ is types.UINT8:
            f = partial(random.randint, 0, (2 ** 8) - 1)
        if typ is types.UINT16:
            f = partial(random.randint, 0, (2 ** 16) - 1)
        if typ is types.UINT32:
            f = partial(random.randint, 0, (2 ** 32) - 1)
        if typ is types.UINT64:
            f = partial(random.randint, 0, (2 ** 64) - 1)
        if typ is types.INT8:
            f = partial(random.randint, (-(2 ** 7)) + 1, (2 ** 7) - 1)
        if typ is types.INT16:
            f = partial(random.randint, (-(2 ** 15)) + 1, (2 ** 15) - 1)
        if typ is types.INT32:
            f = partial(random.randint, (-(2 ** 31)) + 1, (2 ** 31) - 1)
        if typ is types.INT64:
            f = partial(random.randint, (-(2 ** 63)) + 1, (2 ** 63) - 1)
        if typ in (types.FP32, types.FP64):
            f = random.random
        if typ in (types.FC32, types.FC64):
            f = lambda: complex(random.random(), random.random())
        for i in range(nvals):
            i = random.randint(0, M.nrows - 1)
            j = random.randint(0, M.ncols - 1)
            M[i, j] = f()
        return M

    def identity(cls, typ, nrows, value=None):
        """Return a new square identity Matrix of nrows with diagonal set to

        If one is None, use the default `Type.default_one` value.

        >>> M = Matrix.identity(types.UINT8, 3, value=42)
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0| 42      |  0
          1|    42   |  1
          2|       42|  2
              0  1  2

        result = cls.sparse(typ, nrows, nrows)
        if value is None:
            value = result.type.default_one
        for i in range(nrows):
            result[i, i] = value
        return result

    def ssget(cls, name_or_id=None, binary_cache_dir=None):  # pragma: nocover
        """Load a matrix from the [SuiteSparse Matrix Market](

        See [the ssgetpy
        library]( for search

        >>> from pprint import pprint
        >>> from operator import itemgetter
        >>> pprint(sorted(list(Matrix.ssget('Newman/karate')), key=itemgetter(0)))
        [('karate.mtx', <Matrix(BOOL, shape: (34, 34), nvals: 156)>)]

        import ssgetpy

        results = []
        result =[0]
        mm_path, _ =
        mm_path = Path(mm_path)
        for m in mm_path.glob("*.mtx"):
            Mbin = mm_path / ( + ".grb")
            if binary_cache_dir and Mbin.exists():
                M = cls.from_binfile(Mbin)
                M = cls.from_mm(mm_path / m)
                if binary_cache_dir:
            yield, M

    def gb_type(self):
        """Return the GraphBLAS low-level type object of the Matrix.  This is
        only used if interacting with the low level API.

        >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.INT8)
        >>> M.gb_type == lib.GrB_INT8

        new_type ="GrB_Type*")
        _check(self, lib.GxB_Matrix_type(new_type, self._matrix[0]))
        return new_type[0]

    def nrows(self):
        """Return the number of Matrix rows.

        >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
        >>> M.nrows

        n ="GrB_Index*")
        _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_nrows(n, self._matrix[0]))
        return n[0]

    def ncols(self):
        """Return the number of Matrix columns.

        >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
        >>> M.ncols

        n ="GrB_Index*")
        _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_ncols(n, self._matrix[0]))
        return n[0]

    def shape(self):
        """Numpy-like description of matrix shape as 2-tuple (nrows, ncols).

        >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
        >>> M.shape
        (3, 3)

        return (self.nrows, self.ncols)

    def square(self):
        """True if Matrix is square, else False.

        >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
        >>> M.square
        >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8, 3, 4)
        >>> M.square

        return self.nrows == self.ncols

    def nvals(self):
        """Return the number of values stored in the Matrix.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
        >>> M.nvals

        n ="GrB_Index*")
        _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_nvals(n, self._matrix[0]))
        return n[0]

    def memory_usage(self):
        """Returns the memory usage of the Matrix.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
        >>> assert M.memory_usage > 0
        n ="size_t*")
        _check(self, lib.GxB_Matrix_memoryUsage(n, self._matrix[0]))
        return n[0]

    def T(self):
        """Compute transpose of the Matrix.  See `Matrix.transpose`.

        Note: This property can be expensive, if you need the
        transpose more than once, consider storing this in a local

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
        >>> MT = M.T
        >>> MT.iseq(M.transpose())

        return self.transpose()

    def M(self):
        """Return the structural "mask" pattern of this matrix.  See

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 142])
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|    42   |  0
          1|      314|  1
          2|142      |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> print(M.M)
              0  1  2
          0|     t   |  0
          1|        t|  1
          2|  t      |  2
              0  1  2

        return self.pattern()

    def dup(self, clear=False):
        """Create an duplicate Matrix.

        If `clear` is true return an empty duplicate.

        >>> A = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
        >>> A[1,1] = 42
        >>> B = A.dup()
        >>> B[1,1]
        >>> B is not A
        >>> C = A.dup(True)
        >>> assert not C

        if clear:
            return self.__class__.sparse(self.type, self.nrows, self.ncols)
        new_mat ="GrB_Matrix*")
        _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_dup(new_mat, self._matrix[0]))
        return self.__class__(new_mat, self.type)

    def hyper_switch(self):
        """Get the hyper_switch threshold. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)

        >>> A = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
        >>> hs = A.hyper_switch
        >>> 0 < hs < 1

        switch ="double*")
            lib.GxB_Matrix_Option_get(self._matrix[0], lib.GxB_HYPER_SWITCH, switch),
        return switch[0]

    def hyper_switch(self, switch):
        """Set the hyper_switch threshold. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)

        >>> A = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
        >>> A.hyper_switch = 0.5
        >>> hs = A.hyper_switch
        >>> hs == 0.5

        switch = ffi.cast("double", switch)
            lib.GxB_Matrix_Option_set(self._matrix[0], lib.GxB_HYPER_SWITCH, switch),

    def format(self):
        """Get Matrix format. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)

        >>> A = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
        >>> A.format == lib.GxB_BY_ROW

        format ="GxB_Format_Value*")
        _check(self, lib.GxB_Matrix_Option_get(self._matrix[0], lib.GxB_FORMAT, format))
        return format[0]

    def format(self, format):
        """Set Matrix format. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)

        >>> A = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
        >>> A.format = lib.GxB_BY_COL
        >>> A.format == lib.GxB_BY_COL

        format = ffi.cast("GxB_Format_Value", format)
        _check(self, lib.GxB_Matrix_Option_set(self._matrix[0], lib.GxB_FORMAT, format))

    def sparsity(self):
        """Get Matrix sparsity control. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)

        >>> A = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
        >>> A.sparsity == lib.GxB_AUTO_SPARSITY

        sparsity ="int*")
                self._matrix[0], lib.GxB_SPARSITY_CONTROL, sparsity
        return sparsity[0]

    def sparsity(self, sparsity):
        """Set Matrix sparsity control. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)

        >>> A = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
        >>> A.sparsity = lib.GxB_FULL + lib.GxB_BITMAP
        >>> A.sparsity == lib.GxB_FULL + lib.GxB_BITMAP

        sparsity = ffi.cast("int", sparsity)
                self._matrix[0], lib.GxB_SPARSITY_CONTROL, sparsity

    def sparsity_status(self):
        """Set Matrix sparsity status. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)

        >>> A = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
        >>> A.sparsity_status in [1,2,4,8]

        status ="int*")
            lib.GxB_Matrix_Option_get(self._matrix[0], lib.GxB_SPARSITY_STATUS, status),
        return status[0]

    def pattern(self, typ=types.BOOL, out=None):
        """Return the pattern of the matrix where every present value in this
        matrix is set to identity value for the provided type which
        defaults to BOOL.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 142])
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|    42   |  0
          1|      314|  1
          2|142      |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> P = M.pattern()
        >>> print(P)
              0  1  2
          0|     t   |  0
          1|        t|  1
          2|  t      |  2
              0  1  2

        Pre-constructed matrix can be passed as the `out` parameter:

        >>> C = Matrix.dense(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
        >>> P = M.pattern(out=C)
        >>> print(C)
              0  1  2
          0|     t   |  0
          1|        t|  1
          2|  t      |  2
              0  1  2


        if out is None:
            out = Matrix.sparse(typ, self.nrows, self.ncols)
        return self.apply(typ.ONE, out=out)

    def S(self):
        """Return the vector "structure".  This is the same as calling
        `Matrix.pattern()` with no arguments.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
        >>> assert M.S == M.pattern()

        return self.pattern()

    def binwrite(self, filename, comments="",  # pragma: nocover
        """Write this matrix using custom SuiteSparse binary format."""
        from import binary

        binary.binwrite(self._matrix, filename, comments, opener)

    to_binfile = binwrite

    def to_lists(self):
        """Extract the rows, columns and values of the Matrix as 3 lists.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
        >>> M.to_lists()
        [[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224]]

        I ="GrB_Index[%s]" % self.nvals)
        J ="GrB_Index[%s]" % self.nvals)
        V = + "[%s]" % self.nvals)
        n ="GrB_Index*")
        n[0] = self.nvals
        _check(self, self.type._Matrix_extractTuples(I, J, V, n, self._matrix[0]))
        return [list(I), list(J), list(map(self.type._to_value, V))]

    def clear(self):
        """Clear the matrix.  This does not change the size but removes all

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
        >>> M.nvals == 3
        >>> M.clear()
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|         |  0
          1|         |  1
          2|         |  2
              0  1  2

        _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_clear(self._matrix[0]))

    def resize(self, nrows=GxB_INDEX_MAX, ncols=GxB_INDEX_MAX):
        """Resize the matrix.  If the dimensions decrease, entries that fall
        outside the resized matrix are deleted.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 149])
        >>> M.shape
        (3, 3)
        >>> M.resize(10, 10)
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
          0|    42                        |  0
          1|      314                     |  1
          2|149                           |  2
          3|                              |  3
          4|                              |  4
          5|                              |  5
          6|                              |  6
          7|                              |  7
          8|                              |  8
          9|                              |  9
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

        _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_resize(self._matrix[0], nrows, ncols))

    def transpose(self, cast=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        """Return Transpose of this matrix.

        This function can serve multiple interesting purposes
        including typecasting.  See the [SuiteSparse User

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 149])
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|    42   |  0
          1|      314|  1
          2|149      |  2
              0  1  2

        >>> MT = M.transpose()
        >>> print(MT)
              0  1  2
          0|      149|  0
          1| 42      |  1
          2|   314   |  2
              0  1  2

        >>> MT = M.transpose(cast=types.BOOL, desc=descriptor.T0)
        >>> print(MT)
              0  1  2
          0|     t   |  0
          1|        t|  1
          2|  t      |  2
              0  1  2

        >>> N = M.dup(True)
        >>> MT = M.transpose(desc=descriptor.T0, out=N)
        >>> print(MT)
              0  1  2
          0|    42   |  0
          1|      314|  1
          2|149      |  2
              0  1  2

        if out is None:
            new_dimensions = (
                (self.nrows, self.ncols)
                if T0 in (desc or ())
                else (self.ncols, self.nrows)
            _out ="GrB_Matrix*")
            if cast is not None:
                typ = cast
                typ = self.type
            _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_new(_out, typ._gb_type, *new_dimensions))
            out = self.__class__(_out, typ)
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
            self, lib.GrB_transpose(out._matrix[0], mask, accum, self._matrix[0], desc)
        return out

    def cast(self, cast, out=None):
        """Cast this matrix to the provided type.  If out is not provided, a
        new matrix is of the cast type is created.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 149])
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|    42   |  0
          1|      314|  1
          2|149      |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> N = M.cast(types.FP32)
        >>> print(N.to_string(width=5, prec=4))
                  0    1    2
            0|      42.0     |  0
            1|          314.0|  1
            2|149.0          |  2
                  0    1    2

        >>> N = M.cast(types.FP64)
        >>> print(N.to_string(width=5, prec=4))
                  0    1    2
            0|      42.0     |  0
            1|          314.0|  1
            2|149.0          |  2
                  0    1    2

        >>> N = M.cast(types.INT64)
        >>> print(N.to_string(width=5, prec=4))
                  0    1    2
            0|        42     |  0
            1|            314|  1
            2|  149          |  2
                  0    1    2

        if out is None and self.type == cast:
            return self
        return self.transpose(cast, out, desc=T0)

    def eadd(
        """Element-wise addition with other matrix

        Element-wise addition takes the set union of the patterns of A
        and B and applies a binary operator for all entries that
        appear in the set intersection of the patterns of A and B.
        The default operators is the `PLUS` binary operator of the
        output type.

        The only difference between element-wise multiplication and
        addition is the pattern of the result, and what happens to
        entries outside the intersection. With multiplication the
        pattern of T is the intersection; with addition it is the set
        union. Entries outside the set intersection are dropped for
        multiplication, and kept for addition; in both cases the
        operator is only applied to those (and only those) entries in
        the intersection. Any binary operator can be used
        interchangeably for either operation.

        >>> from .gviz import draw_graph
        >>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
        >>> J = [1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 0, 2, 5, 2, 2, 3, 4]
        >>> V = list(range(len(I)))
        >>> A = Matrix.from_lists(I, J, V, 7, 7)
        >>> draw_graph(A, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_eadd_A')
        < object at ...>


        >>> B = Matrix.from_lists(
        ...    [0, 1, 4, 6],
        ...    [1, 3, 5, 5],
        ...    [9, 1, 4, 7], 7, 7)
        >>> draw_graph(B, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_eadd_B')
        < object at ...>


        >>> draw_graph(A.eadd(B), filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_eadd_C')
        < object at ...>
        >>> print(A.eadd(B))
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6
          0|     9     1         |  0
          1|           1  2     3|  1
          2|                 4   |  2
          3|  5     6            |  3
          4|                11   |  4
          5|        8            |  5
          6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6


        This can also be accomplished with the `+` operators:

        >>> print(A + B)
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6
          0|     9     1         |  0
          1|           1  2     3|  1
          2|                 4   |  2
          3|  5     6            |  3
          4|                11   |  4
          5|        8            |  5
          6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6

        The combining operator used can be provided either as a
        context manager or passed to `mxv` as the `add_op` argument.

        >>> with types.INT64.MIN:
        ...     print(A + B)
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6
          0|     0     1         |  0
          1|           1  2     3|  1
          2|                 4   |  2
          3|  5     6            |  3
          4|                 4   |  4
          5|        8            |  5
          6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6

        `eadd` is also called when a monoid is used by name as an
        attribute of an object:

        >>> print(A.min_monoid(B))
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6
          0|     0     1         |  0
          1|           1  2     3|  1
          2|                 4   |  2
          3|  5     6            |  3
          4|                 4   |  4
          5|        8            |  5
          6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6

        >>> print(A.eadd(B, A.type.min_plus))
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6
          0|     0     1         |  0
          1|           1  2     3|  1
          2|                 4   |  2
          3|  5     6            |  3
          4|                 4   |  4
          5|        8            |  5
          6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6

        The following operators default to use `eadd`:

        Operator | Description | Default
        --- | --- | ---
        A \\|  B | Matrix Union | type default SECOND combiner
        A \\|= B | In-place Matrix Union | type default SECOND combiner
        A +    B | Matrix Element-Wise Union | type default PLUS combiner
        A +=   B | In-place Matrix Element-Wise Union | type default PLUS combiner
        A -    B | Matrix Element-Wise Union | type default MINUS combiner
        A -=   B | In-place Matrix Element-Wise Union | type default MINUS combiner

        func = lib.GrB_Matrix_eWiseAdd_BinaryOp
        if add_op is None:
            add_op = current_binop.get(NULL)
        elif isinstance(add_op, Monoid):
            func = lib.GrB_Matrix_eWiseAdd_Monoid
        elif isinstance(add_op, Semiring):
            func = lib.GrB_Matrix_eWiseAdd_Semiring

        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)

        if out is None:
            typ = cast or types.promote(self.type, other.type)
            _out ="GrB_Matrix*")
            _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_new(_out, typ._gb_type, self.nrows, self.ncols))
            out = Matrix(_out, typ)

        if add_op is NULL:
            add_op = out.type._default_addop()

        return out

    union = eadd

    def emult(
        """Element-wise multiplication with other matrix.

        Element-wise multiplication applies a binary operator
        element-wise on two matrices A and B, for all entries that
        appear in the set intersection of the patterns of A and B.
        Other operators other than addition can be used.

        The pattern of the result of the element-wise multiplication
        is exactly this set intersection. Entries in A but not B, or
        visa versa, do not appear in the result.

        The only difference between element-wise multiplication and
        addition is the pattern of the result, and what happens to
        entries outside the intersection. With multiplication the
        pattern of T is the intersection; with addition it is the set
        union. Entries outside the set intersection are dropped for
        multiplication, and kept for addition; in both cases the
        operator is only applied to those (and only those) entries in
        the intersection. Any binary operator can be used
        interchangeably for either operation.

        >>> from .gviz import draw_graph
        >>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
        >>> J = [1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 0, 2, 5, 2, 2, 3, 4]
        >>> V = list(range(len(I)))
        >>> A = Matrix.from_lists(I, J, V, 7, 7)
        >>> draw_graph(A, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_emult_A')
        < object at ...>


        >>> B = Matrix.from_lists(
        ...    [0, 1, 1, 6, 6],
        ...    [1, 4, 6, 3, 5],
        ...    [9, 1, 4, 7, 11], 7, 7)
        >>> draw_graph(B, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_emult_B')
        < object at ...>


        >>> draw_graph(A.emult(B), filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_emult_C')
        < object at ...>
        >>> print(A.emult(B))
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6
          0|     0               |  0
          1|              2    12|  1
          2|                     |  2
          3|                     |  3
          4|                     |  4
          5|                     |  5
          6|          70         |  6
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6


        This can also be accomplished with the `+` operators:

        >>> print(A * B)
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6
          0|     0               |  0
          1|              2    12|  1
          2|                     |  2
          3|                     |  3
          4|                     |  4
          5|                     |  5
          6|          70         |  6
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6

        The combining operator used can be provided either as a
        context manager or passed to `mxv` as the `add_op` argument.

        >>> with types.INT64.MIN:
        ...     print(A * B)
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6
          0|     0               |  0
          1|              1     3|  1
          2|                     |  2
          3|                     |  3
          4|                     |  4
          5|                     |  5
          6|           7         |  6
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6

        `emult` is also called when a binary operator is accessed by
        name as an attribute of an object:

        >>> print(A.min(B))
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6
          0|     0               |  0
          1|              1     3|  1
          2|                     |  2
          3|                     |  3
          4|                     |  4
          5|                     |  5
          6|           7         |  6
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6

        The following operators default to using `emult`:

        Operator | Description | Default
        --- | --- | ---
        A &    B | Matrix Intersection | type default SECOND combiner
        A &=   B | In-place Matrix Intersection | type default SECOND combiner
        A *    B | Matrix Element-Wise Intersection | type default TIMES combiner
        A *=   B | In-place Matrix Element-Wise Intersection | type default TIMES combiner
        A /    B | Matrix Element-Wise Intersection | type default DIV combiner
        A /=   B | In-place Matrix Element-Wise Intersection | type default DIV combiner

        if mult_op is None:
            mult_op = current_binop.get(NULL)
        elif isinstance(mult_op, str):
            mult_op = _get_bin_op(mult_op, self.type)

        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        if out is None:
            typ = cast or types.promote(self.type, other.type)
            _out ="GrB_Matrix*")
            _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_new(_out, typ._gb_type, self.nrows, self.ncols))
            out = Matrix(_out, typ)

        if mult_op is NULL:
            mult_op = out.type._default_multop()
        mult_op = mult_op.get_op()
        return out

    intersection = emult

    def all(self, other, op):
        """Do all elements in self compare True with op to other?

        >>> from . import INT64
        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 3])
        >>> N = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 3])
        >>> assert M.all(N, INT64.EQ)
        >>> assert not M.all(N, INT64.GT)

        if self.shape != other.shape:
            return False
        if self.nvals != other.nvals:
            return False
        C = self.emult(other, op, cast=types.BOOL)
        if C.nvals != self.nvals:
            return False
        return C.reduce_bool(types.BOOL.land_monoid)

    def iseq(self, other):
        """Compare two matrices for equality returning True or False.

        Not to be confused with `==` which will return a matrix of
        BOOL values comparing *elements* for equality.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
        >>> N = M.dup()
        >>> M.iseq(N)
        >>> del N[0, 1]
        >>> M.iseq(N)

        if self.type != other.type:
            return False
        return self.all(other, self.type.EQ)

    def isne(self, other):
        """Compare two matrices for inequality.  See `Matrix.iseq`."""
        return not self.iseq(other)

    def __iter__(self):
        """Iterate over the (row, col, value) triples of the Matrix.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
        >>> sorted(list(iter(M)))
        [(0, 1, 42), (1, 2, 314), (2, 0, 4224)]

        nvals = self.nvals
        _nvals ="GrB_Index[1]", [nvals])
        I ="GrB_Index[%s]" % nvals)
        J ="GrB_Index[%s]" % nvals)
        X ="%s[%s]" % (self.type._c_type, nvals))
        _check(self, self.type._Matrix_extractTuples(I, J, X, _nvals, self._matrix[0]))
        return zip(I, J, map(self.type._to_value, X))

    def to_arrays(self):
        """Convert Matrix to tuple of three dense
        [array](https:/ objects.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
        >>> M.to_arrays()
        (array('L', [0, 1, 2]), array('L', [1, 2, 0]), array('q', [42, 314, 4224]))

        if self.type._typecode is None:
            raise TypeError("This matrix has no array typecode.")
        nvals = self.nvals
        _nvals ="GrB_Index[1]", [nvals])
        I ="GrB_Index[%s]" % nvals)
        J ="GrB_Index[%s]" % nvals)
        X ="%s[%s]" % (self.type._c_type, nvals))
        _check(self, self.type._Matrix_extractTuples(I, J, X, _nvals, self._matrix[0]))
        return array("L", I), array("L", J), array(self.type._typecode, X)

    def rows(self):
        """An cffi cdata array of row indexes present in the matrix.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
        >>> list(M.rows)
        [0, 1, 2]

        nvals = self.nvals
        _nvals ="GrB_Index[1]", [nvals])
        I ="GrB_Index[%s]" % nvals)
        J = NULL
        X = NULL
        _check(self, self.type._Matrix_extractTuples(I, J, X, _nvals, self._matrix[0]))
        return I

    def I(self):
        """Iterator over `Matrix.rows`.
        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
        >>> list(M.I)
        [0, 1, 2]

        return iter(self.rows)

    def npI(self):
        """numpy array from `Matrix.rows`.
        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
        >>> M.npI
        array([0, 1, 2], dtype=uint64)

        return np.frombuffer(ffi.buffer(self.rows), dtype=np.uint64)

    def cols(self):
        """An cdata array of column indexes present in the matrix.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
        >>> list(M.cols)
        [1, 2, 0]

        nvals = self.nvals
        _nvals ="GrB_Index[1]", [nvals])
        I = NULL
        J ="GrB_Index[%s]" % nvals)
        X = NULL
        _check(self, self.type._Matrix_extractTuples(I, J, X, _nvals, self._matrix[0]))
        return J

    def J(self):
        """Iterator over `Matrix.cols`.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
        >>> list(M.J)
        [1, 2, 0]

        return iter(self.cols)

    def npJ(self):
        """numpy array from `Matrix.cols`.
        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
        >>> M.npJ
        array([1, 2, 0], dtype=uint64)

        return np.frombuffer(ffi.buffer(self.cols), dtype=np.uint64)

    def vals(self):
        """An cdata array of values present in the matrix.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
        >>> list(M.vals)
        [42, 314, 4224]

        nvals = self.nvals
        _nvals ="GrB_Index[1]", [nvals])
        I = NULL
        J = NULL
        V ="%s[%s]" % (self.type._c_type, nvals))
        _check(self, self.type._Matrix_extractTuples(I, J, V, _nvals, self._matrix[0]))
        return V

    def V(self):
        """Iterator over `Matrix.vals`.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
        >>> list(M.V)
        [42, 314, 4224]

        return iter(self.vals)

    def npV(self):
        """numpy array from `Matrix.vals`.
        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
        >>> M.npV
        array([  42,  314, 4224])

        return np.frombuffer(ffi.buffer(self.vals), dtype=self.type._numpy_t)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """Look up operators as attributes for the given object."""
            attr = getattr(self.type, name)
        except AttributeError:  # pragma: nocover
            raise AttributeError(f"Matrix has no attribute or type operator {name}")
        return partial(attr, self)

    def __len__(self):
        """Return the number of elements in the Matrix.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
        >>> len(M)

        return self.nvals

    def __and__(self, other):
        op = current_binop.get(self.type.SECOND)
        return self.emult(other, op)

    def __iand__(self, other):
        op = current_binop.get(self.type.SECOND)
        return self.emult(other, op, out=self)

    def __or__(self, other):
        op = current_binop.get(self.type.SECOND)
        return self.eadd(other, op)

    def __ior__(self, other):
        op = current_binop.get(self.type.SECOND)
        return self.eadd(other, op, out=self)

    def __add__(self, other):
        op = current_binop.get(self.type.PLUS)
        if not isinstance(other, Matrix):
            return self.apply_second(op, other)
        return self.eadd(other, op)

    def __radd__(self, other):
        op = current_binop.get(self.type.PLUS)
        if not isinstance(other, Matrix):
            return self.apply_first(other, op)
        return other.eadd(self, op)  # pragma: nocover

    def __iadd__(self, other):
        op = current_binop.get(self.type.PLUS)
        if not isinstance(other, Matrix):
            return self.apply_second(op, other, out=self)
        return self.eadd(other, op, out=self)

    def __sub__(self, other):
        op = current_binop.get(self.type.MINUS)
        if not isinstance(other, Matrix):
            return self.apply_second(op, other)
        return self.eadd(other, op)

    def __rsub__(self, other):
        op = current_binop.get(self.type.MINUS)
        if not isinstance(other, Matrix):
            return self.apply_first(other, op)
        return other.eadd(self, op)  # pragma: nocover

    def __isub__(self, other):
        op = current_binop.get(self.type.MINUS)
        if not isinstance(other, Matrix):
            return self.apply_second(op, other, out=self)
        return other.eadd(self, op, out=self)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        op = current_binop.get(self.type.TIMES)
        if not isinstance(other, Matrix):
            return self.apply_second(op, other)
        return self.emult(other, op)

    def __rmul__(self, other):
        op = current_binop.get(self.type.TIMES)
        if not isinstance(other, Matrix):
            return self.apply_first(other, op)
        return other.emult(self, op)  # pragma: nocover

    def __imul__(self, other):
        op = current_binop.get(self.type.TIMES)
        if not isinstance(other, Matrix):
            return self.apply_second(op, other)
        return other.emult(self, op, out=self)

    def __truediv__(self, other):
        op = current_binop.get(self.type.DIV)
        if not isinstance(other, Matrix):
            return self.apply_second(op, other)
        return self.emult(other, op)

    def __rtruediv__(self, other):
        op = current_binop.get(self.type.DIV)
        if not isinstance(other, Matrix):
            return self.apply_first(other, op)
        return other.emult(self, op)  # pragma: nocover

    def __itruediv__(self, other):
        op = current_binop.get(self.type.DIV)
        if not isinstance(other, Matrix):
            return self.apply_second(op, other)
        return other.emult(self, op, out=self)

    def __invert__(self):
        return self.apply(self.type.MINV)

    def __neg__(self):
        return self.apply(self.type.AINV)

    def __abs__(self):
        return self.apply(self.type.ABS)

    def __pow__(self, exponent):
        if exponent == 0:
            return self.__class__.identity(self.type, self.nrows)
        if exponent == 1:
            return self
        result = self.dup()
        for i in range(1, exponent):
            result.mxm(self, out=result)
        return result

    def kronpow(self, exponent):
        """Do "Kronecker Power" expansion.  This is useful for graph
        generation through expanding patterns.  And it draws pretty

        >>> from .gviz import draw_matrix
        >>> initiator = Matrix.from_lists([0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [0.77, 0.88, 0.99])
        >>> initiator.kronpow(0).iseq(Matrix.identity(types.FP64, 2))
        >>> initiator.kronpow(1).iseq(initiator)
        >>> M = initiator.kronpow(3)
        >>> g = draw_matrix(M, scale=40,
        ...     filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_kronpow')


        if exponent == 0:
            return self.__class__.identity(self.type, self.nrows)
        if exponent == 1:
            return self
        result = self.dup()
        for i in range(1, exponent):
            result = result.kronecker(result)
        return result

    def reduce_bool(self, mon=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        """Reduce matrix to a boolean.

        >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.INT8)
        >>> M.reduce_bool()
        >>> M[0,1] = True
        >>> M.reduce_bool()

        >>> M.reduce_bool(types.BOOL.LOR_MONOID)
        if mon is None:
            mon = current_monoid.get(types.BOOL.LOR_MONOID)
        mon = mon.get_op()
        result ="_Bool*")
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
            self, lib.GrB_Matrix_reduce_BOOL(result, accum, mon, self._matrix[0], desc)
        return result[0]

    def reduce_int(self, mon=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        """Reduce matrix to an integer.

        >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.INT8)
        >>> M.reduce_int()
        >>> M[0,1] = 42
        >>> M[0,2] = 42
        >>> M.reduce_int()
        >>> M.reduce_int(types.INT8.MIN_MONOID)

        if mon is None:
            mon = current_monoid.get(types.INT64.PLUS_MONOID)
        mon = mon.get_op()
        result ="int64_t*")
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
            self, lib.GrB_Matrix_reduce_INT64(result, accum, mon, self._matrix[0], desc)
        return result[0]

    def reduce_float(self, mon=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        """Reduce matrix to an float.

        >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.FP32)
        >>> M.reduce_float()
        >>> M[0,1] = 42.0
        >>> M[0,2] = 42.0
        >>> M.reduce_float()

        if mon is None:
            mon = current_monoid.get(self.type.PLUS_MONOID)
        mon = mon.get_op()
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        result ="double*")
            self, lib.GrB_Matrix_reduce_FP64(result, accum, mon, self._matrix[0], desc)
        return result[0]

    def reduce(self, mon=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        """Do a scalar reduce based on this object's type:

        >>> M = Matrix.random(types.UINT8, 10, 3, 3, seed=42)
        >>> M.reduce()

        >>> M = Matrix.random(types.FP32, 10, 3, 3, seed=42)
        >>> M.reduce()

        >>> M = Matrix.random(types.UINT8, 10, 3, 3, seed=42)
        >>> M.reduce(M.type.min_monoid)

        >>> M = Matrix.random(types.BOOL, 10, 3, 3, seed=42)
        >>> M.reduce()

        if mon is None:
            if self.type is types.BOOL:
                mon = current_monoid.get(getattr(self.type, "lor_monoid"))
                mon = current_monoid.get(getattr(self.type, "plus_monoid"))
        mon = mon.get_op()
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(None, accum, desc)
        result = + "*")
            self, self.type._Matrix_reduce(result, accum, mon, self._matrix[0], desc)
        return result[0]

    def reduce_vector(
        self, mon=None, out=None, cast=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None
        """Reduce matrix to a vector.

        >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.FP32, 3, 3)
        >>> print(M.reduce_vector())
        >>> M[0,1] = 42.0
        >>> M[0,2] = 42.0
        >>> M[2,0] = -42.0
        >>> print(M.reduce_vector())

        >>> print(M.reduce_vector(types.FP32.MIN_MONOID))

        >>> v = Vector.sparse(types.FP32, M.nrows)
        >>> print(M.reduce_vector(out=v))

        >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
        >>> print(M.reduce_vector())

        >>> M[0,1] = True
        >>> M[0,2] = True
        >>> M[2,0] = True
        >>> print(M.reduce_vector())
        0| t
        2| t

        If there is no `out` parameter, the newly created result
        vector can also be cast to a different type:

        >>> print(M.reduce_vector(cast=types.UINT8))
        0| 2
        2| 1

        if out is None:
            if cast is None:
                T = self.type
                T = cast
            out = Vector.sparse(T, self.nrows)
        if mon is None:
            if out.type is types.BOOL:
                mon = current_monoid.get(getattr(out.type, "lor_monoid"))
                mon = current_monoid.get(getattr(out.type, "plus_monoid"))
        mon = mon.get_op()
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
                out._vector[0], mask, accum, mon, self._matrix[0], desc
        return out

    def apply(self, op, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        """Apply Unary op to matrix elements.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [-42, 0, 149])
        >>> print(M.apply(types.INT64.ABS))
              0  1  2
          0|    42   |  0
          1|        0|  1
          2|149      |  2
              0  1  2

        >>> print(M.apply(types.INT64.ABS))
              0  1  2
          0|    42   |  0
          1|        0|  1
          2|149      |  2
              0  1  2
        if out is None:
            out = self.__class__.sparse(self.type, self.nrows, self.ncols)

        op = op.get_op()
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
                out._matrix[0], mask, accum, op, self._matrix[0], desc
        return out

    def apply_first(self, first, op, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        """Apply a binary operator to the entries in a matrix, binding the
        first input to a scalar first.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [-42, 0, 149])
        >>> print(M.apply_first(1, types.INT64.PLUS))
              0  1  2
          0|   -41   |  0
          1|        1|  1
          2|150      |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> N = Matrix.sparse(M.type, M.nrows, M.ncols)
        >>> print(M.apply_first(1, types.INT64.PLUS, out=N))
              0  1  2
          0|   -41   |  0
          1|        1|  1
          2|150      |  2
              0  1  2

        `apply_first` is also used when a `Matrix` is used "on the
        right" for math operations like `+-*.` with a scalar:

        >>> print(1 + M)
              0  1  2
          0|   -41   |  0
          1|        1|  1
          2|150      |  2
              0  1  2

        if out is None:
            out = self.__class__.sparse(self.type, self.nrows, self.ncols)
        op = op.get_op()
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        if isinstance(first, Scalar):
            f = lib.GxB_Matrix_apply_BinaryOp1st
            first = first._scalar[0]
            f = self.type._Matrix_apply_BinaryOp1st
        _check(self, f(out._matrix[0], mask, accum, op, first, self._matrix[0], desc))
        return out

    def apply_second(self, op, second, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        """Apply a binary operator to the entries in a matrix, binding the
        second input to a scalar second.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [-42, 0, 149])
        >>> print(M.apply_second(types.INT64.PLUS, 1))
              0  1  2
          0|   -41   |  0
          1|        1|  1
          2|150      |  2
              0  1  2

        `apply_second` is also used when a `Matrix` is used "on the
        left" for math operations like `+-*.` with a scalar:

        >>> print(M + 1)
              0  1  2
          0|   -41   |  0
          1|        1|  1
          2|150      |  2
              0  1  2

        if out is None:
            out = self.__class__.sparse(self.type, self.nrows, self.ncols)
        op = op.get_op()
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        if isinstance(second, Scalar):
            f = lib.GxB_Matrix_apply_BinaryOp2nd
            second = second._scalar[0]
            f = self.type._Matrix_apply_BinaryOp2nd
        _check(self, f(out._matrix[0], mask, accum, op, self._matrix[0], second, desc))
        return out

    def select(self, op, thunk=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        """Select elements that match the given select operation condition.
        Can be a string mapping to following operators:

        Operator | Library Operation | Definition
        ---   | --- | ---
        `>`   | lib.GxB_GT_THUNK | Select greater than 'thunk'.
        `<`   | lib.GxB_LT_THUNK | Select less than 'thunk'.
        `>=`  | lib.GxB_GE_THUNK | Select greater than or equal to 'thunk'.
        `<=`  | lib.GxB_LE_THUNK | Select less than or equal to 'thunk'.
        `!=`  | lib.GxB_NE_THUNK | Select not equal to 'thunk'.
        `==`  | lib.GxB_EQ_THUNK | Select equal to 'thunk'.
        `>0`  | lib.GxB_GT_ZERO  | Select greater than zero.
        `<0`  | lib.GxB_LT_ZERO  | Select less than zero.
        `>=0` | lib.GxB_GE_ZERO  | Select greater than or equal to zero.
        `<=0` | lib.GxB_LE_ZERO  | Select less than or equal to zero.
        `!=0` | lib.GxB_NONZERO  | Select nonzero value.
        `==0` | lib.GxB_EQ_ZERO  | Select equal to zero.
        `max` | no equivalent    | Select max values.
        `min` | no equivalent    | Select min values.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [-42, 0, 149])
        >>> print('>', 0))
              0  1  2
          0|         |  0
          1|         |  1
          2|149      |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> print('>=', 0))
              0  1  2
          0|         |  0
          1|        0|  1
          2|149      |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> print('<', 0))
              0  1  2
          0|   -42   |  0
          1|         |  1
          2|         |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> N = M.dup(clear=True)
        >>>'<', 0, out=N) is N
        >>> print(N)
              0  1  2
          0|   -42   |  0
          1|         |  1
          2|         |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> N = M.dup(clear=True)
        >>>'min', out=N) is N
        >>> print(N)
              0  1  2
          0|   -42   |  0
          1|         |  1
          2|         |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> N = M.dup(clear=True)
        >>>'max', out=N) is N
        >>> print(N)
              0  1  2
          0|         |  0
          1|         |  1
          2|149      |  2
              0  1  2
        if out is None:
            out = self.__class__.sparse(self.type, self.nrows, self.ncols)
        if isinstance(op, str):
            if op == "min":
                op = lib.GxB_EQ_THUNK
                thunk = self.reduce_float(self.type.min_monoid)
            elif op == "max":
                op = lib.GxB_EQ_THUNK
                thunk = self.reduce_float(self.type.max_monoid)
                op = _get_select_op(op)
        elif isinstance(op, SelectOp):
            op = op.get_op()

        if thunk is None:
            thunk = NULL
        if isinstance(thunk, (bool, int, float, complex)):
            thunk = Scalar.from_value(thunk)
        if isinstance(thunk, Scalar):
            self._keep_alives[self._matrix] = thunk
            thunk = thunk._scalar[0]

        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)

                out._matrix[0], mask, accum, op, self._matrix[0], thunk, desc
        return out

    def tril(self, offset=None):
        """Select the lower triangular Matrix.

        The diagonal `offset` can be used to select all below any
        diagonal rank, positive towars the upper right coner and
        negative toward the lower left.

        >>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
        >>> print(M.tril())
              0  1  2
          0|  0      |  0
          1|  0  0   |  1
          2|  0  0  0|  2
              0  1  2
        >>> print(M.tril(1))
              0  1  2
          0|  0  0   |  0
          1|  0  0  0|  1
          2|  0  0  0|  2
              0  1  2
        >>> print(M.tril(-1))
              0  1  2
          0|         |  0
          1|  0      |  1
          2|  0  0   |  2
              0  1  2

        return, thunk=offset)

    def triu(self, offset=None):
        """Select the upper triangular Matrix.

        The diagonal `offset` can be used to select all above any
        diagonal rank, positive towars the upper right coner and
        negative toward the lower left.

        >>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
        >>> print(M.triu())
              0  1  2
          0|  0  0  0|  0
          1|     0  0|  1
          2|        0|  2
              0  1  2
        >>> print(M.triu(1))
              0  1  2
          0|     0  0|  0
          1|        0|  1
          2|         |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> print(M.triu(-1))
              0  1  2
          0|  0  0  0|  0
          1|  0  0  0|  1
          2|     0  0|  2
              0  1  2

        return, thunk=offset)

    def diag(self, offset=None):
        """Select the diagonal Matrix.

        The diagonal `offset` can be used to select any diagonal rank,
        positive towars the upper right coner and negative toward the
        lower left.

        >>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
        >>> print(M.diag())
              0  1  2
          0|  0      |  0
          1|     0   |  1
          2|        0|  2
              0  1  2
        >>> print(M.diag(1))
              0  1  2
          0|     0   |  0
          1|        0|  1
          2|         |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> print(M.diag(-1))
              0  1  2
          0|         |  0
          1|  0      |  1
          2|     0   |  2
              0  1  2

        return, thunk=offset)

    def vector_diag(self, k=0, desc=None):
        GxB_Vector_diag extracts a vector v from an input matrix A, which
        may be rectangular.  If k = 0, the main diagonal of A is
        extracted; k > 0 denotes diagonals above the main diagonal of
        A, and k < 0 denotes diagonals below the main diagonal of A.
        Let A have dimension m-by-n.  If k is in the range 0 to n-1,
        then v has length min(m,n-k).  If k is negative and in the
        range -1 to -m+1, then v has length min(m+k,n).  If k is
        outside these ranges, v has length 0 (this is not an error).
        This function computes the same thing as the MATLAB statement
        v = diag(A,k) when A is a matrix, except that GxB_Vector_diag
        can also do typecasting.

        >>> from pygraphblas import UINT8
        >>> A = Matrix.dense(UINT8, 2, 2, fill=1)
        >>> print(A)
              0  1
          0|  1  1|  0
          1|  1  1|  1
              0  1
        >>> print(A.vector_diag())
        0| 1
        1| 1
        >>> print(A.vector_diag(1))
        0| 1
        >>> A.vector_diag(2)
        <Vector(UINT8 size: 0, nvals: 0)>
        >>> print(A.vector_diag(-1))
        0| 1
        >>> A.vector_diag(-2)
        <Vector(UINT8 size: 0, nvals: 0)>
        n, m = self.shape
        if k in range(0, n):
            l = min(m, n - k)
        elif k in range(-1, -m, -1):
            l = min(m + k, n)
            l = 0
        v = Vector.sparse(self.type, l)

        _, _, desc = self._get_args(desc=desc)

        _check(self, lib.GxB_Vector_diag(v._vector[0], self._matrix[0], k, desc))
        return v

    def offdiag(self, offset=None):
        """Select the off-diagonal Matrix.

        The diagonal `offset` can be used to select off any diagonal
        rank, positive towars the upper right coner and negative
        toward the lower left.

        >>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
        >>> print(M.offdiag())
              0  1  2
          0|     0  0|  0
          1|  0     0|  1
          2|  0  0   |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> print(M.offdiag(1))
              0  1  2
          0|  0     0|  0
          1|  0  0   |  1
          2|  0  0  0|  2
              0  1  2
        >>> print(M.offdiag(-1))
              0  1  2
          0|  0  0  0|  0
          1|     0  0|  1
          2|  0     0|  2
              0  1  2

        return, thunk=offset)

    def nonzero(self):
        """Select the non-zero Matrix.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
        >>> print(M.nonzero())
              0  1  2
          0|    42   |  0
          1|         |  1
          2|149      |  2
              0  1  2


    def _full(self):
        B = self.__class__.sparse(self.type, self.nrows, self.ncols)

        return self.eadd(B, self.type.FIRST)

    def _compare(self, other, op, strop):
        C = self.__class__.sparse(types.BOOL, self.nrows, self.ncols)
        if isinstance(other, (bool, int, float, complex)):
            if op(other, 0):
                B = self.__class__.dup(self)
                B[:, :] = other
                self.emult(B, strop, out=C)
                return C
      , other).apply(types.BOOL.ONE, out=C)
                return C
        elif isinstance(other, Matrix):
            A = self._full()
            B = other._full()
            A.emult(B, strop, out=C)
            return C
            raise TypeError("Unknown matrix comparison type.")

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return self._compare(other,, ">")

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self._compare(other,, "<")

    def __ge__(self, other):
        return self._compare(other,, ">=")

    def __le__(self, other):
        return self._compare(other, operator.le, "<=")

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self._compare(other, operator.eq, "==")

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return self._compare(other,, "!=")

    def _get_args(self, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        # if mask is not None and desc is None:
        #     desc = S
        if isinstance(mask, Matrix):
            mask = mask._matrix[0]
        elif isinstance(mask, Vector):
            mask = mask._vector[0]
            mask = NULL

        if accum is None:
            accum = current_accum.get(NULL)
        if accum is not NULL:
            accum = accum.get_op()
        if desc is None:
            desc = current_desc.get(NULL)
        if desc is not NULL:
            desc = desc.get_desc()

        return mask, accum, desc

    def mxm(
        """Matrix-matrix multiply.

        Multiply this matrix by `other` matrix.

        See Section 9.6 in the [SuiteSparse User
        for details.

        `mxm` can be called directly or with the `@` operator:

        >>> m = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 3])
        >>> n = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [2, 3, 4])
        >>> print(m)
              0  1  2
          0|     1   |  0
          1|        2|  1
          2|  3      |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> print(n)
              0  1  2
          0|     2   |  0
          1|        3|  1
          2|  4      |  2
              0  1  2

        Matrix multiply `m` by `n`:

        >>> o = m.mxm(n)
        >>> print(o)
              0  1  2
          0|        3|  0
          1|  8      |  1
          2|     6   |  2
              0  1  2

        Matrix matrix with the `@` operator:

        >>> o = m @ n
        >>> print(o)
              0  1  2
          0|        3|  0
          1|  8      |  1
          2|     6   |  2
              0  1  2

        By default, `mxm` and `@` create a new result matrix of the
        correct type and dimensions if one is not provided.  If you
        want to provide your own matrix to put the result in, you can
        pass it in the `out` parameter.  This is useful for
        accumulating results into a single matrix with minimal
        copying.  This is also supported by the `@=` syntax:

        >>> o = m.dup()
        >>> o.mxm(n, accum=types.INT64.min, out=o) is o
        >>> print(o)
              0  1  2
          0|     1  3|  0
          1|  8     2|  1
          2|  3  6   |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> o = m.dup()
        >>> with Accum(types.INT64.min):
        ...     o @= n
        >>> print(o)
              0  1  2
          0|     1  3|  0
          1|  8     2|  1
          2|  3  6   |  2
              0  1  2

        The default semiring depends on the infered result type.  In
        the case of numbers, the default semiring is `PLUS_TIMES`.  In
        the case of type `BOOL`, it is `BOOL.LOR_LAND`.

        >>> from pygraphblas import INT64
        >>> o = m.mxm(n, semiring=INT64.min_plus)
        >>> print(o)
              0  1  2
          0|        4|  0
          1|  6      |  1
          2|     5   |  2
              0  1  2

        An explicit semiring can be passed to the method or provided
        with a context manager:

        >>> with INT64.min_plus:
        ...     o = m @ n
        >>> print(o)
              0  1  2
          0|        4|  0
          1|  6      |  1
          2|     5   |  2
              0  1  2

        Or the semiring can be accessed via an attribute on the

        >>> o = m.min_plus(n)
        >>> print(o)
              0  1  2
          0|        4|  0
          1|  6      |  1
          2|     5   |  2
              0  1  2

        Descriptors and accumulators can also be provided as an
        argument or a context manager:

        >>> descriptor.T0
        <Descriptor T0>
        >>> o = m.mxm(n, desc=descriptor.T0)
        >>> print(o)
              0  1  2
          0| 12      |  0
          1|     2   |  1
          2|        6|  2
              0  1  2
        >>> with descriptor.T0:
        ...     o = m @ n
        >>> print(o)
              0  1  2
          0| 12      |  0
          1|     2   |  1
          2|        6|  2
              0  1  2

        The accumulator context manager requires an extra `Accum`
        helper class to distinguish it from binary ops used in `eadd`
        and `emult`.

        Output can be cast to a specific type by passing the cast parameter:
        >>> o = m.mxm(n, cast=types.FP32)
        >>> print(o)
              0  1  2
          0|      3.0|  0
          1|8.0      |  1
          2|   6.0   |  2
              0  1  2
        if semiring is None:
            semiring = current_semiring.get(NULL)

        if out is None:
            if cast is not None:
                typ = cast
            elif semiring is not NULL:
                typ = semiring.ztype
                typ = types.promote(self.type, other.type)
            out = self.__class__.sparse(typ, self.nrows, other.ncols)
            typ = out.type

        if semiring is NULL:
            semiring = out.type._default_semiring()

        semiring = semiring.get_op()
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        return out

    def mxv(
        """Matrix-vector multiply.

        Multiply this matrix by `other` column vector "on the right".
        For row vector multiplication "on the left" see `Vector.vxm`.

        See Section 9.6 in the [SuiteSparse User
        for details.

        `mxv` can also be called directly or with the `@` operator:

        >>> from pygraphblas import INT64
        >>> m = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 3])
        >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [2, 3, 4])
        >>> o = m.mxv(v)
        >>> print(o)
        0| 3
        1| 8
        2| 6
        >>> o = m @ v
        >>> print(o)
        0| 3
        1| 8
        2| 6

        By default, `mxv` and `@` create a new result matrix of the
        correct type and dimensions if one is not provided.  If you
        want to provide your own matrix to put the result in, you can
        pass it in the `out` parameter.  This is useful for
        accumulating results into a single matrix with minimal

        >>> o = v.dup()
        >>> m.mxv(v,, out=o) is o
        >>> print(o)
        0| 5

        The default semiring depends on the infered result type.  In
        the case of numbers, the default semiring is `PLUS_TIMES`.  In
        the case of type `BOOL`, it is `BOOL.LOR_LAND`.

        An explicit semiring can be passed to the method or provided
        with a context manager:

        >>> o = m.mxv(v, semiring=INT64.min_plus)
        >>> print(o)
        0| 4
        1| 6
        2| 5

        >>> with INT64.min_plus:
        ...     o = m @ v
        >>> print(o)
        0| 4
        1| 6
        2| 5

        >>> o = m.min_plus(v)
        >>> print(o)
        0| 4
        1| 6
        2| 5

        Descriptors and accumulators can also be provided as an
        argument or a context manager:

        >>> o = m.mxv(v, desc=descriptor.T0)
        >>> print(o)
        1| 2
        2| 6

        >>> with descriptor.T0:
        ...     o = m @ v
        >>> print(o)
        1| 2
        2| 6

        >>> del o[1]
        >>> o = m.mxv(v, mask=o)
        >>> print(o)
        0| 3
        2| 6

        >>> o = m.mxv(v, cast=types.FP32)
        >>> print(o)


        if semiring is None:
            semiring = current_semiring.get(NULL)

        if out is None:
            new_dimension = self.ncols if T0 in (desc or ()) else self.nrows
            if cast is not None:
                typ = cast
            elif semiring is not NULL:
                typ = semiring.ztype
                typ = types.promote(self.type, other.type)
            out = Vector.sparse(typ, new_dimension)
            typ = out.type

        if semiring is NULL:
            semiring = out.type._default_semiring()

        semiring = semiring.get_op()
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)

        return out

    def __matmul__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Matrix):
            return self.mxm(other)
        elif isinstance(other, Vector):
            return self.mxv(other)
            raise TypeError("Right argument to @ must be Matrix or Vector.")

    def __imatmul__(self, other):
        return self.mxm(other, out=self)

    def kronecker(
        self, other, op=None, cast=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None
        """[Kronecker product](

        >>> n = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [2, 3, 4])
        >>> m = Matrix.dense(types.UINT64, 3, 3, fill=1)
        >>> print(n.kronecker(m))
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
          0|           2  2  2         |  0
          1|           2  2  2         |  1
          2|           2  2  2         |  2
          3|                    3  3  3|  3
          4|                    3  3  3|  4
          5|                    3  3  3|  5
          6|  4  4  4                  |  6
          7|  4  4  4                  |  7
          8|  4  4  4                  |  8
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8

        >>> o = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT64, 9, 9)
        >>> m.kronecker(n, out=o) is o
        >>> print(o)
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
          0|     2        2        2   |  0
          1|        3        3        3|  1
          2|  4        4        4      |  2
          3|     2        2        2   |  3
          4|        3        3        3|  4
          5|  4        4        4      |  5
          6|     2        2        2   |  6
          7|        3        3        3|  7
          8|  4        4        4      |  8
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8

        >>> print(m.kronecker(n, op=types.UINT64.MIN))
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
          0|     1        1        1   |  0
          1|        1        1        1|  1
          2|  1        1        1      |  2
          3|     1        1        1   |  3
          4|        1        1        1|  4
          5|  1        1        1      |  5
          6|     1        1        1   |  6
          7|        1        1        1|  7
          8|  1        1        1      |  8
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        typ = cast or types.promote(self.type, other.type)
        if out is None:
            out = self.__class__.sparse(
                typ, self.nrows * other.nrows, self.ncols * other.ncols
        if op is None:
            op = current_binop.get(self.type.TIMES)

        op = op.get_op()

                out._matrix[0], mask, accum, op, self._matrix[0], other._matrix[0], desc
        return out

    def extract_matrix(
        """Extract a submatrix.

        `GrB_Matrix_extract` extracts a submatrix from another matrix.
        The input matrix may be transposed first, via the descriptor.
        The result type remains the same.

        `row_index` and `col_index` can be slice objects that default
        to the equivalent of GrB_ALL.  Python slice objects support
        the SuiteSparse extensions for `GxB_RANGE`, `GxB_BACKWARDS`
        and `GxB_STRIDE`.  See the User Guide for details.

        The size of `C` is `|row_index|`-by-`|col_index|`.  Entries
        outside that sub-range are not accessed and do not take part
        in the computation.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
        >>> print(M.extract_matrix())
              0  1  2
          0|    42   |  0
          1|        0|  1
          2|149      |  2
              0  1  2

        >>> print(M.extract_matrix(0, 1))
          0| 42|  0

        >>> O = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT64, 1, 1)
        >>> M.extract_matrix(0, 1, out=O) is O
        >>> print(O)
          0| 42|  0

        >>> print(M.extract_matrix(slice(1,2), 2))
          0|  0|  0
          1|   |  1

        >>> print(M.extract_matrix(0, slice(0,1)))
              0  1
          0|    42|  0
              0  1

        >>> N = Matrix.from_lists([1, 2], [2, 0], [True, True])
        >>> print(M[N])
              0  1  2
          0|         |  0
          1|        0|  1
          2|149      |  2
              0  1  2

        ta = T0 in (desc or ())
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        result_nrows = self.ncols if ta else self.nrows
        result_ncols = self.nrows if ta else self.ncols
        if isinstance(row_index, int):
            I, ni, isize = _build_range(slice(row_index, row_index), result_nrows - 1)
            I, ni, isize = _build_range(row_index, result_nrows - 1)
        if isinstance(col_index, int):
            J, nj, jsize = _build_range(slice(col_index, col_index), result_ncols - 1)
            J, nj, jsize = _build_range(col_index, result_ncols - 1)

        if isize is None:
            isize = result_nrows
        if jsize is None:
            jsize = result_ncols

        if out is None:
            out = self.__class__.sparse(self.type, isize, jsize)

                out._matrix[0], mask, accum, self._matrix[0], I, ni, J, nj, desc
        return out

    def extract_col(
        self, col_index, row_slice=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None
        """Extract a column Vector.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|    42   |  0
          1|        0|  1
          2|149      |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> print(M.extract_col(0))

        >>> v = Vector.sparse(types.UINT64, M.ncols)
        >>> M.extract_col(0, out=v) is v
        >>> print(v)

        stop_val = self.ncols if T0 in (desc or ()) else self.nrows
        if out is None:
            out = Vector.sparse(self.type, stop_val)

        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        I, ni, size = _build_range(row_slice, stop_val)

                out._vector[0], mask, accum, self._matrix[0], I, ni, col_index, desc
        return out

    def extract_row(
        self, row_index, col_slice=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None
        """Extract a row Vector.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|    42   |  0
          1|        0|  1
          2|149      |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> print(M.extract_row(0))

        desc = desc & T0 if desc else T0
        return self.extract_col(
            row_index, col_slice, out, desc=desc, mask=None, accum=None

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if isinstance(index, int):
            # a[3] extract single row
            return self.extract_row(index, None)
        if isinstance(index, slice):
            # a[3:] extract submatrix of rows
            return self.extract_matrix(index, None)

        if isinstance(index, Matrix):
            return self.extract_matrix(mask=index)

        if not isinstance(index, (tuple, list)):
            raise TypeError

        i0 = index[0]
        i1 = index[1]
        if isinstance(i0, int) and isinstance(i1, int):
            # a[3,3] extract single element
            result =
                    result, self._matrix[0], index[0], index[1]
            return self.type._to_value(result[0])

        if isinstance(i0, int) and isinstance(i1, slice):
            # a[3,:] extract slice of row vector
            return self.extract_row(i0, i1)

        if isinstance(i0, slice) and isinstance(i1, int):
            # a[:,3] extract slice of col vector
            return self.extract_col(i1, i0)

        # a[:,:] or a[[0,1,2], [3,4,5]] extract submatrix with slice or row/col indices
        return self.extract_matrix(i0, i1)

    def assign_col(
        self, col_index, value, row_slice=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None
        """Assign a vector to a column.

        >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
        >>> M.assign_col(1, Vector.from_lists([1, 2], [True, True], 3))
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|         |  0
          1|     t   |  1
          2|     t   |  2
              0  1  2

        stop_val = self.ncols if T0 in (desc or ()) else self.nrows
        I, ni, size = _build_range(row_slice, stop_val)
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)

                self._matrix[0], mask, accum, value._vector[0], I, ni, col_index, desc

    def assign_row(
        self, row_index, value, col_slice=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None
        """Assign a vector to a row.

        >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
        >>> M.assign_row(1, Vector.from_lists([1, 2], [True, True], 3))
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|         |  0
          1|     t  t|  1
          2|         |  2
              0  1  2

        stop_val = self.nrows if T0 in (desc or ()) else self.ncols
        I, ni, size = _build_range(col_slice, stop_val)

        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
                self._matrix[0], mask, accum, value._vector[0], row_index, I, ni, desc

    def assign_matrix(
        self, value, rindex=None, cindex=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None
        """Assign a submatrix.

        Note: The name for this method `Matrix.assign_matrix()` is
        deprecated, use the name `Matrix.assign()` instead.

        >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
        >>> S = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
        >>> S[1,1] = True
        >>> M.assign_matrix(S)
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|         |  0
          1|     t   |  1
          2|         |  2
              0  1  2

        >>> M.clear()

        Masked assignment with `M[key] = value` syntax can be done
        with if the index and value arguments are type `Matrix`:

        >>> M[S] = S
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|         |  0
          1|     t   |  1
          2|         |  2
              0  1  2

        I, ni, isize = _build_range(rindex, self.nrows - 1)
        J, nj, jsize = _build_range(cindex, self.ncols - 1)
        isize = self.nrows
        jsize = self.ncols

        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)

                self._matrix[0], mask, accum, value._matrix[0], I, ni, J, nj, desc

    assign = assign_matrix

    def assign_scalar(
        self, value, row_slice=None, col_slice=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None
        """Assign a scalar `value` to the Matrix.

        >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)

        The values of `row_slice` and `col_slice` determine what
        elements are assigned to the Matrix.  The value `None` maps to
        the GraphBLAS symbol `lib.GrB_ALL`, so the default behavior,
        with no other arguments, assigns the scalar to all elements:

        >>> M.assign_scalar(True)
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|  t  t  t|  0
          1|  t  t  t|  1
          2|  t  t  t|  2
              0  1  2
        >>> M.clear()

        This is the same as the slice syntax with a bare colon:

        >>> M[:,:] = True
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|  t  t  t|  0
          1|  t  t  t|  1
          2|  t  t  t|  2
              0  1  2
        >>> M.clear()

        If `row_slice` or `col_slice` is an integer, use it as an
        index to one row or column:

        >>> M.assign_scalar(True, 1)
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|         |  0
          1|  t  t  t|  1
          2|         |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> M.clear()

        An integer index and a scalar does row assignment:

        >>> M[1] = True
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|         |  0
          1|  t  t  t|  1
          2|         |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> M.clear()

        this is the same as the syntax:

        >>> M[1,:] = True
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|         |  0
          1|  t  t  t|  1
          2|         |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> M.clear()

        If `col_slice` is an integer, it does column assignment:

        >>> M.assign_scalar(True, None, 1)
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|     t   |  0
          1|     t   |  1
          2|     t   |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> M.clear()

        Which is the same as the syntax:

        >>> M[:,1] = True
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|     t   |  0
          1|     t   |  1
          2|     t   |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> M.clear()

        Just an integer index does a row assignment:

        >>> M.clear()
        >>> M[1] = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [True, True],3)
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|         |  0
          1|  t  t   |  1
          2|         |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> M.clear()

        >>> M[0:1,0:1] = True
        >>> print(M)
              0  1  2
          0|  t  t   |  0
          1|  t  t   |  1
          2|         |  2
              0  1  2
        >>> M.clear()

        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        if row_slice is not None:
            if isinstance(row_slice, int):
                I, ni, isize = _build_range(slice(row_slice, row_slice), self.nrows - 1)
                I, ni, isize = _build_range(row_slice, self.nrows - 1)
            I = lib.GrB_ALL
            ni = 0
        if col_slice is not None:
            if isinstance(col_slice, int):
                J, nj, jsize = _build_range(slice(col_slice, col_slice), self.ncols - 1)
                J, nj, jsize = _build_range(col_slice, self.ncols - 1)
            J = lib.GrB_ALL
            nj = 0
        scalar_type = types._gb_from_type(type(value))
                self._matrix[0], mask, accum, value, I, ni, J, nj, desc

    def __setitem__(self, index, value):
        if isinstance(index, int):
            # A[3]
            if isinstance(value, Vector):
                # A[3] = Vector
                return self.assign_row(index, value)
            if isinstance(value, (bool, int, float, complex)):
                # A[3] = scalar
                return self.assign_scalar(value, index)
            raise TypeError

        elif isinstance(index, slice):
            if isinstance(value, Matrix):
                # A[3:] = assign submatrix to rows
                self.assign_matrix(value, index, None)
            if isinstance(value, (bool, int, float, complex)):
                # A[3:] = 3 assign scalar to rows
                self.assign_scalar(value, index, None)
            raise TypeError

        elif isinstance(index, Matrix):
            if isinstance(value, Matrix):
                # A[M] = B masked matrix assignment
                self.assign_matrix(value, mask=index)
            if not isinstance(value, (bool, int, float, complex)):
                raise TypeError
            # A[M] = s masked scalar assignment
            self.assign_scalar(value, mask=index)

        elif not isinstance(index, (tuple, list)):
            raise TypeError

        i0 = index[0]
        i1 = index[1]
        if isinstance(i0, int) and isinstance(i1, int):
            val = self.type._from_value(value)
            _check(self, self.type._Matrix_setElement(self._matrix[0], val, i0, i1))

        if isinstance(i0, int) and isinstance(i1, slice):
            # a[3,:] assign slice of row vector or scalar
            if isinstance(value, Vector):
                self.assign_row(i0, value, i1)
                self.assign_scalar(value, i0, i1)

        if isinstance(i0, slice) and isinstance(i1, int):
            # a[:,3] extract slice of col vector or scalar
            if isinstance(value, Vector):
                self.assign_col(i1, value, i0)
                self.assign_scalar(value, i0, i1)

        if isinstance(i0, slice) and isinstance(i1, slice):
            if isinstance(value, (bool, int, float, complex)):
                self.assign_scalar(value, i0, i1)
                # a[:,:] assign submatrix
                self.assign_matrix(value, i0, i1)
        raise TypeError

    def __delitem__(self, index):
        if (
            not isinstance(index, tuple)
            or not isinstance(index[0], int)
            or not isinstance(index[1], int)
            raise TypeError(
                "__delitem__ currently only supports single element removal"
                "assign an empty vector like `A[i] = Vector.sparse(A.type, A.nrows)`"
                "to remove rows or columns. "
        _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_removeElement(self._matrix[0], index[0], index[1]))

    def __contains__(self, index):
            v = self[index]
            return True
        except NoValue:
            return False

    def get(self, i, j, default=None):
        """Get the element at row `i` col `j` or return the default value if
        the element is not present.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
        >>> M.get(1, 2)
        >>> M.get(0, 0) is None
        >>> M.get(0, 0, 'foo')

            return self[i, j]
        except NoValue:
            return default

    def wait(self):
        """Wait for this Matrix to complete before allowing another thread to
        change it.

        _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_wait(self._matrix))

    def to_markdown_table(self, title="A", width=2):
        """Return a string markdown table representation of the Matrix.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2, 0], [42, 2, 0, 149])
        >>> print(M.to_markdown_table())
        0|   |42| 2
        1|   |  | 0
        2| 149|  |

        rows = set(self.rows)
        cols = set(self.cols)
        result = f"""\
{title}|{'|'.join(map(str, cols))}
---|{"|".join(['---'] * len(cols))}
        for i, row in enumerate(rows):
            result += f"{row}| " + "|".join(
                self.type.format_value(self.get(row, col, ""), width) for col in cols
            if i != len(rows) - 1:
                result += "\n"
        return result.rstrip()

    def to_html_table(self, title="A", width=2):
        """Return a string markdown table representation of the Matrix.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2, 0], [42, 2, 0, 149])
        >>> print(M.to_html_table())
                        <td>  </td>
                        <td> 2</td>
                        <td>  </td>
                        <td>  </td>
                        <td> 0</td>
                        <td>  </td>
                        <td>  </td>
        from mako.template import Template

        t = Template(
            rows = set(A.rows)
            cols = set(A.cols)
            % for col in cols:
            % endfor
            % for row in rows:
            % endfor
        </table><%def name="makerow(row)">
            % for col in cols:
                <td>${A.type.format_value(A.get(row, col, ''))}</td>
            % endfor
        return t.render(A=self, title=title)

    def _repr_html_(self):  # pragma: nocover
        """jupyter notebook magic render method."""
        return self.to_html_table()

    def print(self, level=2, name="A", f=sys.stdout):  # pragma: nocover
        """Print the matrix using `GxB_Matrix_fprint()`, by default to

        Level 1: Short description
        Level 2: Short list, short numbers
        Level 3: Long list, short number
        Level 4: Short list, long numbers
        Level 5: Long list, long numbers

            self, lib.GxB_Matrix_fprint(self._matrix[0], bytes(name, "utf8"), level, f)

    def to_string(
        self, format_string="{:>%s}", width=3, prec=5, empty_char="", cell_sep=""
        """Return a string representation of the Matrix.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
        >>> M.to_string()
        '      0  1  2\\n  0|    42   |  0\\n  1|        0|  1\\n  2|149      |  2\\n      0  1  2'
        format_string = format_string % width
        header = (
            + " "
            + "".join(format_string.format(i) for i in range(self.ncols))
        result = header + "\n"
        for row in range(self.nrows):
            result += format_string.format(row) + "|"
            for col in range(self.ncols):
                value = self.get(row, col, empty_char)
                result += cell_sep + self.type.format_value(value, width, prec)
            result += "|  " + str(row) + "\n"
        result += header

        return result

    def __str__(self):
        return self.to_string()

    def __repr__(self):
        tname = self.type.__name__
        if self.nrows == lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX and self.ncols == lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX:
            return f"<Matrix({tname}, nvals: {self.nvals})>"

        return f"<Matrix({tname}, shape: {self.shape}, nvals: {self.nvals})>"

    def from_scipy_sparse(cls, m):
        GrB_Type is inferred from m.dtype.

        >>> A = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
        >>> s = A.to_scipy_sparse()
        >>> B = Matrix.from_scipy_sparse(s)
        >>> assert A.iseq(B)
        ss = m.tocoo()
        nrows, ncols = ss.shape
        typ = types.Type._dtype_gb_map[m.dtype.type]
        return cls.from_lists(
            [i.item() for i in ss.row],
            [j.item() for j in ss.col],
            [v.item() for v in],

    def to_scipy_sparse(self, format="csr"):
        """Return a scipy sparse matrix of this Matrix.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
        >>> M.to_scipy_sparse()
        <3x3 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.int64'>'...

        from scipy import sparse

        rows, cols, vals = self.to_arrays()
        s = sparse.coo_matrix(
            (vals, (rows, cols)), shape=self.shape, dtype=self.type._numpy_t
        if format == "coo":
            return s
        if format not in {"bsr", "csr", "csc", "coo", "lil", "dia", "dok"}:
            raise TypeError(f"Invalid format: {format}")
        return s.asformat(format)

    def to_numpy(self):
        """Return a dense numpy matrix of this Matrix.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
        >>> M.to_numpy()
        array([[  0,  42,   0],
               [  0,   0,   0],
               [149,   0,   0]], dtype=int64)
        s = self.to_scipy_sparse("coo")
        return s.toarray()

    def out_degree(self, typ=types.UINT64, out=None):
        """Return a UINT64 vector of the out-degree of this graph:

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 0, 2], [1, 2, 2, 0], [42, 0, 3, 149])
        >>> print(M.out_degree())
        0| 2
        1| 1
        2| 1

        return self.cast(typ).plus_pair(Vector.iso(1, self.nrows), out=out)

    def gini(self, typ=types.FP64):
        """Calculate the Gini coefficient of the graph.

        >>> M = Matrix.random(types.UINT8, 10, 10, 10, seed=42)
        >>> M.gini()

        >>> M = Matrix.random(types.UINT8, 100, 10, 10, seed=42)
        >>> M.gini()

        >>> M = Matrix.random(types.UINT8, 10000, 100, 100, seed=42)
        >>> M.gini()

        >>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 100, 100)
        >>> M.gini()

        array = self.out_degree(typ).npV
        n = array.shape[0]
        index = np.arange(1, n + 1)
        return (np.sum((2 * index - n - 1) * array)) / (n * np.sum(array))

Static methods

def sparse(typ, nrows=None, ncols=None, fill=None, mask=None)

Create an empty sparse Matrix from the given type. The dimensions can be specified with nrows and ncols. If no dimensions are specified, they default to GxB_INDEX_MAX.

>>> m = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
>>> m.nrows == lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
>>> m.ncols == lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
>>> m.nvals == 0

Optional row and column dimension bounds can be provided to the method:

>>> m = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8, 10, 10)
>>> m.nrows == 10
>>> m.ncols == 10
>>> m.nvals == 0

One of the Python types (bool, int, float, complex) can be passed instead. They are turned into (BOOL, INT64, FP64, FC64) respectively:

>>> Matrix.sparse(int)
<Matrix(INT64, nvals: 0)>

A sparse matrix can be "filled" with a starting value using the fill parameter and the mask parameter. The mask is required otherwise fill is ignored.

>>> mask = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL)
>>> mask[1,1] = True
>>> list(Matrix.sparse(float, fill=3.14, mask=mask))
[(1, 1, 3.14)]

If mask is provided but no fill, the type.default_zero value is used:

>>> list(Matrix.sparse(float, mask=mask))
[(1, 1, 0.0)]
Expand source code
def sparse(cls, typ, nrows=None, ncols=None, fill=None, mask=None):
    """Create an empty sparse Matrix from the given type.  The dimensions
    can be specified with `nrows` and `ncols`.  If no dimensions
    are specified, they default to `GxB_INDEX_MAX`.

    >>> m = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
    >>> m.nrows == lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
    >>> m.ncols == lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
    >>> m.nvals == 0

    Optional row and column dimension bounds can be provided to
    the method:

    >>> m = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8, 10, 10)
    >>> m.nrows == 10
    >>> m.ncols == 10
    >>> m.nvals == 0

    One of the Python types `(bool, int, float, complex)` can be
    passed instead.  They are turned into `(BOOL, INT64, FP64,
    FC64)` respectively:

    >>> Matrix.sparse(int)
    <Matrix(INT64, nvals: 0)>

    A sparse matrix can be "filled" with a starting value using
    the `fill` parameter and the `mask` parameter.  The `mask` is
    required otherwise `fill` is ignored.

    >>> mask = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL)
    >>> mask[1,1] = True
    >>> list(Matrix.sparse(float, fill=3.14, mask=mask))
    [(1, 1, 3.14)]

    If `mask` is provided but no `fill`, the `type.default_zero`
    value is used:

    >>> list(Matrix.sparse(float, mask=mask))
    [(1, 1, 0.0)]

    if nrows is None:
        nrows = lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
    if ncols is None:
        ncols = lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
    new_mat ="GrB_Matrix*")
    if not issubclass(typ, types.Type):
        typ = types._gb_from_type(typ)
    _base_check(lib.GrB_Matrix_new(new_mat, typ._gb_type, nrows, ncols))
    m = cls(new_mat, typ)
    if mask is not None:
        if fill is None:
            fill = m.type.default_zero
        m.assign_scalar(fill, mask=mask)
    return m
def dense(typ, nrows=None, ncols=None, fill=None, sparsity=None)

Return a dense Matrix nrows by ncols.

If sparsity is provided it is used for the sparsity of the new matrix See the SuiteSparse User Guide for details.

>>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|  0  0  0|  0
  1|  0  0  0|  1
  2|  0  0  0|  2
      0  1  2

If a fill value is present, use that, otherwise use the self.type.default_zero attribute of the given type.

>>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 3, 3, fill=1)
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|  1  1  1|  0
  1|  1  1  1|  1
  2|  1  1  1|  2
      0  1  2

A dense matrix can be the maximum possible dimension, in which case it is an "iso" valued matrix.

>>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8)
>>> M.nrows == lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
>>> M[42,42]
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def dense(cls, typ, nrows=None, ncols=None, fill=None, sparsity=None):
    """Return a dense Matrix nrows by ncols.

    If `sparsity` is provided it is used for the sparsity of the
    new matrix See the [SuiteSparse User
    for details.

    >>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|  0  0  0|  0
      1|  0  0  0|  1
      2|  0  0  0|  2
          0  1  2

    If a `fill` value is present, use that, otherwise use the
    `self.type.default_zero` attribute of the given type.

    >>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 3, 3, fill=1)
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|  1  1  1|  0
      1|  1  1  1|  1
      2|  1  1  1|  2
          0  1  2

    A dense matrix can be the maximum possible dimension, in which
    case it is an "iso" valued matrix.

    >>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8)
    >>> M.nrows == lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
    >>> M[42,42]

    if nrows is None:
        nrows = lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
    if ncols is None:
        ncols = lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
    assert nrows > 0 and ncols > 0, "dense matrix must be at least 1x1"
    m = cls.sparse(typ, nrows, ncols)
    if sparsity is not None:
        m.sparsity = sparsity
    if fill is None:
        fill = m.type.default_zero
    m[:, :] = fill
    return m
def iso(value, nrows=None, ncols=None)

Build a dense "iso" matrix from a scalar value.

This is similar to Matrix.dense() but infers the type of the new Matrix from the provided vbalue.

>>> M = Matrix.iso(3)
>>> assert M[42,42] == 3
>>> M = Matrix.iso(3, 2, 2)
>>> print(M)
      0  1
  0|  3  3|  0
  1|  3  3|  1
      0  1

If you change an iso matrix, it is no longer stored as an iso object, and your matrix will grow in size.

>>> M[1,1] = 2
>>> print(M)
      0  1
  0|  3  3|  0
  1|  3  2|  1
      0  1
Expand source code
def iso(cls, value, nrows=None, ncols=None):
    """Build a dense "iso" matrix from a scalar value.

    This is similar to `Matrix.dense` but infers the type of the
    new Matrix from the provided vbalue.

    >>> M = Matrix.iso(3)
    >>> assert M[42,42] == 3

    >>> M = Matrix.iso(3, 2, 2)
    >>> print(M)
          0  1
      0|  3  3|  0
      1|  3  3|  1
          0  1

    If you change an iso matrix, it is no longer stored as an iso
    object, and your matrix will grow in size.

    >>> M[1,1] = 2
    >>> print(M)
          0  1
      0|  3  3|  0
      1|  3  2|  1
          0  1

    if nrows is None:
        nrows = lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
    if ncols is None:
        ncols = lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
    typ = types._gb_from_type(type(value))
    return cls.dense(typ, nrows, ncols, value)
def from_lists(I, J, V=None, nrows=None, ncols=None, typ=None)

Create a new matrix from the given lists of row indices, column indices, and values. If nrows or ncols are not provided, they are computed from the max values of the provides row and column indices lists.

>>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
>>> J = [1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 0, 2, 5, 2, 2, 3, 4]
>>> M = Matrix.from_lists(I, J)
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     t     t         |  0
  1|              t     t|  1
  2|                 t   |  2
  3|  t     t            |  3
  4|                 t   |  4
  5|        t            |  5
  6|        t  t  t      |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
>>> from pygraphblas.gviz import draw_graph
>>> draw_graph(M, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_from_lists')
< object at ...>


If the third argument is a scalar value instead of a list, it is used to construct an "iso" Matrix where all values equal that scalar.

>>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
>>> J = [1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 0, 2, 5, 2, 2, 3, 4]
>>> V = True
>>> M = Matrix.from_lists(I, J, V)
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     t     t         |  0
  1|              t     t|  1
  2|                 t   |  2
  3|  t     t            |  3
  4|                 t   |  4
  5|        t            |  5
  6|        t  t  t      |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
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def from_lists(cls, I, J, V=None, nrows=None, ncols=None, typ=None):
    """Create a new matrix from the given lists of row indices, column
    indices, and values.  If nrows or ncols are not provided, they
    are computed from the max values of the provides row and
    column indices lists.

    >>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
    >>> J = [1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 0, 2, 5, 2, 2, 3, 4]
    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists(I, J)
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     t     t         |  0
      1|              t     t|  1
      2|                 t   |  2
      3|  t     t            |  3
      4|                 t   |  4
      5|        t            |  5
      6|        t  t  t      |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
    >>> from pygraphblas.gviz import draw_graph
    >>> draw_graph(M, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_from_lists')
    < object at ...>


    If the third argument is a scalar value instead of a list, it
    is used to construct an "iso" Matrix where all values equal
    that scalar.

    >>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
    >>> J = [1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 0, 2, 5, 2, 2, 3, 4]
    >>> V = True
    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists(I, J, V)
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     t     t         |  0
      1|              t     t|  1
      2|                 t   |  2
      3|  t     t            |  3
      4|                 t   |  4
      5|        t            |  5
      6|        t  t  t      |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6

    assert len(I) == len(J)
    if V is None:
        V = True
    if isinstance(V, (bool, int, float)):
        V_func = lambda i: V
        V_func = lambda i: V[i]
    if not nrows:
        nrows = max(I) + 1
    if not ncols:
        ncols = max(J) + 1
    # TODO use ffi and GrB_Matrix_build
    if typ is None:
        typ = types._gb_from_type(type(V_func(0)))
    m = cls.sparse(typ, nrows, ncols)
    for v_i, (i, j) in enumerate(zip(I, J)):
        m[i, j] = V_func(v_i)
    return m
def from_diag(v, k=0, desc=None)

GxB_Matrix_diag constructs a matrix from a vector. Let n be the length of the v vector, from GrB_Vector_size (&n, v). If k = 0, then C is an n-by-n diagonal matrix with the entries from v along the main diagonal of C, with C(i,i) = v(i). If k is nonzero, C is square with dimension n+abs(k). If k is positive, it denotes diagonals above the main diagonal, with C(i,i+k) = v(i). If k is negative, it denotes diagonals below the main diagonal of C, with C(i-k,i) = v(i). This behavior is identical to the MATLAB statement C = diag(v,k), where v is a vector, except that GxB_Matrix_diag can also do typecasting.

>>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
>>> print(Matrix.from_diag(v))
      0  1  2
  0|  1      |  0
  1|     2   |  1
  2|        3|  2
      0  1  2
>>> print(Matrix.from_diag(v, 1))
      0  1  2  3
  0|     1      |  0
  1|        2   |  1
  2|           3|  2
  3|            |  3
      0  1  2  3
>>> print(Matrix.from_diag(v, -1))
      0  1  2  3
  0|            |  0
  1|  1         |  1
  2|     2      |  2
  3|        3   |  3
      0  1  2  3
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def from_diag(cls, v, k=0, desc=None):
    GxB_Matrix_diag constructs a matrix from a vector.  Let n be the length of
    the v vector, from GrB_Vector_size (&n, v).  If k = 0, then C is an n-by-n
    diagonal matrix with the entries from v along the main diagonal of C, with
    C(i,i) = v(i).  If k is nonzero, C is square with dimension n+abs(k).  If k
    is positive, it denotes diagonals above the main diagonal, with C(i,i+k) =
    v(i).  If k is negative, it denotes diagonals below the main diagonal of C,
    with C(i-k,i) = v(i).  This behavior is identical to the MATLAB statement
    C = diag(v,k), where v is a vector, except that GxB_Matrix_diag can also
    do typecasting.

    >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
    >>> print(Matrix.from_diag(v))
          0  1  2
      0|  1      |  0
      1|     2   |  1
      2|        3|  2
          0  1  2
    >>> print(Matrix.from_diag(v, 1))
          0  1  2  3
      0|     1      |  0
      1|        2   |  1
      2|           3|  2
      3|            |  3
          0  1  2  3
    >>> print(Matrix.from_diag(v, -1))
          0  1  2  3
      0|            |  0
      1|  1         |  1
      2|     2      |  2
      3|        3   |  3
          0  1  2  3
    l = v.size + abs(k)
    C = cls.sparse(v.type, l, l)
    if desc is None:  # pragma: nocover
        desc = current_desc.get(NULL)
    if desc is not NULL:  # pragma: nocover
        desc = desc.get_desc()
    _check(C, lib.GxB_Matrix_diag(C._matrix[0], v._vector[0], k, desc))
    return C
def from_mm(mm_file)

Create a new matrix by reading a Matrix Market file.

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> M = Matrix.from_mm(Path('docs/'))
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     0     1         |  0
  1|              2     3|  1
  2|                 4   |  2
  3|  5     6            |  3
  4|                 7   |  4
  5|        8            |  5
  6|        9 10 11      |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
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def from_mm(cls, mm_file):
    """Create a new matrix by reading a Matrix Market file.

    >>> from pathlib import Path
    >>> M = Matrix.from_mm(Path('docs/'))
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     0     1         |  0
      1|              2     3|  1
      2|                 4   |  2
      3|  5     6            |  3
      4|                 7   |  4
      5|        8            |  5
      6|        9 10 11      |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6

    from mmparse import mmread, get_mm_type_converter

    with mmread(mm_file) as f:
        header, row_iter = f
        mm_type = header["mm_type"]
        nrows = header["nrows"]
        ncols = header["ncols"]
        symmetric = header["mm_storage"] == "symmetric"
        typ = get_mm_type_converter(mm_type)
        m = cls.sparse(typ, nrows, ncols)
        for l, i, j, v in row_iter:
            m[i, j] = v
            if symmetric:
                m[j, i] = v
        return m
def from_tsv(tsv_file, typ, nrows, ncols, **kwargs)

Create a new matrix by reading a tab separated value file.

>>> M = Matrix.from_tsv(Path('docs/test_tsvfile.tsv'), types.INT32, 7, 7)
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     0     1         |  0
  1|              2     3|  1
  2|                 4   |  2
  3|  5     6            |  3
  4|                 7   |  4
  5|        8            |  5
  6|        9 10 11      |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
Expand source code
def from_tsv(cls, tsv_file, typ, nrows, ncols, **kwargs):
    """Create a new matrix by reading a tab separated value file.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_tsv(Path('docs/test_tsvfile.tsv'), types.INT32, 7, 7)
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     0     1         |  0
      1|              2     3|  1
      2|                 4   |  2
      3|  5     6            |  3
      4|                 7   |  4
      5|        8            |  5
      6|        9 10 11      |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6

    kwargs["delimiter"] = "\t"
    return cls.from_csv(tsv_file, typ, nrows, ncols, **kwargs)
def from_csv(csv_file, typ, nrows, ncols, one_based=True, **reader_kwargs)

Create a new matrix by reading a comma separated value file.

kwargs to this function are passed to the underlying csv.Reader object, so you can control various options like quoting and alternate delimiters that way.

>>> M = Matrix.from_csv(Path('docs/test_tsvfile.tsv'), types.INT32, 7, 7, delimiter='\t')
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     0     1         |  0
  1|              2     3|  1
  2|                 4   |  2
  3|  5     6            |  3
  4|                 7   |  4
  5|        8            |  5
  6|        9 10 11      |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
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def from_csv(
    cls, csv_file, typ, nrows, ncols, one_based=True, **reader_kwargs
):  # pragma: nocover
    """Create a new matrix by reading a comma separated value file.

    kwargs to this function are passed to the underlying
    `csv.Reader` object, so you can control various options like
    quoting and alternate delimiters that way.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_csv(Path('docs/test_tsvfile.tsv'), types.INT32, 7, 7, delimiter='\\t')
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     0     1         |  0
      1|              2     3|  1
      2|                 4   |  2
      3|  5     6            |  3
      4|                 7   |  4
      5|        8            |  5
      6|        9 10 11      |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6

    import csv

    if typ is types.BOOL:
        convert = bool
    elif typ in (
        convert = int
    elif typ in (types.FP32, types.FP64):
        convert = float
    elif typ in (types.FC32, types.FC64):
        convert = complex

    M = cls.sparse(typ, nrows, ncols)
    with open(csv_file, newline="") as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f, **reader_kwargs)
        for row in reader:
            if len(row) > 3:
                raise TypeError("File can contain only 3 columns: row, col and val")
            i, j, v = row
            i = int(i)
            j = int(j)
            if one_based:
                i = i - 1
                j = j - 1
            M[i, j] = convert(v)
    return M
def binread(bin_file, opener=<function>)

Create a new matrix by reading a SuiteSparse specific binary file.

Expand source code
def binread(cls, bin_file,  # pragma: nocover
    """Create a new matrix by reading a SuiteSparse specific binary file."""
    from import binary

    matrix = binary.binread(bin_file, opener)
    return cls(matrix)
def from_binfile(bin_file, opener=<function>)

Create a new matrix by reading a SuiteSparse specific binary file.

Expand source code
def binread(cls, bin_file,  # pragma: nocover
    """Create a new matrix by reading a SuiteSparse specific binary file."""
    from import binary

    matrix = binary.binread(bin_file, opener)
    return cls(matrix)
def random(typ, nvals, nrows=1152921504606846976, ncols=1152921504606846976, make_pattern=False, make_symmetric=False, make_skew_symmetric=False, make_hermitian=True, no_diagonal=False, seed=None)

Create a new random Matrix of the given type, number of rows, columns and values. Other flags set additional properties the matrix will hold.

>>> from .gviz import draw_graph
>>> M = Matrix.random(types.UINT8, 20, 5, 5,
...                   make_symmetric=True, no_diagonal=True, seed=42)
>>> draw_graph(M, filename='../docs/imgs/Matrix_random')
< object at ...>


Expand source code
def random(
):  # pragma: nocover
    """Create a new random Matrix of the given type, number of rows,
    columns and values.  Other flags set additional properties the
    matrix will hold.

    >>> from .gviz import draw_graph
    >>> M = Matrix.random(types.UINT8, 20, 5, 5,
    ...                   make_symmetric=True, no_diagonal=True, seed=42)
    >>> draw_graph(M, filename='../docs/imgs/Matrix_random')
    < object at ...>


    M = Matrix.sparse(typ, nrows, ncols)
    if seed is not None:
    if typ in (types.BOOL, types.UINT8, types.UINT16, types.UINT32, types.UINT64):
        make_skew_symmetric = False
    if M.nrows == 0 or M.ncols == 0:
        nvals = 0
    if M.nrows != M.ncols:
        make_symmetric = False
        make_skew_symmetric = False
        make_hermitian = False
    if make_pattern or make_symmetric:
        make_skew_symmetric = False
        make_hermitian = False
    if make_skew_symmetric:
        make_hermitian = False
        no_diagonal = true
    if typ not in (types.FC32, types.FC64):
        make_hermitian = False
    if typ is types.BOOL:
        f = partial(random.randint, 0, 1)
    if typ is types.UINT8:
        f = partial(random.randint, 0, (2 ** 8) - 1)
    if typ is types.UINT16:
        f = partial(random.randint, 0, (2 ** 16) - 1)
    if typ is types.UINT32:
        f = partial(random.randint, 0, (2 ** 32) - 1)
    if typ is types.UINT64:
        f = partial(random.randint, 0, (2 ** 64) - 1)
    if typ is types.INT8:
        f = partial(random.randint, (-(2 ** 7)) + 1, (2 ** 7) - 1)
    if typ is types.INT16:
        f = partial(random.randint, (-(2 ** 15)) + 1, (2 ** 15) - 1)
    if typ is types.INT32:
        f = partial(random.randint, (-(2 ** 31)) + 1, (2 ** 31) - 1)
    if typ is types.INT64:
        f = partial(random.randint, (-(2 ** 63)) + 1, (2 ** 63) - 1)
    if typ in (types.FP32, types.FP64):
        f = random.random
    if typ in (types.FC32, types.FC64):
        f = lambda: complex(random.random(), random.random())
    for i in range(nvals):
        i = random.randint(0, M.nrows - 1)
        j = random.randint(0, M.ncols - 1)
        M[i, j] = f()
    return M
def identity(typ, nrows, value=None)

Return a new square identity Matrix of nrows with diagonal set to one.

If one is None, use the default Type.default_one value.

>>> M = Matrix.identity(types.UINT8, 3, value=42)
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0| 42      |  0
  1|    42   |  1
  2|       42|  2
      0  1  2
Expand source code
def identity(cls, typ, nrows, value=None):
    """Return a new square identity Matrix of nrows with diagonal set to

    If one is None, use the default `Type.default_one` value.

    >>> M = Matrix.identity(types.UINT8, 3, value=42)
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0| 42      |  0
      1|    42   |  1
      2|       42|  2
          0  1  2

    result = cls.sparse(typ, nrows, nrows)
    if value is None:
        value = result.type.default_one
    for i in range(nrows):
        result[i, i] = value
    return result
def ssget(name_or_id=None, binary_cache_dir=None)

Load a matrix from the SuiteSparse Matrix Market.

See the ssgetpy library for search argument:

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from operator import itemgetter
>>> pprint(sorted(list(Matrix.ssget('Newman/karate')), key=itemgetter(0)))
[('karate.mtx', <Matrix(BOOL, shape: (34, 34), nvals: 156)>)]
Expand source code
def ssget(cls, name_or_id=None, binary_cache_dir=None):  # pragma: nocover
    """Load a matrix from the [SuiteSparse Matrix Market](

    See [the ssgetpy
    library]( for search

    >>> from pprint import pprint
    >>> from operator import itemgetter
    >>> pprint(sorted(list(Matrix.ssget('Newman/karate')), key=itemgetter(0)))
    [('karate.mtx', <Matrix(BOOL, shape: (34, 34), nvals: 156)>)]

    import ssgetpy

    results = []
    result =[0]
    mm_path, _ =
    mm_path = Path(mm_path)
    for m in mm_path.glob("*.mtx"):
        Mbin = mm_path / ( + ".grb")
        if binary_cache_dir and Mbin.exists():
            M = cls.from_binfile(Mbin)
            M = cls.from_mm(mm_path / m)
            if binary_cache_dir:
        yield, M
def from_scipy_sparse(m)

GrB_Type is inferred from m.dtype.

>>> A = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
>>> s = A.to_scipy_sparse()
>>> B = Matrix.from_scipy_sparse(s)
>>> assert A.iseq(B)
Expand source code
def from_scipy_sparse(cls, m):
    GrB_Type is inferred from m.dtype.

    >>> A = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
    >>> s = A.to_scipy_sparse()
    >>> B = Matrix.from_scipy_sparse(s)
    >>> assert A.iseq(B)
    ss = m.tocoo()
    nrows, ncols = ss.shape
    typ = types.Type._dtype_gb_map[m.dtype.type]
    return cls.from_lists(
        [i.item() for i in ss.row],
        [j.item() for j in ss.col],
        [v.item() for v in],

Instance Attributes

var gb_type

Return the GraphBLAS low-level type object of the Matrix. This is only used if interacting with the low level API.

>>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.INT8)
>>> M.gb_type == lib.GrB_INT8
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def gb_type(self):
    """Return the GraphBLAS low-level type object of the Matrix.  This is
    only used if interacting with the low level API.

    >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.INT8)
    >>> M.gb_type == lib.GrB_INT8

    new_type ="GrB_Type*")
    _check(self, lib.GxB_Matrix_type(new_type, self._matrix[0]))
    return new_type[0]
var nrows

Return the number of Matrix rows.

>>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
>>> M.nrows
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def nrows(self):
    """Return the number of Matrix rows.

    >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
    >>> M.nrows

    n ="GrB_Index*")
    _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_nrows(n, self._matrix[0]))
    return n[0]
var ncols

Return the number of Matrix columns.

>>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
>>> M.ncols
Expand source code
def ncols(self):
    """Return the number of Matrix columns.

    >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
    >>> M.ncols

    n ="GrB_Index*")
    _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_ncols(n, self._matrix[0]))
    return n[0]
var shape

Numpy-like description of matrix shape as 2-tuple (nrows, ncols).

>>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
>>> M.shape
(3, 3)
Expand source code
def shape(self):
    """Numpy-like description of matrix shape as 2-tuple (nrows, ncols).

    >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
    >>> M.shape
    (3, 3)

    return (self.nrows, self.ncols)
var square

True if Matrix is square, else False.

>>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
>>> M.square
>>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8, 3, 4)
>>> M.square
Expand source code
def square(self):
    """True if Matrix is square, else False.

    >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
    >>> M.square
    >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8, 3, 4)
    >>> M.square

    return self.nrows == self.ncols
var nvals

Return the number of values stored in the Matrix.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
>>> M.nvals
Expand source code
def nvals(self):
    """Return the number of values stored in the Matrix.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
    >>> M.nvals

    n ="GrB_Index*")
    _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_nvals(n, self._matrix[0]))
    return n[0]
var memory_usage

Returns the memory usage of the Matrix.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
>>> assert M.memory_usage > 0
Expand source code
def memory_usage(self):
    """Returns the memory usage of the Matrix.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
    >>> assert M.memory_usage > 0
    n ="size_t*")
    _check(self, lib.GxB_Matrix_memoryUsage(n, self._matrix[0]))
    return n[0]
var T

Compute transpose of the Matrix. See Matrix.transpose().

Note: This property can be expensive, if you need the transpose more than once, consider storing this in a local variable.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
>>> MT = M.T
>>> MT.iseq(M.transpose())
Expand source code
def T(self):
    """Compute transpose of the Matrix.  See `Matrix.transpose`.

    Note: This property can be expensive, if you need the
    transpose more than once, consider storing this in a local

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
    >>> MT = M.T
    >>> MT.iseq(M.transpose())

    return self.transpose()
var M

Return the structural "mask" pattern of this matrix. See pattern().

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 142])
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|    42   |  0
  1|      314|  1
  2|142      |  2
      0  1  2
>>> print(M.M)
      0  1  2
  0|     t   |  0
  1|        t|  1
  2|  t      |  2
      0  1  2
Expand source code
def M(self):
    """Return the structural "mask" pattern of this matrix.  See

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 142])
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|    42   |  0
      1|      314|  1
      2|142      |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> print(M.M)
          0  1  2
      0|     t   |  0
      1|        t|  1
      2|  t      |  2
          0  1  2

    return self.pattern()
var hyper_switch

Get the hyper_switch threshold. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)

>>> A = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
>>> hs = A.hyper_switch
>>> 0 < hs < 1
Expand source code
def hyper_switch(self):
    """Get the hyper_switch threshold. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)

    >>> A = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
    >>> hs = A.hyper_switch
    >>> 0 < hs < 1

    switch ="double*")
        lib.GxB_Matrix_Option_get(self._matrix[0], lib.GxB_HYPER_SWITCH, switch),
    return switch[0]
var format

Get Matrix format. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)

>>> A = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
>>> A.format == lib.GxB_BY_ROW
Expand source code
def format(self):
    """Get Matrix format. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)

    >>> A = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
    >>> A.format == lib.GxB_BY_ROW

    format ="GxB_Format_Value*")
    _check(self, lib.GxB_Matrix_Option_get(self._matrix[0], lib.GxB_FORMAT, format))
    return format[0]
var sparsity

Get Matrix sparsity control. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)

>>> A = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
>>> A.sparsity == lib.GxB_AUTO_SPARSITY
Expand source code
def sparsity(self):
    """Get Matrix sparsity control. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)

    >>> A = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
    >>> A.sparsity == lib.GxB_AUTO_SPARSITY

    sparsity ="int*")
            self._matrix[0], lib.GxB_SPARSITY_CONTROL, sparsity
    return sparsity[0]
var sparsity_status

Set Matrix sparsity status. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)

>>> A = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
>>> A.sparsity_status in [1,2,4,8]
Expand source code
def sparsity_status(self):
    """Set Matrix sparsity status. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)

    >>> A = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
    >>> A.sparsity_status in [1,2,4,8]

    status ="int*")
        lib.GxB_Matrix_Option_get(self._matrix[0], lib.GxB_SPARSITY_STATUS, status),
    return status[0]
var S

Return the vector "structure". This is the same as calling Matrix.pattern() with no arguments.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
>>> assert M.S == M.pattern()
Expand source code
def S(self):
    """Return the vector "structure".  This is the same as calling
    `Matrix.pattern()` with no arguments.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
    >>> assert M.S == M.pattern()

    return self.pattern()
var rows

An cffi cdata array of row indexes present in the matrix.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
>>> list(M.rows)
[0, 1, 2]
Expand source code
def rows(self):
    """An cffi cdata array of row indexes present in the matrix.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
    >>> list(M.rows)
    [0, 1, 2]

    nvals = self.nvals
    _nvals ="GrB_Index[1]", [nvals])
    I ="GrB_Index[%s]" % nvals)
    J = NULL
    X = NULL
    _check(self, self.type._Matrix_extractTuples(I, J, X, _nvals, self._matrix[0]))
    return I
var I

Iterator over Matrix.rows.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
>>> list(M.I)
[0, 1, 2]
Expand source code
def I(self):
    """Iterator over `Matrix.rows`.
    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
    >>> list(M.I)
    [0, 1, 2]

    return iter(self.rows)
var npI

numpy array from Matrix.rows.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
>>> M.npI
array([0, 1, 2], dtype=uint64)
Expand source code
def npI(self):
    """numpy array from `Matrix.rows`.
    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
    >>> M.npI
    array([0, 1, 2], dtype=uint64)

    return np.frombuffer(ffi.buffer(self.rows), dtype=np.uint64)
var cols

An cdata array of column indexes present in the matrix.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
>>> list(M.cols)
[1, 2, 0]
Expand source code
def cols(self):
    """An cdata array of column indexes present in the matrix.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
    >>> list(M.cols)
    [1, 2, 0]

    nvals = self.nvals
    _nvals ="GrB_Index[1]", [nvals])
    I = NULL
    J ="GrB_Index[%s]" % nvals)
    X = NULL
    _check(self, self.type._Matrix_extractTuples(I, J, X, _nvals, self._matrix[0]))
    return J
var J

Iterator over Matrix.cols.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
>>> list(M.J)
[1, 2, 0]
Expand source code
def J(self):
    """Iterator over `Matrix.cols`.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
    >>> list(M.J)
    [1, 2, 0]

    return iter(self.cols)
var npJ

numpy array from Matrix.cols.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
>>> M.npJ
array([1, 2, 0], dtype=uint64)
Expand source code
def npJ(self):
    """numpy array from `Matrix.cols`.
    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
    >>> M.npJ
    array([1, 2, 0], dtype=uint64)

    return np.frombuffer(ffi.buffer(self.cols), dtype=np.uint64)
var vals

An cdata array of values present in the matrix.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
>>> list(M.vals)
[42, 314, 4224]
Expand source code
def vals(self):
    """An cdata array of values present in the matrix.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
    >>> list(M.vals)
    [42, 314, 4224]

    nvals = self.nvals
    _nvals ="GrB_Index[1]", [nvals])
    I = NULL
    J = NULL
    V ="%s[%s]" % (self.type._c_type, nvals))
    _check(self, self.type._Matrix_extractTuples(I, J, V, _nvals, self._matrix[0]))
    return V
var V

Iterator over Matrix.vals.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
>>> list(M.V)
[42, 314, 4224]
Expand source code
def V(self):
    """Iterator over `Matrix.vals`.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
    >>> list(M.V)
    [42, 314, 4224]

    return iter(self.vals)
var npV

numpy array from Matrix.vals.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
>>> M.npV
array([  42,  314, 4224])
Expand source code
def npV(self):
    """numpy array from `Matrix.vals`.
    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
    >>> M.npV
    array([  42,  314, 4224])

    return np.frombuffer(ffi.buffer(self.vals), dtype=self.type._numpy_t)
var type

The type of the Matrix.

>>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.INT8)
>>> M.type == types.INT8


def dup(self, clear=False)

Create an duplicate Matrix.

If clear is true return an empty duplicate.

>>> A = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
>>> A[1,1] = 42
>>> B = A.dup()
>>> B[1,1]
>>> B is not A
>>> C = A.dup(True)
>>> assert not C
Expand source code
def dup(self, clear=False):
    """Create an duplicate Matrix.

    If `clear` is true return an empty duplicate.

    >>> A = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT8)
    >>> A[1,1] = 42
    >>> B = A.dup()
    >>> B[1,1]
    >>> B is not A
    >>> C = A.dup(True)
    >>> assert not C

    if clear:
        return self.__class__.sparse(self.type, self.nrows, self.ncols)
    new_mat ="GrB_Matrix*")
    _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_dup(new_mat, self._matrix[0]))
    return self.__class__(new_mat, self.type)
def pattern(self, typ=pygraphblas.types.BOOL, out=None)

Return the pattern of the matrix where every present value in this matrix is set to identity value for the provided type which defaults to BOOL.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 142])
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|    42   |  0
  1|      314|  1
  2|142      |  2
      0  1  2
>>> P = M.pattern()
>>> print(P)
      0  1  2
  0|     t   |  0
  1|        t|  1
  2|  t      |  2
      0  1  2

Pre-constructed matrix can be passed as the out parameter:

>>> C = Matrix.dense(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
>>> P = M.pattern(out=C)
>>> print(C)
      0  1  2
  0|     t   |  0
  1|        t|  1
  2|  t      |  2
      0  1  2
Expand source code
def pattern(self, typ=types.BOOL, out=None):
    """Return the pattern of the matrix where every present value in this
    matrix is set to identity value for the provided type which
    defaults to BOOL.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 142])
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|    42   |  0
      1|      314|  1
      2|142      |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> P = M.pattern()
    >>> print(P)
          0  1  2
      0|     t   |  0
      1|        t|  1
      2|  t      |  2
          0  1  2

    Pre-constructed matrix can be passed as the `out` parameter:

    >>> C = Matrix.dense(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
    >>> P = M.pattern(out=C)
    >>> print(C)
          0  1  2
      0|     t   |  0
      1|        t|  1
      2|  t      |  2
          0  1  2


    if out is None:
        out = Matrix.sparse(typ, self.nrows, self.ncols)
    return self.apply(typ.ONE, out=out)
def binwrite(self, filename, comments='', opener=<function>)

Write this matrix using custom SuiteSparse binary format.

Expand source code
def binwrite(self, filename, comments="",  # pragma: nocover
    """Write this matrix using custom SuiteSparse binary format."""
    from import binary

    binary.binwrite(self._matrix, filename, comments, opener)
def to_binfile(self, filename, comments='', opener=<function>)

Write this matrix using custom SuiteSparse binary format.

Expand source code
def binwrite(self, filename, comments="",  # pragma: nocover
    """Write this matrix using custom SuiteSparse binary format."""
    from import binary

    binary.binwrite(self._matrix, filename, comments, opener)
def to_lists(self)

Extract the rows, columns and values of the Matrix as 3 lists.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
>>> M.to_lists()
[[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224]]
Expand source code
def to_lists(self):
    """Extract the rows, columns and values of the Matrix as 3 lists.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
    >>> M.to_lists()
    [[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224]]

    I ="GrB_Index[%s]" % self.nvals)
    J ="GrB_Index[%s]" % self.nvals)
    V = + "[%s]" % self.nvals)
    n ="GrB_Index*")
    n[0] = self.nvals
    _check(self, self.type._Matrix_extractTuples(I, J, V, n, self._matrix[0]))
    return [list(I), list(J), list(map(self.type._to_value, V))]
def clear(self)

Clear the matrix. This does not change the size but removes all values.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
>>> M.nvals == 3
>>> M.clear()
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|         |  0
  1|         |  1
  2|         |  2
      0  1  2
Expand source code
def clear(self):
    """Clear the matrix.  This does not change the size but removes all

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
    >>> M.nvals == 3
    >>> M.clear()
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|         |  0
      1|         |  1
      2|         |  2
          0  1  2

    _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_clear(self._matrix[0]))
def resize(self, nrows=1152921504606846976, ncols=1152921504606846976)

Resize the matrix. If the dimensions decrease, entries that fall outside the resized matrix are deleted.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 149])
>>> M.shape
(3, 3)
>>> M.resize(10, 10)
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
  0|    42                        |  0
  1|      314                     |  1
  2|149                           |  2
  3|                              |  3
  4|                              |  4
  5|                              |  5
  6|                              |  6
  7|                              |  7
  8|                              |  8
  9|                              |  9
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
Expand source code
def resize(self, nrows=GxB_INDEX_MAX, ncols=GxB_INDEX_MAX):
    """Resize the matrix.  If the dimensions decrease, entries that fall
    outside the resized matrix are deleted.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 149])
    >>> M.shape
    (3, 3)
    >>> M.resize(10, 10)
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
      0|    42                        |  0
      1|      314                     |  1
      2|149                           |  2
      3|                              |  3
      4|                              |  4
      5|                              |  5
      6|                              |  6
      7|                              |  7
      8|                              |  8
      9|                              |  9
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

    _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_resize(self._matrix[0], nrows, ncols))
def transpose(self, cast=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Return Transpose of this matrix.

This function can serve multiple interesting purposes including typecasting. See the SuiteSparse User Guide

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 149])
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|    42   |  0
  1|      314|  1
  2|149      |  2
      0  1  2
>>> MT = M.transpose()
>>> print(MT)
      0  1  2
  0|      149|  0
  1| 42      |  1
  2|   314   |  2
      0  1  2
>>> MT = M.transpose(cast=types.BOOL, desc=descriptor.T0)
>>> print(MT)
      0  1  2
  0|     t   |  0
  1|        t|  1
  2|  t      |  2
      0  1  2
>>> N = M.dup(True)
>>> MT = M.transpose(desc=descriptor.T0, out=N)
>>> print(MT)
      0  1  2
  0|    42   |  0
  1|      314|  1
  2|149      |  2
      0  1  2
Expand source code
def transpose(self, cast=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
    """Return Transpose of this matrix.

    This function can serve multiple interesting purposes
    including typecasting.  See the [SuiteSparse User

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 149])
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|    42   |  0
      1|      314|  1
      2|149      |  2
          0  1  2

    >>> MT = M.transpose()
    >>> print(MT)
          0  1  2
      0|      149|  0
      1| 42      |  1
      2|   314   |  2
          0  1  2

    >>> MT = M.transpose(cast=types.BOOL, desc=descriptor.T0)
    >>> print(MT)
          0  1  2
      0|     t   |  0
      1|        t|  1
      2|  t      |  2
          0  1  2

    >>> N = M.dup(True)
    >>> MT = M.transpose(desc=descriptor.T0, out=N)
    >>> print(MT)
          0  1  2
      0|    42   |  0
      1|      314|  1
      2|149      |  2
          0  1  2

    if out is None:
        new_dimensions = (
            (self.nrows, self.ncols)
            if T0 in (desc or ())
            else (self.ncols, self.nrows)
        _out ="GrB_Matrix*")
        if cast is not None:
            typ = cast
            typ = self.type
        _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_new(_out, typ._gb_type, *new_dimensions))
        out = self.__class__(_out, typ)
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        self, lib.GrB_transpose(out._matrix[0], mask, accum, self._matrix[0], desc)
    return out
def cast(self, cast, out=None)

Cast this matrix to the provided type. If out is not provided, a new matrix is of the cast type is created.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 149])
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|    42   |  0
  1|      314|  1
  2|149      |  2
      0  1  2
>>> N = M.cast(types.FP32)
>>> print(N.to_string(width=5, prec=4))
          0    1    2
    0|      42.0     |  0
    1|          314.0|  1
    2|149.0          |  2
          0    1    2
>>> N = M.cast(types.FP64)
>>> print(N.to_string(width=5, prec=4))
          0    1    2
    0|      42.0     |  0
    1|          314.0|  1
    2|149.0          |  2
          0    1    2
>>> N = M.cast(types.INT64)
>>> print(N.to_string(width=5, prec=4))
          0    1    2
    0|        42     |  0
    1|            314|  1
    2|  149          |  2
          0    1    2
Expand source code
def cast(self, cast, out=None):
    """Cast this matrix to the provided type.  If out is not provided, a
    new matrix is of the cast type is created.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 149])
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|    42   |  0
      1|      314|  1
      2|149      |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> N = M.cast(types.FP32)
    >>> print(N.to_string(width=5, prec=4))
              0    1    2
        0|      42.0     |  0
        1|          314.0|  1
        2|149.0          |  2
              0    1    2

    >>> N = M.cast(types.FP64)
    >>> print(N.to_string(width=5, prec=4))
              0    1    2
        0|      42.0     |  0
        1|          314.0|  1
        2|149.0          |  2
              0    1    2

    >>> N = M.cast(types.INT64)
    >>> print(N.to_string(width=5, prec=4))
              0    1    2
        0|        42     |  0
        1|            314|  1
        2|  149          |  2
              0    1    2

    if out is None and self.type == cast:
        return self
    return self.transpose(cast, out, desc=T0)
def eadd(self, other, add_op=None, cast=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Element-wise addition with other matrix

Element-wise addition takes the set union of the patterns of A and B and applies a binary operator for all entries that appear in the set intersection of the patterns of A and B. The default operators is the PLUS binary operator of the output type.

The only difference between element-wise multiplication and addition is the pattern of the result, and what happens to entries outside the intersection. With multiplication the pattern of T is the intersection; with addition it is the set union. Entries outside the set intersection are dropped for multiplication, and kept for addition; in both cases the operator is only applied to those (and only those) entries in the intersection. Any binary operator can be used interchangeably for either operation.

>>> from .gviz import draw_graph
>>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
>>> J = [1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 0, 2, 5, 2, 2, 3, 4]
>>> V = list(range(len(I)))
>>> A = Matrix.from_lists(I, J, V, 7, 7)
>>> draw_graph(A, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_eadd_A')
< object at ...>


>>> B = Matrix.from_lists(
...    [0, 1, 4, 6],
...    [1, 3, 5, 5],
...    [9, 1, 4, 7], 7, 7)
>>> draw_graph(B, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_eadd_B')
< object at ...>


>>> draw_graph(A.eadd(B), filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_eadd_C')
< object at ...>
>>> print(A.eadd(B))
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     9     1         |  0
  1|           1  2     3|  1
  2|                 4   |  2
  3|  5     6            |  3
  4|                11   |  4
  5|        8            |  5
  6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6


This can also be accomplished with the + operators:

>>> print(A + B)
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     9     1         |  0
  1|           1  2     3|  1
  2|                 4   |  2
  3|  5     6            |  3
  4|                11   |  4
  5|        8            |  5
  6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6

The combining operator used can be provided either as a context manager or passed to mxv as the add_op argument.

>>> with types.INT64.MIN:
...     print(A + B)
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     0     1         |  0
  1|           1  2     3|  1
  2|                 4   |  2
  3|  5     6            |  3
  4|                 4   |  4
  5|        8            |  5
  6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6

eadd is also called when a monoid is used by name as an attribute of an object:

>>> print(A.min_monoid(B))
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     0     1         |  0
  1|           1  2     3|  1
  2|                 4   |  2
  3|  5     6            |  3
  4|                 4   |  4
  5|        8            |  5
  6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
>>> print(A.eadd(B, A.type.min_plus))
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     0     1         |  0
  1|           1  2     3|  1
  2|                 4   |  2
  3|  5     6            |  3
  4|                 4   |  4
  5|        8            |  5
  6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6

The following operators default to use eadd:

Operator Description Default
A | B Matrix Union type default SECOND combiner
A |= B In-place Matrix Union type default SECOND combiner
A + B Matrix Element-Wise Union type default PLUS combiner
A += B In-place Matrix Element-Wise Union type default PLUS combiner
A - B Matrix Element-Wise Union type default MINUS combiner
A -= B In-place Matrix Element-Wise Union type default MINUS combiner
Expand source code
def eadd(
    """Element-wise addition with other matrix

    Element-wise addition takes the set union of the patterns of A
    and B and applies a binary operator for all entries that
    appear in the set intersection of the patterns of A and B.
    The default operators is the `PLUS` binary operator of the
    output type.

    The only difference between element-wise multiplication and
    addition is the pattern of the result, and what happens to
    entries outside the intersection. With multiplication the
    pattern of T is the intersection; with addition it is the set
    union. Entries outside the set intersection are dropped for
    multiplication, and kept for addition; in both cases the
    operator is only applied to those (and only those) entries in
    the intersection. Any binary operator can be used
    interchangeably for either operation.

    >>> from .gviz import draw_graph
    >>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
    >>> J = [1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 0, 2, 5, 2, 2, 3, 4]
    >>> V = list(range(len(I)))
    >>> A = Matrix.from_lists(I, J, V, 7, 7)
    >>> draw_graph(A, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_eadd_A')
    < object at ...>


    >>> B = Matrix.from_lists(
    ...    [0, 1, 4, 6],
    ...    [1, 3, 5, 5],
    ...    [9, 1, 4, 7], 7, 7)
    >>> draw_graph(B, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_eadd_B')
    < object at ...>


    >>> draw_graph(A.eadd(B), filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_eadd_C')
    < object at ...>
    >>> print(A.eadd(B))
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     9     1         |  0
      1|           1  2     3|  1
      2|                 4   |  2
      3|  5     6            |  3
      4|                11   |  4
      5|        8            |  5
      6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6


    This can also be accomplished with the `+` operators:

    >>> print(A + B)
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     9     1         |  0
      1|           1  2     3|  1
      2|                 4   |  2
      3|  5     6            |  3
      4|                11   |  4
      5|        8            |  5
      6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6

    The combining operator used can be provided either as a
    context manager or passed to `mxv` as the `add_op` argument.

    >>> with types.INT64.MIN:
    ...     print(A + B)
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     0     1         |  0
      1|           1  2     3|  1
      2|                 4   |  2
      3|  5     6            |  3
      4|                 4   |  4
      5|        8            |  5
      6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6

    `eadd` is also called when a monoid is used by name as an
    attribute of an object:

    >>> print(A.min_monoid(B))
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     0     1         |  0
      1|           1  2     3|  1
      2|                 4   |  2
      3|  5     6            |  3
      4|                 4   |  4
      5|        8            |  5
      6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6

    >>> print(A.eadd(B, A.type.min_plus))
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     0     1         |  0
      1|           1  2     3|  1
      2|                 4   |  2
      3|  5     6            |  3
      4|                 4   |  4
      5|        8            |  5
      6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6

    The following operators default to use `eadd`:

    Operator | Description | Default
    --- | --- | ---
    A \\|  B | Matrix Union | type default SECOND combiner
    A \\|= B | In-place Matrix Union | type default SECOND combiner
    A +    B | Matrix Element-Wise Union | type default PLUS combiner
    A +=   B | In-place Matrix Element-Wise Union | type default PLUS combiner
    A -    B | Matrix Element-Wise Union | type default MINUS combiner
    A -=   B | In-place Matrix Element-Wise Union | type default MINUS combiner

    func = lib.GrB_Matrix_eWiseAdd_BinaryOp
    if add_op is None:
        add_op = current_binop.get(NULL)
    elif isinstance(add_op, Monoid):
        func = lib.GrB_Matrix_eWiseAdd_Monoid
    elif isinstance(add_op, Semiring):
        func = lib.GrB_Matrix_eWiseAdd_Semiring

    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)

    if out is None:
        typ = cast or types.promote(self.type, other.type)
        _out ="GrB_Matrix*")
        _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_new(_out, typ._gb_type, self.nrows, self.ncols))
        out = Matrix(_out, typ)

    if add_op is NULL:
        add_op = out.type._default_addop()

    return out
def union(self, other, add_op=None, cast=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Element-wise addition with other matrix

Element-wise addition takes the set union of the patterns of A and B and applies a binary operator for all entries that appear in the set intersection of the patterns of A and B. The default operators is the PLUS binary operator of the output type.

The only difference between element-wise multiplication and addition is the pattern of the result, and what happens to entries outside the intersection. With multiplication the pattern of T is the intersection; with addition it is the set union. Entries outside the set intersection are dropped for multiplication, and kept for addition; in both cases the operator is only applied to those (and only those) entries in the intersection. Any binary operator can be used interchangeably for either operation.

>>> from .gviz import draw_graph
>>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
>>> J = [1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 0, 2, 5, 2, 2, 3, 4]
>>> V = list(range(len(I)))
>>> A = Matrix.from_lists(I, J, V, 7, 7)
>>> draw_graph(A, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_eadd_A')
< object at ...>


>>> B = Matrix.from_lists(
...    [0, 1, 4, 6],
...    [1, 3, 5, 5],
...    [9, 1, 4, 7], 7, 7)
>>> draw_graph(B, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_eadd_B')
< object at ...>


>>> draw_graph(A.eadd(B), filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_eadd_C')
< object at ...>
>>> print(A.eadd(B))
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     9     1         |  0
  1|           1  2     3|  1
  2|                 4   |  2
  3|  5     6            |  3
  4|                11   |  4
  5|        8            |  5
  6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6


This can also be accomplished with the + operators:

>>> print(A + B)
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     9     1         |  0
  1|           1  2     3|  1
  2|                 4   |  2
  3|  5     6            |  3
  4|                11   |  4
  5|        8            |  5
  6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6

The combining operator used can be provided either as a context manager or passed to mxv as the add_op argument.

>>> with types.INT64.MIN:
...     print(A + B)
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     0     1         |  0
  1|           1  2     3|  1
  2|                 4   |  2
  3|  5     6            |  3
  4|                 4   |  4
  5|        8            |  5
  6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6

eadd is also called when a monoid is used by name as an attribute of an object:

>>> print(A.min_monoid(B))
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     0     1         |  0
  1|           1  2     3|  1
  2|                 4   |  2
  3|  5     6            |  3
  4|                 4   |  4
  5|        8            |  5
  6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
>>> print(A.eadd(B, A.type.min_plus))
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     0     1         |  0
  1|           1  2     3|  1
  2|                 4   |  2
  3|  5     6            |  3
  4|                 4   |  4
  5|        8            |  5
  6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6

The following operators default to use eadd:

Operator Description Default
A | B Matrix Union type default SECOND combiner
A |= B In-place Matrix Union type default SECOND combiner
A + B Matrix Element-Wise Union type default PLUS combiner
A += B In-place Matrix Element-Wise Union type default PLUS combiner
A - B Matrix Element-Wise Union type default MINUS combiner
A -= B In-place Matrix Element-Wise Union type default MINUS combiner
Expand source code
def eadd(
    """Element-wise addition with other matrix

    Element-wise addition takes the set union of the patterns of A
    and B and applies a binary operator for all entries that
    appear in the set intersection of the patterns of A and B.
    The default operators is the `PLUS` binary operator of the
    output type.

    The only difference between element-wise multiplication and
    addition is the pattern of the result, and what happens to
    entries outside the intersection. With multiplication the
    pattern of T is the intersection; with addition it is the set
    union. Entries outside the set intersection are dropped for
    multiplication, and kept for addition; in both cases the
    operator is only applied to those (and only those) entries in
    the intersection. Any binary operator can be used
    interchangeably for either operation.

    >>> from .gviz import draw_graph
    >>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
    >>> J = [1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 0, 2, 5, 2, 2, 3, 4]
    >>> V = list(range(len(I)))
    >>> A = Matrix.from_lists(I, J, V, 7, 7)
    >>> draw_graph(A, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_eadd_A')
    < object at ...>


    >>> B = Matrix.from_lists(
    ...    [0, 1, 4, 6],
    ...    [1, 3, 5, 5],
    ...    [9, 1, 4, 7], 7, 7)
    >>> draw_graph(B, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_eadd_B')
    < object at ...>


    >>> draw_graph(A.eadd(B), filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_eadd_C')
    < object at ...>
    >>> print(A.eadd(B))
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     9     1         |  0
      1|           1  2     3|  1
      2|                 4   |  2
      3|  5     6            |  3
      4|                11   |  4
      5|        8            |  5
      6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6


    This can also be accomplished with the `+` operators:

    >>> print(A + B)
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     9     1         |  0
      1|           1  2     3|  1
      2|                 4   |  2
      3|  5     6            |  3
      4|                11   |  4
      5|        8            |  5
      6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6

    The combining operator used can be provided either as a
    context manager or passed to `mxv` as the `add_op` argument.

    >>> with types.INT64.MIN:
    ...     print(A + B)
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     0     1         |  0
      1|           1  2     3|  1
      2|                 4   |  2
      3|  5     6            |  3
      4|                 4   |  4
      5|        8            |  5
      6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6

    `eadd` is also called when a monoid is used by name as an
    attribute of an object:

    >>> print(A.min_monoid(B))
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     0     1         |  0
      1|           1  2     3|  1
      2|                 4   |  2
      3|  5     6            |  3
      4|                 4   |  4
      5|        8            |  5
      6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6

    >>> print(A.eadd(B, A.type.min_plus))
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     0     1         |  0
      1|           1  2     3|  1
      2|                 4   |  2
      3|  5     6            |  3
      4|                 4   |  4
      5|        8            |  5
      6|        9 10 11  7   |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6

    The following operators default to use `eadd`:

    Operator | Description | Default
    --- | --- | ---
    A \\|  B | Matrix Union | type default SECOND combiner
    A \\|= B | In-place Matrix Union | type default SECOND combiner
    A +    B | Matrix Element-Wise Union | type default PLUS combiner
    A +=   B | In-place Matrix Element-Wise Union | type default PLUS combiner
    A -    B | Matrix Element-Wise Union | type default MINUS combiner
    A -=   B | In-place Matrix Element-Wise Union | type default MINUS combiner

    func = lib.GrB_Matrix_eWiseAdd_BinaryOp
    if add_op is None:
        add_op = current_binop.get(NULL)
    elif isinstance(add_op, Monoid):
        func = lib.GrB_Matrix_eWiseAdd_Monoid
    elif isinstance(add_op, Semiring):
        func = lib.GrB_Matrix_eWiseAdd_Semiring

    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)

    if out is None:
        typ = cast or types.promote(self.type, other.type)
        _out ="GrB_Matrix*")
        _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_new(_out, typ._gb_type, self.nrows, self.ncols))
        out = Matrix(_out, typ)

    if add_op is NULL:
        add_op = out.type._default_addop()

    return out
def emult(self, other, mult_op=None, cast=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Element-wise multiplication with other matrix.

Element-wise multiplication applies a binary operator element-wise on two matrices A and B, for all entries that appear in the set intersection of the patterns of A and B. Other operators other than addition can be used.

The pattern of the result of the element-wise multiplication is exactly this set intersection. Entries in A but not B, or visa versa, do not appear in the result.

The only difference between element-wise multiplication and addition is the pattern of the result, and what happens to entries outside the intersection. With multiplication the pattern of T is the intersection; with addition it is the set union. Entries outside the set intersection are dropped for multiplication, and kept for addition; in both cases the operator is only applied to those (and only those) entries in the intersection. Any binary operator can be used interchangeably for either operation.

>>> from .gviz import draw_graph
>>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
>>> J = [1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 0, 2, 5, 2, 2, 3, 4]
>>> V = list(range(len(I)))
>>> A = Matrix.from_lists(I, J, V, 7, 7)
>>> draw_graph(A, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_emult_A')
< object at ...>


>>> B = Matrix.from_lists(
...    [0, 1, 1, 6, 6],
...    [1, 4, 6, 3, 5],
...    [9, 1, 4, 7, 11], 7, 7)
>>> draw_graph(B, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_emult_B')
< object at ...>


>>> draw_graph(A.emult(B), filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_emult_C')
< object at ...>
>>> print(A.emult(B))
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     0               |  0
  1|              2    12|  1
  2|                     |  2
  3|                     |  3
  4|                     |  4
  5|                     |  5
  6|          70         |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6


This can also be accomplished with the + operators:

>>> print(A * B)
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     0               |  0
  1|              2    12|  1
  2|                     |  2
  3|                     |  3
  4|                     |  4
  5|                     |  5
  6|          70         |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6

The combining operator used can be provided either as a context manager or passed to mxv as the add_op argument.

>>> with types.INT64.MIN:
...     print(A * B)
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     0               |  0
  1|              1     3|  1
  2|                     |  2
  3|                     |  3
  4|                     |  4
  5|                     |  5
  6|           7         |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6

emult is also called when a binary operator is accessed by name as an attribute of an object:

>>> print(A.min(B))
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     0               |  0
  1|              1     3|  1
  2|                     |  2
  3|                     |  3
  4|                     |  4
  5|                     |  5
  6|           7         |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6

The following operators default to using emult:

Operator Description Default
A & B Matrix Intersection type default SECOND combiner
A &= B In-place Matrix Intersection type default SECOND combiner
A * B Matrix Element-Wise Intersection type default TIMES combiner
A *= B In-place Matrix Element-Wise Intersection type default TIMES combiner
A / B Matrix Element-Wise Intersection type default DIV combiner
A /= B In-place Matrix Element-Wise Intersection type default DIV combiner
Expand source code
def emult(
    """Element-wise multiplication with other matrix.

    Element-wise multiplication applies a binary operator
    element-wise on two matrices A and B, for all entries that
    appear in the set intersection of the patterns of A and B.
    Other operators other than addition can be used.

    The pattern of the result of the element-wise multiplication
    is exactly this set intersection. Entries in A but not B, or
    visa versa, do not appear in the result.

    The only difference between element-wise multiplication and
    addition is the pattern of the result, and what happens to
    entries outside the intersection. With multiplication the
    pattern of T is the intersection; with addition it is the set
    union. Entries outside the set intersection are dropped for
    multiplication, and kept for addition; in both cases the
    operator is only applied to those (and only those) entries in
    the intersection. Any binary operator can be used
    interchangeably for either operation.

    >>> from .gviz import draw_graph
    >>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
    >>> J = [1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 0, 2, 5, 2, 2, 3, 4]
    >>> V = list(range(len(I)))
    >>> A = Matrix.from_lists(I, J, V, 7, 7)
    >>> draw_graph(A, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_emult_A')
    < object at ...>


    >>> B = Matrix.from_lists(
    ...    [0, 1, 1, 6, 6],
    ...    [1, 4, 6, 3, 5],
    ...    [9, 1, 4, 7, 11], 7, 7)
    >>> draw_graph(B, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_emult_B')
    < object at ...>


    >>> draw_graph(A.emult(B), filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_emult_C')
    < object at ...>
    >>> print(A.emult(B))
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     0               |  0
      1|              2    12|  1
      2|                     |  2
      3|                     |  3
      4|                     |  4
      5|                     |  5
      6|          70         |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6


    This can also be accomplished with the `+` operators:

    >>> print(A * B)
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     0               |  0
      1|              2    12|  1
      2|                     |  2
      3|                     |  3
      4|                     |  4
      5|                     |  5
      6|          70         |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6

    The combining operator used can be provided either as a
    context manager or passed to `mxv` as the `add_op` argument.

    >>> with types.INT64.MIN:
    ...     print(A * B)
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     0               |  0
      1|              1     3|  1
      2|                     |  2
      3|                     |  3
      4|                     |  4
      5|                     |  5
      6|           7         |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6

    `emult` is also called when a binary operator is accessed by
    name as an attribute of an object:

    >>> print(A.min(B))
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     0               |  0
      1|              1     3|  1
      2|                     |  2
      3|                     |  3
      4|                     |  4
      5|                     |  5
      6|           7         |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6

    The following operators default to using `emult`:

    Operator | Description | Default
    --- | --- | ---
    A &    B | Matrix Intersection | type default SECOND combiner
    A &=   B | In-place Matrix Intersection | type default SECOND combiner
    A *    B | Matrix Element-Wise Intersection | type default TIMES combiner
    A *=   B | In-place Matrix Element-Wise Intersection | type default TIMES combiner
    A /    B | Matrix Element-Wise Intersection | type default DIV combiner
    A /=   B | In-place Matrix Element-Wise Intersection | type default DIV combiner

    if mult_op is None:
        mult_op = current_binop.get(NULL)
    elif isinstance(mult_op, str):
        mult_op = _get_bin_op(mult_op, self.type)

    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
    if out is None:
        typ = cast or types.promote(self.type, other.type)
        _out ="GrB_Matrix*")
        _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_new(_out, typ._gb_type, self.nrows, self.ncols))
        out = Matrix(_out, typ)

    if mult_op is NULL:
        mult_op = out.type._default_multop()
    mult_op = mult_op.get_op()
    return out
def intersection(self, other, mult_op=None, cast=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Element-wise multiplication with other matrix.

Element-wise multiplication applies a binary operator element-wise on two matrices A and B, for all entries that appear in the set intersection of the patterns of A and B. Other operators other than addition can be used.

The pattern of the result of the element-wise multiplication is exactly this set intersection. Entries in A but not B, or visa versa, do not appear in the result.

The only difference between element-wise multiplication and addition is the pattern of the result, and what happens to entries outside the intersection. With multiplication the pattern of T is the intersection; with addition it is the set union. Entries outside the set intersection are dropped for multiplication, and kept for addition; in both cases the operator is only applied to those (and only those) entries in the intersection. Any binary operator can be used interchangeably for either operation.

>>> from .gviz import draw_graph
>>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
>>> J = [1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 0, 2, 5, 2, 2, 3, 4]
>>> V = list(range(len(I)))
>>> A = Matrix.from_lists(I, J, V, 7, 7)
>>> draw_graph(A, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_emult_A')
< object at ...>


>>> B = Matrix.from_lists(
...    [0, 1, 1, 6, 6],
...    [1, 4, 6, 3, 5],
...    [9, 1, 4, 7, 11], 7, 7)
>>> draw_graph(B, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_emult_B')
< object at ...>


>>> draw_graph(A.emult(B), filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_emult_C')
< object at ...>
>>> print(A.emult(B))
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     0               |  0
  1|              2    12|  1
  2|                     |  2
  3|                     |  3
  4|                     |  4
  5|                     |  5
  6|          70         |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6


This can also be accomplished with the + operators:

>>> print(A * B)
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     0               |  0
  1|              2    12|  1
  2|                     |  2
  3|                     |  3
  4|                     |  4
  5|                     |  5
  6|          70         |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6

The combining operator used can be provided either as a context manager or passed to mxv as the add_op argument.

>>> with types.INT64.MIN:
...     print(A * B)
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     0               |  0
  1|              1     3|  1
  2|                     |  2
  3|                     |  3
  4|                     |  4
  5|                     |  5
  6|           7         |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6

emult is also called when a binary operator is accessed by name as an attribute of an object:

>>> print(A.min(B))
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6
  0|     0               |  0
  1|              1     3|  1
  2|                     |  2
  3|                     |  3
  4|                     |  4
  5|                     |  5
  6|           7         |  6
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6

The following operators default to using emult:

Operator Description Default
A & B Matrix Intersection type default SECOND combiner
A &= B In-place Matrix Intersection type default SECOND combiner
A * B Matrix Element-Wise Intersection type default TIMES combiner
A *= B In-place Matrix Element-Wise Intersection type default TIMES combiner
A / B Matrix Element-Wise Intersection type default DIV combiner
A /= B In-place Matrix Element-Wise Intersection type default DIV combiner
Expand source code
def emult(
    """Element-wise multiplication with other matrix.

    Element-wise multiplication applies a binary operator
    element-wise on two matrices A and B, for all entries that
    appear in the set intersection of the patterns of A and B.
    Other operators other than addition can be used.

    The pattern of the result of the element-wise multiplication
    is exactly this set intersection. Entries in A but not B, or
    visa versa, do not appear in the result.

    The only difference between element-wise multiplication and
    addition is the pattern of the result, and what happens to
    entries outside the intersection. With multiplication the
    pattern of T is the intersection; with addition it is the set
    union. Entries outside the set intersection are dropped for
    multiplication, and kept for addition; in both cases the
    operator is only applied to those (and only those) entries in
    the intersection. Any binary operator can be used
    interchangeably for either operation.

    >>> from .gviz import draw_graph
    >>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
    >>> J = [1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 0, 2, 5, 2, 2, 3, 4]
    >>> V = list(range(len(I)))
    >>> A = Matrix.from_lists(I, J, V, 7, 7)
    >>> draw_graph(A, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_emult_A')
    < object at ...>


    >>> B = Matrix.from_lists(
    ...    [0, 1, 1, 6, 6],
    ...    [1, 4, 6, 3, 5],
    ...    [9, 1, 4, 7, 11], 7, 7)
    >>> draw_graph(B, filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_emult_B')
    < object at ...>


    >>> draw_graph(A.emult(B), filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_emult_C')
    < object at ...>
    >>> print(A.emult(B))
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     0               |  0
      1|              2    12|  1
      2|                     |  2
      3|                     |  3
      4|                     |  4
      5|                     |  5
      6|          70         |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6


    This can also be accomplished with the `+` operators:

    >>> print(A * B)
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     0               |  0
      1|              2    12|  1
      2|                     |  2
      3|                     |  3
      4|                     |  4
      5|                     |  5
      6|          70         |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6

    The combining operator used can be provided either as a
    context manager or passed to `mxv` as the `add_op` argument.

    >>> with types.INT64.MIN:
    ...     print(A * B)
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     0               |  0
      1|              1     3|  1
      2|                     |  2
      3|                     |  3
      4|                     |  4
      5|                     |  5
      6|           7         |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6

    `emult` is also called when a binary operator is accessed by
    name as an attribute of an object:

    >>> print(A.min(B))
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6
      0|     0               |  0
      1|              1     3|  1
      2|                     |  2
      3|                     |  3
      4|                     |  4
      5|                     |  5
      6|           7         |  6
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6

    The following operators default to using `emult`:

    Operator | Description | Default
    --- | --- | ---
    A &    B | Matrix Intersection | type default SECOND combiner
    A &=   B | In-place Matrix Intersection | type default SECOND combiner
    A *    B | Matrix Element-Wise Intersection | type default TIMES combiner
    A *=   B | In-place Matrix Element-Wise Intersection | type default TIMES combiner
    A /    B | Matrix Element-Wise Intersection | type default DIV combiner
    A /=   B | In-place Matrix Element-Wise Intersection | type default DIV combiner

    if mult_op is None:
        mult_op = current_binop.get(NULL)
    elif isinstance(mult_op, str):
        mult_op = _get_bin_op(mult_op, self.type)

    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
    if out is None:
        typ = cast or types.promote(self.type, other.type)
        _out ="GrB_Matrix*")
        _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_new(_out, typ._gb_type, self.nrows, self.ncols))
        out = Matrix(_out, typ)

    if mult_op is NULL:
        mult_op = out.type._default_multop()
    mult_op = mult_op.get_op()
    return out
def all(self, other, op)

Do all elements in self compare True with op to other?

>>> from . import INT64
>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 3])
>>> N = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 3])
>>> assert M.all(N, INT64.EQ)
>>> assert not M.all(N, INT64.GT)
Expand source code
def all(self, other, op):
    """Do all elements in self compare True with op to other?

    >>> from . import INT64
    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 3])
    >>> N = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 3])
    >>> assert M.all(N, INT64.EQ)
    >>> assert not M.all(N, INT64.GT)

    if self.shape != other.shape:
        return False
    if self.nvals != other.nvals:
        return False
    C = self.emult(other, op, cast=types.BOOL)
    if C.nvals != self.nvals:
        return False
    return C.reduce_bool(types.BOOL.land_monoid)
def iseq(self, other)

Compare two matrices for equality returning True or False.

Not to be confused with == which will return a matrix of BOOL values comparing elements for equality.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
>>> N = M.dup()
>>> M.iseq(N)
>>> del N[0, 1]
>>> M.iseq(N)
Expand source code
def iseq(self, other):
    """Compare two matrices for equality returning True or False.

    Not to be confused with `==` which will return a matrix of
    BOOL values comparing *elements* for equality.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
    >>> N = M.dup()
    >>> M.iseq(N)
    >>> del N[0, 1]
    >>> M.iseq(N)

    if self.type != other.type:
        return False
    return self.all(other, self.type.EQ)
def isne(self, other)

Compare two matrices for inequality. See Matrix.iseq().

Expand source code
def isne(self, other):
    """Compare two matrices for inequality.  See `Matrix.iseq`."""
    return not self.iseq(other)
def to_arrays(self)

Convert Matrix to tuple of three dense array objects.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
>>> M.to_arrays()
(array('L', [0, 1, 2]), array('L', [1, 2, 0]), array('q', [42, 314, 4224]))
Expand source code
def to_arrays(self):
    """Convert Matrix to tuple of three dense
    [array](https:/ objects.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 314, 4224])
    >>> M.to_arrays()
    (array('L', [0, 1, 2]), array('L', [1, 2, 0]), array('q', [42, 314, 4224]))

    if self.type._typecode is None:
        raise TypeError("This matrix has no array typecode.")
    nvals = self.nvals
    _nvals ="GrB_Index[1]", [nvals])
    I ="GrB_Index[%s]" % nvals)
    J ="GrB_Index[%s]" % nvals)
    X ="%s[%s]" % (self.type._c_type, nvals))
    _check(self, self.type._Matrix_extractTuples(I, J, X, _nvals, self._matrix[0]))
    return array("L", I), array("L", J), array(self.type._typecode, X)
def kronpow(self, exponent)

Do "Kronecker Power" expansion. This is useful for graph generation through expanding patterns. And it draws pretty pictures.

>>> from .gviz import draw_matrix
>>> initiator = Matrix.from_lists([0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [0.77, 0.88, 0.99])
>>> initiator.kronpow(0).iseq(Matrix.identity(types.FP64, 2))
>>> initiator.kronpow(1).iseq(initiator)
>>> M = initiator.kronpow(3)
>>> g = draw_matrix(M, scale=40,
...     filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_kronpow')


Expand source code
def kronpow(self, exponent):
    """Do "Kronecker Power" expansion.  This is useful for graph
    generation through expanding patterns.  And it draws pretty

    >>> from .gviz import draw_matrix
    >>> initiator = Matrix.from_lists([0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [0.77, 0.88, 0.99])
    >>> initiator.kronpow(0).iseq(Matrix.identity(types.FP64, 2))
    >>> initiator.kronpow(1).iseq(initiator)
    >>> M = initiator.kronpow(3)
    >>> g = draw_matrix(M, scale=40,
    ...     filename='docs/imgs/Matrix_kronpow')


    if exponent == 0:
        return self.__class__.identity(self.type, self.nrows)
    if exponent == 1:
        return self
    result = self.dup()
    for i in range(1, exponent):
        result = result.kronecker(result)
    return result
def reduce_bool(self, mon=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Reduce matrix to a boolean.

>>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.INT8)
>>> M.reduce_bool()
>>> M[0,1] = True
>>> M.reduce_bool()
>>> M.reduce_bool(types.BOOL.LOR_MONOID)
Expand source code
def reduce_bool(self, mon=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
    """Reduce matrix to a boolean.

    >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.INT8)
    >>> M.reduce_bool()
    >>> M[0,1] = True
    >>> M.reduce_bool()

    >>> M.reduce_bool(types.BOOL.LOR_MONOID)
    if mon is None:
        mon = current_monoid.get(types.BOOL.LOR_MONOID)
    mon = mon.get_op()
    result ="_Bool*")
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        self, lib.GrB_Matrix_reduce_BOOL(result, accum, mon, self._matrix[0], desc)
    return result[0]
def reduce_int(self, mon=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Reduce matrix to an integer.

>>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.INT8)
>>> M.reduce_int()
>>> M[0,1] = 42
>>> M[0,2] = 42
>>> M.reduce_int()
>>> M.reduce_int(types.INT8.MIN_MONOID)
Expand source code
def reduce_int(self, mon=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
    """Reduce matrix to an integer.

    >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.INT8)
    >>> M.reduce_int()
    >>> M[0,1] = 42
    >>> M[0,2] = 42
    >>> M.reduce_int()
    >>> M.reduce_int(types.INT8.MIN_MONOID)

    if mon is None:
        mon = current_monoid.get(types.INT64.PLUS_MONOID)
    mon = mon.get_op()
    result ="int64_t*")
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        self, lib.GrB_Matrix_reduce_INT64(result, accum, mon, self._matrix[0], desc)
    return result[0]
def reduce_float(self, mon=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Reduce matrix to an float.

>>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.FP32)
>>> M.reduce_float()
>>> M[0,1] = 42.0
>>> M[0,2] = 42.0
>>> M.reduce_float()
Expand source code
def reduce_float(self, mon=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
    """Reduce matrix to an float.

    >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.FP32)
    >>> M.reduce_float()
    >>> M[0,1] = 42.0
    >>> M[0,2] = 42.0
    >>> M.reduce_float()

    if mon is None:
        mon = current_monoid.get(self.type.PLUS_MONOID)
    mon = mon.get_op()
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
    result ="double*")
        self, lib.GrB_Matrix_reduce_FP64(result, accum, mon, self._matrix[0], desc)
    return result[0]
def reduce(self, mon=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Do a scalar reduce based on this object's type:

>>> M = Matrix.random(types.UINT8, 10, 3, 3, seed=42)
>>> M.reduce()
>>> M = Matrix.random(types.FP32, 10, 3, 3, seed=42)
>>> M.reduce()
>>> M = Matrix.random(types.UINT8, 10, 3, 3, seed=42)
>>> M.reduce(M.type.min_monoid)
>>> M = Matrix.random(types.BOOL, 10, 3, 3, seed=42)
>>> M.reduce()
Expand source code
def reduce(self, mon=None, accum=None, desc=None):
    """Do a scalar reduce based on this object's type:

    >>> M = Matrix.random(types.UINT8, 10, 3, 3, seed=42)
    >>> M.reduce()

    >>> M = Matrix.random(types.FP32, 10, 3, 3, seed=42)
    >>> M.reduce()

    >>> M = Matrix.random(types.UINT8, 10, 3, 3, seed=42)
    >>> M.reduce(M.type.min_monoid)

    >>> M = Matrix.random(types.BOOL, 10, 3, 3, seed=42)
    >>> M.reduce()

    if mon is None:
        if self.type is types.BOOL:
            mon = current_monoid.get(getattr(self.type, "lor_monoid"))
            mon = current_monoid.get(getattr(self.type, "plus_monoid"))
    mon = mon.get_op()
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(None, accum, desc)
    result = + "*")
        self, self.type._Matrix_reduce(result, accum, mon, self._matrix[0], desc)
    return result[0]
def reduce_vector(self, mon=None, out=None, cast=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Reduce matrix to a vector.

>>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.FP32, 3, 3)
>>> print(M.reduce_vector())
>>> M[0,1] = 42.0
>>> M[0,2] = 42.0
>>> M[2,0] = -42.0
>>> print(M.reduce_vector())
>>> print(M.reduce_vector(types.FP32.MIN_MONOID))
>>> v = Vector.sparse(types.FP32, M.nrows)
>>> print(M.reduce_vector(out=v))
>>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
>>> print(M.reduce_vector())
>>> M[0,1] = True
>>> M[0,2] = True
>>> M[2,0] = True
>>> print(M.reduce_vector())
0| t
2| t

If there is no out parameter, the newly created result vector can also be cast to a different type:

>>> print(M.reduce_vector(cast=types.UINT8))
0| 2
2| 1
Expand source code
def reduce_vector(
    self, mon=None, out=None, cast=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None
    """Reduce matrix to a vector.

    >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.FP32, 3, 3)
    >>> print(M.reduce_vector())
    >>> M[0,1] = 42.0
    >>> M[0,2] = 42.0
    >>> M[2,0] = -42.0
    >>> print(M.reduce_vector())

    >>> print(M.reduce_vector(types.FP32.MIN_MONOID))

    >>> v = Vector.sparse(types.FP32, M.nrows)
    >>> print(M.reduce_vector(out=v))

    >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
    >>> print(M.reduce_vector())

    >>> M[0,1] = True
    >>> M[0,2] = True
    >>> M[2,0] = True
    >>> print(M.reduce_vector())
    0| t
    2| t

    If there is no `out` parameter, the newly created result
    vector can also be cast to a different type:

    >>> print(M.reduce_vector(cast=types.UINT8))
    0| 2
    2| 1

    if out is None:
        if cast is None:
            T = self.type
            T = cast
        out = Vector.sparse(T, self.nrows)
    if mon is None:
        if out.type is types.BOOL:
            mon = current_monoid.get(getattr(out.type, "lor_monoid"))
            mon = current_monoid.get(getattr(out.type, "plus_monoid"))
    mon = mon.get_op()
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
            out._vector[0], mask, accum, mon, self._matrix[0], desc
    return out
def apply(self, op, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Apply Unary op to matrix elements.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [-42, 0, 149])
>>> print(M.apply(types.INT64.ABS))
      0  1  2
  0|    42   |  0
  1|        0|  1
  2|149      |  2
      0  1  2
>>> print(M.apply(types.INT64.ABS))
      0  1  2
  0|    42   |  0
  1|        0|  1
  2|149      |  2
      0  1  2
Expand source code
def apply(self, op, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
    """Apply Unary op to matrix elements.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [-42, 0, 149])
    >>> print(M.apply(types.INT64.ABS))
          0  1  2
      0|    42   |  0
      1|        0|  1
      2|149      |  2
          0  1  2

    >>> print(M.apply(types.INT64.ABS))
          0  1  2
      0|    42   |  0
      1|        0|  1
      2|149      |  2
          0  1  2
    if out is None:
        out = self.__class__.sparse(self.type, self.nrows, self.ncols)

    op = op.get_op()
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
            out._matrix[0], mask, accum, op, self._matrix[0], desc
    return out
def apply_first(self, first, op, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Apply a binary operator to the entries in a matrix, binding the first input to a scalar first.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [-42, 0, 149])
>>> print(M.apply_first(1, types.INT64.PLUS))
      0  1  2
  0|   -41   |  0
  1|        1|  1
  2|150      |  2
      0  1  2
>>> N = Matrix.sparse(M.type, M.nrows, M.ncols)
>>> print(M.apply_first(1, types.INT64.PLUS, out=N))
      0  1  2
  0|   -41   |  0
  1|        1|  1
  2|150      |  2
      0  1  2

apply_first is also used when a Matrix is used "on the right" for math operations like +-*. with a scalar:

>>> print(1 + M)
      0  1  2
  0|   -41   |  0
  1|        1|  1
  2|150      |  2
      0  1  2
Expand source code
def apply_first(self, first, op, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
    """Apply a binary operator to the entries in a matrix, binding the
    first input to a scalar first.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [-42, 0, 149])
    >>> print(M.apply_first(1, types.INT64.PLUS))
          0  1  2
      0|   -41   |  0
      1|        1|  1
      2|150      |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> N = Matrix.sparse(M.type, M.nrows, M.ncols)
    >>> print(M.apply_first(1, types.INT64.PLUS, out=N))
          0  1  2
      0|   -41   |  0
      1|        1|  1
      2|150      |  2
          0  1  2

    `apply_first` is also used when a `Matrix` is used "on the
    right" for math operations like `+-*.` with a scalar:

    >>> print(1 + M)
          0  1  2
      0|   -41   |  0
      1|        1|  1
      2|150      |  2
          0  1  2

    if out is None:
        out = self.__class__.sparse(self.type, self.nrows, self.ncols)
    op = op.get_op()
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
    if isinstance(first, Scalar):
        f = lib.GxB_Matrix_apply_BinaryOp1st
        first = first._scalar[0]
        f = self.type._Matrix_apply_BinaryOp1st
    _check(self, f(out._matrix[0], mask, accum, op, first, self._matrix[0], desc))
    return out
def apply_second(self, op, second, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Apply a binary operator to the entries in a matrix, binding the second input to a scalar second.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [-42, 0, 149])
>>> print(M.apply_second(types.INT64.PLUS, 1))
      0  1  2
  0|   -41   |  0
  1|        1|  1
  2|150      |  2
      0  1  2

apply_second is also used when a Matrix is used "on the left" for math operations like +-*. with a scalar:

>>> print(M + 1)
      0  1  2
  0|   -41   |  0
  1|        1|  1
  2|150      |  2
      0  1  2
Expand source code
def apply_second(self, op, second, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
    """Apply a binary operator to the entries in a matrix, binding the
    second input to a scalar second.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [-42, 0, 149])
    >>> print(M.apply_second(types.INT64.PLUS, 1))
          0  1  2
      0|   -41   |  0
      1|        1|  1
      2|150      |  2
          0  1  2

    `apply_second` is also used when a `Matrix` is used "on the
    left" for math operations like `+-*.` with a scalar:

    >>> print(M + 1)
          0  1  2
      0|   -41   |  0
      1|        1|  1
      2|150      |  2
          0  1  2

    if out is None:
        out = self.__class__.sparse(self.type, self.nrows, self.ncols)
    op = op.get_op()
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
    if isinstance(second, Scalar):
        f = lib.GxB_Matrix_apply_BinaryOp2nd
        second = second._scalar[0]
        f = self.type._Matrix_apply_BinaryOp2nd
    _check(self, f(out._matrix[0], mask, accum, op, self._matrix[0], second, desc))
    return out
def select(self, op, thunk=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Select elements that match the given select operation condition. Can be a string mapping to following operators:

Operator Library Operation Definition
> lib.GxB_GT_THUNK Select greater than 'thunk'.
< lib.GxB_LT_THUNK Select less than 'thunk'.
>= lib.GxB_GE_THUNK Select greater than or equal to 'thunk'.
<= lib.GxB_LE_THUNK Select less than or equal to 'thunk'.
!= lib.GxB_NE_THUNK Select not equal to 'thunk'.
== lib.GxB_EQ_THUNK Select equal to 'thunk'.
>0 lib.GxB_GT_ZERO Select greater than zero.
<0 lib.GxB_LT_ZERO Select less than zero.
>=0 lib.GxB_GE_ZERO Select greater than or equal to zero.
<=0 lib.GxB_LE_ZERO Select less than or equal to zero.
!=0 lib.GxB_NONZERO Select nonzero value.
==0 lib.GxB_EQ_ZERO Select equal to zero.
max no equivalent Select max values.
min no equivalent Select min values.
>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [-42, 0, 149])
>>> print('>', 0))
      0  1  2
  0|         |  0
  1|         |  1
  2|149      |  2
      0  1  2
>>> print('>=', 0))
      0  1  2
  0|         |  0
  1|        0|  1
  2|149      |  2
      0  1  2
>>> print('<', 0))
      0  1  2
  0|   -42   |  0
  1|         |  1
  2|         |  2
      0  1  2
>>> N = M.dup(clear=True)
>>>'<', 0, out=N) is N
>>> print(N)
      0  1  2
  0|   -42   |  0
  1|         |  1
  2|         |  2
      0  1  2
>>> N = M.dup(clear=True)
>>>'min', out=N) is N
>>> print(N)
      0  1  2
  0|   -42   |  0
  1|         |  1
  2|         |  2
      0  1  2
>>> N = M.dup(clear=True)
>>>'max', out=N) is N
>>> print(N)
      0  1  2
  0|         |  0
  1|         |  1
  2|149      |  2
      0  1  2
Expand source code
def select(self, op, thunk=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
    """Select elements that match the given select operation condition.
    Can be a string mapping to following operators:

    Operator | Library Operation | Definition
    ---   | --- | ---
    `>`   | lib.GxB_GT_THUNK | Select greater than 'thunk'.
    `<`   | lib.GxB_LT_THUNK | Select less than 'thunk'.
    `>=`  | lib.GxB_GE_THUNK | Select greater than or equal to 'thunk'.
    `<=`  | lib.GxB_LE_THUNK | Select less than or equal to 'thunk'.
    `!=`  | lib.GxB_NE_THUNK | Select not equal to 'thunk'.
    `==`  | lib.GxB_EQ_THUNK | Select equal to 'thunk'.
    `>0`  | lib.GxB_GT_ZERO  | Select greater than zero.
    `<0`  | lib.GxB_LT_ZERO  | Select less than zero.
    `>=0` | lib.GxB_GE_ZERO  | Select greater than or equal to zero.
    `<=0` | lib.GxB_LE_ZERO  | Select less than or equal to zero.
    `!=0` | lib.GxB_NONZERO  | Select nonzero value.
    `==0` | lib.GxB_EQ_ZERO  | Select equal to zero.
    `max` | no equivalent    | Select max values.
    `min` | no equivalent    | Select min values.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [-42, 0, 149])
    >>> print('>', 0))
          0  1  2
      0|         |  0
      1|         |  1
      2|149      |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> print('>=', 0))
          0  1  2
      0|         |  0
      1|        0|  1
      2|149      |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> print('<', 0))
          0  1  2
      0|   -42   |  0
      1|         |  1
      2|         |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> N = M.dup(clear=True)
    >>>'<', 0, out=N) is N
    >>> print(N)
          0  1  2
      0|   -42   |  0
      1|         |  1
      2|         |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> N = M.dup(clear=True)
    >>>'min', out=N) is N
    >>> print(N)
          0  1  2
      0|   -42   |  0
      1|         |  1
      2|         |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> N = M.dup(clear=True)
    >>>'max', out=N) is N
    >>> print(N)
          0  1  2
      0|         |  0
      1|         |  1
      2|149      |  2
          0  1  2
    if out is None:
        out = self.__class__.sparse(self.type, self.nrows, self.ncols)
    if isinstance(op, str):
        if op == "min":
            op = lib.GxB_EQ_THUNK
            thunk = self.reduce_float(self.type.min_monoid)
        elif op == "max":
            op = lib.GxB_EQ_THUNK
            thunk = self.reduce_float(self.type.max_monoid)
            op = _get_select_op(op)
    elif isinstance(op, SelectOp):
        op = op.get_op()

    if thunk is None:
        thunk = NULL
    if isinstance(thunk, (bool, int, float, complex)):
        thunk = Scalar.from_value(thunk)
    if isinstance(thunk, Scalar):
        self._keep_alives[self._matrix] = thunk
        thunk = thunk._scalar[0]

    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)

            out._matrix[0], mask, accum, op, self._matrix[0], thunk, desc
    return out
def tril(self, offset=None)

Select the lower triangular Matrix.

The diagonal offset can be used to select all below any diagonal rank, positive towars the upper right coner and negative toward the lower left.

>>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
>>> print(M.tril())
      0  1  2
  0|  0      |  0
  1|  0  0   |  1
  2|  0  0  0|  2
      0  1  2
>>> print(M.tril(1))
      0  1  2
  0|  0  0   |  0
  1|  0  0  0|  1
  2|  0  0  0|  2
      0  1  2
>>> print(M.tril(-1))
      0  1  2
  0|         |  0
  1|  0      |  1
  2|  0  0   |  2
      0  1  2
Expand source code
def tril(self, offset=None):
    """Select the lower triangular Matrix.

    The diagonal `offset` can be used to select all below any
    diagonal rank, positive towars the upper right coner and
    negative toward the lower left.

    >>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
    >>> print(M.tril())
          0  1  2
      0|  0      |  0
      1|  0  0   |  1
      2|  0  0  0|  2
          0  1  2
    >>> print(M.tril(1))
          0  1  2
      0|  0  0   |  0
      1|  0  0  0|  1
      2|  0  0  0|  2
          0  1  2
    >>> print(M.tril(-1))
          0  1  2
      0|         |  0
      1|  0      |  1
      2|  0  0   |  2
          0  1  2

    return, thunk=offset)
def triu(self, offset=None)

Select the upper triangular Matrix.

The diagonal offset can be used to select all above any diagonal rank, positive towars the upper right coner and negative toward the lower left.

>>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
>>> print(M.triu())
      0  1  2
  0|  0  0  0|  0
  1|     0  0|  1
  2|        0|  2
      0  1  2
>>> print(M.triu(1))
      0  1  2
  0|     0  0|  0
  1|        0|  1
  2|         |  2
      0  1  2
>>> print(M.triu(-1))
      0  1  2
  0|  0  0  0|  0
  1|  0  0  0|  1
  2|     0  0|  2
      0  1  2
Expand source code
def triu(self, offset=None):
    """Select the upper triangular Matrix.

    The diagonal `offset` can be used to select all above any
    diagonal rank, positive towars the upper right coner and
    negative toward the lower left.

    >>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
    >>> print(M.triu())
          0  1  2
      0|  0  0  0|  0
      1|     0  0|  1
      2|        0|  2
          0  1  2
    >>> print(M.triu(1))
          0  1  2
      0|     0  0|  0
      1|        0|  1
      2|         |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> print(M.triu(-1))
          0  1  2
      0|  0  0  0|  0
      1|  0  0  0|  1
      2|     0  0|  2
          0  1  2

    return, thunk=offset)
def diag(self, offset=None)

Select the diagonal Matrix.

The diagonal offset can be used to select any diagonal rank, positive towars the upper right coner and negative toward the lower left.

>>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
>>> print(M.diag())
      0  1  2
  0|  0      |  0
  1|     0   |  1
  2|        0|  2
      0  1  2
>>> print(M.diag(1))
      0  1  2
  0|     0   |  0
  1|        0|  1
  2|         |  2
      0  1  2
>>> print(M.diag(-1))
      0  1  2
  0|         |  0
  1|  0      |  1
  2|     0   |  2
      0  1  2
Expand source code
def diag(self, offset=None):
    """Select the diagonal Matrix.

    The diagonal `offset` can be used to select any diagonal rank,
    positive towars the upper right coner and negative toward the
    lower left.

    >>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
    >>> print(M.diag())
          0  1  2
      0|  0      |  0
      1|     0   |  1
      2|        0|  2
          0  1  2
    >>> print(M.diag(1))
          0  1  2
      0|     0   |  0
      1|        0|  1
      2|         |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> print(M.diag(-1))
          0  1  2
      0|         |  0
      1|  0      |  1
      2|     0   |  2
          0  1  2

    return, thunk=offset)
def vector_diag(self, k=0, desc=None)

GxB_Vector_diag extracts a vector v from an input matrix A, which may be rectangular. If k = 0, the main diagonal of A is extracted; k > 0 denotes diagonals above the main diagonal of A, and k < 0 denotes diagonals below the main diagonal of A. Let A have dimension m-by-n. If k is in the range 0 to n-1, then v has length min(m,n-k). If k is negative and in the range -1 to -m+1, then v has length min(m+k,n). If k is outside these ranges, v has length 0 (this is not an error). This function computes the same thing as the MATLAB statement v = diag(A,k) when A is a matrix, except that GxB_Vector_diag can also do typecasting.

>>> from pygraphblas import UINT8
>>> A = Matrix.dense(UINT8, 2, 2, fill=1)
>>> print(A)
      0  1
  0|  1  1|  0
  1|  1  1|  1
      0  1
>>> print(A.vector_diag())
0| 1
1| 1
>>> print(A.vector_diag(1))
0| 1
>>> A.vector_diag(2)
<Vector(UINT8 size: 0, nvals: 0)>
>>> print(A.vector_diag(-1))
0| 1
>>> A.vector_diag(-2)
<Vector(UINT8 size: 0, nvals: 0)>
Expand source code
def vector_diag(self, k=0, desc=None):
    GxB_Vector_diag extracts a vector v from an input matrix A, which
    may be rectangular.  If k = 0, the main diagonal of A is
    extracted; k > 0 denotes diagonals above the main diagonal of
    A, and k < 0 denotes diagonals below the main diagonal of A.
    Let A have dimension m-by-n.  If k is in the range 0 to n-1,
    then v has length min(m,n-k).  If k is negative and in the
    range -1 to -m+1, then v has length min(m+k,n).  If k is
    outside these ranges, v has length 0 (this is not an error).
    This function computes the same thing as the MATLAB statement
    v = diag(A,k) when A is a matrix, except that GxB_Vector_diag
    can also do typecasting.

    >>> from pygraphblas import UINT8
    >>> A = Matrix.dense(UINT8, 2, 2, fill=1)
    >>> print(A)
          0  1
      0|  1  1|  0
      1|  1  1|  1
          0  1
    >>> print(A.vector_diag())
    0| 1
    1| 1
    >>> print(A.vector_diag(1))
    0| 1
    >>> A.vector_diag(2)
    <Vector(UINT8 size: 0, nvals: 0)>
    >>> print(A.vector_diag(-1))
    0| 1
    >>> A.vector_diag(-2)
    <Vector(UINT8 size: 0, nvals: 0)>
    n, m = self.shape
    if k in range(0, n):
        l = min(m, n - k)
    elif k in range(-1, -m, -1):
        l = min(m + k, n)
        l = 0
    v = Vector.sparse(self.type, l)

    _, _, desc = self._get_args(desc=desc)

    _check(self, lib.GxB_Vector_diag(v._vector[0], self._matrix[0], k, desc))
    return v
def offdiag(self, offset=None)

Select the off-diagonal Matrix.

The diagonal offset can be used to select off any diagonal rank, positive towars the upper right coner and negative toward the lower left.

>>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
>>> print(M.offdiag())
      0  1  2
  0|     0  0|  0
  1|  0     0|  1
  2|  0  0   |  2
      0  1  2
>>> print(M.offdiag(1))
      0  1  2
  0|  0     0|  0
  1|  0  0   |  1
  2|  0  0  0|  2
      0  1  2
>>> print(M.offdiag(-1))
      0  1  2
  0|  0  0  0|  0
  1|     0  0|  1
  2|  0     0|  2
      0  1  2
Expand source code
def offdiag(self, offset=None):
    """Select the off-diagonal Matrix.

    The diagonal `offset` can be used to select off any diagonal
    rank, positive towars the upper right coner and negative
    toward the lower left.

    >>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 3, 3)
    >>> print(M.offdiag())
          0  1  2
      0|     0  0|  0
      1|  0     0|  1
      2|  0  0   |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> print(M.offdiag(1))
          0  1  2
      0|  0     0|  0
      1|  0  0   |  1
      2|  0  0  0|  2
          0  1  2
    >>> print(M.offdiag(-1))
          0  1  2
      0|  0  0  0|  0
      1|     0  0|  1
      2|  0     0|  2
          0  1  2

    return, thunk=offset)
def nonzero(self)

Select the non-zero Matrix.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
>>> print(M.nonzero())
      0  1  2
  0|    42   |  0
  1|         |  1
  2|149      |  2
      0  1  2
Expand source code
def nonzero(self):
    """Select the non-zero Matrix.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
    >>> print(M.nonzero())
          0  1  2
      0|    42   |  0
      1|         |  1
      2|149      |  2
          0  1  2

def mxm(self, other, semiring=None, cast=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Matrix-matrix multiply.

Multiply this matrix by other matrix.

See Section 9.6 in the SuiteSparse User Guide for details.

mxm can be called directly or with the @ operator:

>>> m = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 3])
>>> n = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [2, 3, 4])
>>> print(m)
      0  1  2
  0|     1   |  0
  1|        2|  1
  2|  3      |  2
      0  1  2
>>> print(n)
      0  1  2
  0|     2   |  0
  1|        3|  1
  2|  4      |  2
      0  1  2

Matrix multiply m by n:

>>> o = m.mxm(n)
>>> print(o)
      0  1  2
  0|        3|  0
  1|  8      |  1
  2|     6   |  2
      0  1  2

Matrix matrix with the @ operator:

>>> o = m @ n
>>> print(o)
      0  1  2
  0|        3|  0
  1|  8      |  1
  2|     6   |  2
      0  1  2

By default, mxm and @ create a new result matrix of the correct type and dimensions if one is not provided. If you want to provide your own matrix to put the result in, you can pass it in the out parameter. This is useful for accumulating results into a single matrix with minimal copying. This is also supported by the @= syntax:

>>> o = m.dup()
>>> o.mxm(n, accum=types.INT64.min, out=o) is o
>>> print(o)
      0  1  2
  0|     1  3|  0
  1|  8     2|  1
  2|  3  6   |  2
      0  1  2
>>> o = m.dup()
>>> with Accum(types.INT64.min):
...     o @= n
>>> print(o)
      0  1  2
  0|     1  3|  0
  1|  8     2|  1
  2|  3  6   |  2
      0  1  2

The default semiring depends on the infered result type. In the case of numbers, the default semiring is PLUS_TIMES. In the case of type BOOL, it is BOOL.LOR_LAND.

>>> from pygraphblas import INT64
>>> o = m.mxm(n, semiring=INT64.min_plus)
>>> print(o)
      0  1  2
  0|        4|  0
  1|  6      |  1
  2|     5   |  2
      0  1  2

An explicit semiring can be passed to the method or provided with a context manager:

>>> with INT64.min_plus:
...     o = m @ n
>>> print(o)
      0  1  2
  0|        4|  0
  1|  6      |  1
  2|     5   |  2
      0  1  2

Or the semiring can be accessed via an attribute on the matrix:

>>> o = m.min_plus(n)
>>> print(o)
      0  1  2
  0|        4|  0
  1|  6      |  1
  2|     5   |  2
      0  1  2

Descriptors and accumulators can also be provided as an argument or a context manager:

>>> descriptor.T0
<Descriptor T0>
>>> o = m.mxm(n, desc=descriptor.T0)
>>> print(o)
      0  1  2
  0| 12      |  0
  1|     2   |  1
  2|        6|  2
      0  1  2
>>> with descriptor.T0:
...     o = m @ n
>>> print(o)
      0  1  2
  0| 12      |  0
  1|     2   |  1
  2|        6|  2
      0  1  2

The accumulator context manager requires an extra Accum helper class to distinguish it from binary ops used in eadd and emult.

Output can be cast to a specific type by passing the cast parameter:

>>> o = m.mxm(n, cast=types.FP32)
>>> print(o)
      0  1  2
  0|      3.0|  0
  1|8.0      |  1
  2|   6.0   |  2
      0  1  2
Expand source code
def mxm(
    """Matrix-matrix multiply.

    Multiply this matrix by `other` matrix.

    See Section 9.6 in the [SuiteSparse User
    for details.

    `mxm` can be called directly or with the `@` operator:

    >>> m = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 3])
    >>> n = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [2, 3, 4])
    >>> print(m)
          0  1  2
      0|     1   |  0
      1|        2|  1
      2|  3      |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> print(n)
          0  1  2
      0|     2   |  0
      1|        3|  1
      2|  4      |  2
          0  1  2

    Matrix multiply `m` by `n`:

    >>> o = m.mxm(n)
    >>> print(o)
          0  1  2
      0|        3|  0
      1|  8      |  1
      2|     6   |  2
          0  1  2

    Matrix matrix with the `@` operator:

    >>> o = m @ n
    >>> print(o)
          0  1  2
      0|        3|  0
      1|  8      |  1
      2|     6   |  2
          0  1  2

    By default, `mxm` and `@` create a new result matrix of the
    correct type and dimensions if one is not provided.  If you
    want to provide your own matrix to put the result in, you can
    pass it in the `out` parameter.  This is useful for
    accumulating results into a single matrix with minimal
    copying.  This is also supported by the `@=` syntax:

    >>> o = m.dup()
    >>> o.mxm(n, accum=types.INT64.min, out=o) is o
    >>> print(o)
          0  1  2
      0|     1  3|  0
      1|  8     2|  1
      2|  3  6   |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> o = m.dup()
    >>> with Accum(types.INT64.min):
    ...     o @= n
    >>> print(o)
          0  1  2
      0|     1  3|  0
      1|  8     2|  1
      2|  3  6   |  2
          0  1  2

    The default semiring depends on the infered result type.  In
    the case of numbers, the default semiring is `PLUS_TIMES`.  In
    the case of type `BOOL`, it is `BOOL.LOR_LAND`.

    >>> from pygraphblas import INT64
    >>> o = m.mxm(n, semiring=INT64.min_plus)
    >>> print(o)
          0  1  2
      0|        4|  0
      1|  6      |  1
      2|     5   |  2
          0  1  2

    An explicit semiring can be passed to the method or provided
    with a context manager:

    >>> with INT64.min_plus:
    ...     o = m @ n
    >>> print(o)
          0  1  2
      0|        4|  0
      1|  6      |  1
      2|     5   |  2
          0  1  2

    Or the semiring can be accessed via an attribute on the

    >>> o = m.min_plus(n)
    >>> print(o)
          0  1  2
      0|        4|  0
      1|  6      |  1
      2|     5   |  2
          0  1  2

    Descriptors and accumulators can also be provided as an
    argument or a context manager:

    >>> descriptor.T0
    <Descriptor T0>
    >>> o = m.mxm(n, desc=descriptor.T0)
    >>> print(o)
          0  1  2
      0| 12      |  0
      1|     2   |  1
      2|        6|  2
          0  1  2
    >>> with descriptor.T0:
    ...     o = m @ n
    >>> print(o)
          0  1  2
      0| 12      |  0
      1|     2   |  1
      2|        6|  2
          0  1  2

    The accumulator context manager requires an extra `Accum`
    helper class to distinguish it from binary ops used in `eadd`
    and `emult`.

    Output can be cast to a specific type by passing the cast parameter:
    >>> o = m.mxm(n, cast=types.FP32)
    >>> print(o)
          0  1  2
      0|      3.0|  0
      1|8.0      |  1
      2|   6.0   |  2
          0  1  2
    if semiring is None:
        semiring = current_semiring.get(NULL)

    if out is None:
        if cast is not None:
            typ = cast
        elif semiring is not NULL:
            typ = semiring.ztype
            typ = types.promote(self.type, other.type)
        out = self.__class__.sparse(typ, self.nrows, other.ncols)
        typ = out.type

    if semiring is NULL:
        semiring = out.type._default_semiring()

    semiring = semiring.get_op()
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
    return out
def mxv(self, other, semiring=None, cast=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Matrix-vector multiply.

Multiply this matrix by other column vector "on the right". For row vector multiplication "on the left" see Vector.vxm().

See Section 9.6 in the SuiteSparse User Guide for details.

mxv can also be called directly or with the @ operator:

>>> from pygraphblas import INT64
>>> m = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 3])
>>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [2, 3, 4])
>>> o = m.mxv(v)
>>> print(o)
0| 3
1| 8
2| 6
>>> o = m @ v
>>> print(o)
0| 3
1| 8
2| 6

By default, mxv and @ create a new result matrix of the correct type and dimensions if one is not provided. If you want to provide your own matrix to put the result in, you can pass it in the out parameter. This is useful for accumulating results into a single matrix with minimal copying.

>>> o = v.dup()
>>> m.mxv(v,, out=o) is o
>>> print(o)
0| 5

The default semiring depends on the infered result type. In the case of numbers, the default semiring is PLUS_TIMES. In the case of type BOOL, it is BOOL.LOR_LAND.

An explicit semiring can be passed to the method or provided with a context manager:

>>> o = m.mxv(v, semiring=INT64.min_plus)
>>> print(o)
0| 4
1| 6
2| 5
>>> with INT64.min_plus:
...     o = m @ v
>>> print(o)
0| 4
1| 6
2| 5
>>> o = m.min_plus(v)
>>> print(o)
0| 4
1| 6
2| 5

Descriptors and accumulators can also be provided as an argument or a context manager:

>>> o = m.mxv(v, desc=descriptor.T0)
>>> print(o)
1| 2
2| 6
>>> with descriptor.T0:
...     o = m @ v
>>> print(o)
1| 2
2| 6
>>> del o[1]
>>> o = m.mxv(v, mask=o)
>>> print(o)
0| 3
2| 6
>>> o = m.mxv(v, cast=types.FP32)
>>> print(o)
Expand source code
def mxv(
    """Matrix-vector multiply.

    Multiply this matrix by `other` column vector "on the right".
    For row vector multiplication "on the left" see `Vector.vxm`.

    See Section 9.6 in the [SuiteSparse User
    for details.

    `mxv` can also be called directly or with the `@` operator:

    >>> from pygraphblas import INT64
    >>> m = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 3])
    >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [2, 3, 4])
    >>> o = m.mxv(v)
    >>> print(o)
    0| 3
    1| 8
    2| 6
    >>> o = m @ v
    >>> print(o)
    0| 3
    1| 8
    2| 6

    By default, `mxv` and `@` create a new result matrix of the
    correct type and dimensions if one is not provided.  If you
    want to provide your own matrix to put the result in, you can
    pass it in the `out` parameter.  This is useful for
    accumulating results into a single matrix with minimal

    >>> o = v.dup()
    >>> m.mxv(v,, out=o) is o
    >>> print(o)
    0| 5

    The default semiring depends on the infered result type.  In
    the case of numbers, the default semiring is `PLUS_TIMES`.  In
    the case of type `BOOL`, it is `BOOL.LOR_LAND`.

    An explicit semiring can be passed to the method or provided
    with a context manager:

    >>> o = m.mxv(v, semiring=INT64.min_plus)
    >>> print(o)
    0| 4
    1| 6
    2| 5

    >>> with INT64.min_plus:
    ...     o = m @ v
    >>> print(o)
    0| 4
    1| 6
    2| 5

    >>> o = m.min_plus(v)
    >>> print(o)
    0| 4
    1| 6
    2| 5

    Descriptors and accumulators can also be provided as an
    argument or a context manager:

    >>> o = m.mxv(v, desc=descriptor.T0)
    >>> print(o)
    1| 2
    2| 6

    >>> with descriptor.T0:
    ...     o = m @ v
    >>> print(o)
    1| 2
    2| 6

    >>> del o[1]
    >>> o = m.mxv(v, mask=o)
    >>> print(o)
    0| 3
    2| 6

    >>> o = m.mxv(v, cast=types.FP32)
    >>> print(o)


    if semiring is None:
        semiring = current_semiring.get(NULL)

    if out is None:
        new_dimension = self.ncols if T0 in (desc or ()) else self.nrows
        if cast is not None:
            typ = cast
        elif semiring is not NULL:
            typ = semiring.ztype
            typ = types.promote(self.type, other.type)
        out = Vector.sparse(typ, new_dimension)
        typ = out.type

    if semiring is NULL:
        semiring = out.type._default_semiring()

    semiring = semiring.get_op()
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)

    return out
def kronecker(self, other, op=None, cast=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Kronecker product.

>>> n = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [2, 3, 4])
>>> m = Matrix.dense(types.UINT64, 3, 3, fill=1)
>>> print(n.kronecker(m))
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
  0|           2  2  2         |  0
  1|           2  2  2         |  1
  2|           2  2  2         |  2
  3|                    3  3  3|  3
  4|                    3  3  3|  4
  5|                    3  3  3|  5
  6|  4  4  4                  |  6
  7|  4  4  4                  |  7
  8|  4  4  4                  |  8
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
>>> o = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT64, 9, 9)
>>> m.kronecker(n, out=o) is o
>>> print(o)
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
  0|     2        2        2   |  0
  1|        3        3        3|  1
  2|  4        4        4      |  2
  3|     2        2        2   |  3
  4|        3        3        3|  4
  5|  4        4        4      |  5
  6|     2        2        2   |  6
  7|        3        3        3|  7
  8|  4        4        4      |  8
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
>>> print(m.kronecker(n, op=types.UINT64.MIN))
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
  0|     1        1        1   |  0
  1|        1        1        1|  1
  2|  1        1        1      |  2
  3|     1        1        1   |  3
  4|        1        1        1|  4
  5|  1        1        1      |  5
  6|     1        1        1   |  6
  7|        1        1        1|  7
  8|  1        1        1      |  8
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
Expand source code
def kronecker(
    self, other, op=None, cast=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None
    """[Kronecker product](

    >>> n = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [2, 3, 4])
    >>> m = Matrix.dense(types.UINT64, 3, 3, fill=1)
    >>> print(n.kronecker(m))
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
      0|           2  2  2         |  0
      1|           2  2  2         |  1
      2|           2  2  2         |  2
      3|                    3  3  3|  3
      4|                    3  3  3|  4
      5|                    3  3  3|  5
      6|  4  4  4                  |  6
      7|  4  4  4                  |  7
      8|  4  4  4                  |  8
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8

    >>> o = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT64, 9, 9)
    >>> m.kronecker(n, out=o) is o
    >>> print(o)
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
      0|     2        2        2   |  0
      1|        3        3        3|  1
      2|  4        4        4      |  2
      3|     2        2        2   |  3
      4|        3        3        3|  4
      5|  4        4        4      |  5
      6|     2        2        2   |  6
      7|        3        3        3|  7
      8|  4        4        4      |  8
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8

    >>> print(m.kronecker(n, op=types.UINT64.MIN))
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
      0|     1        1        1   |  0
      1|        1        1        1|  1
      2|  1        1        1      |  2
      3|     1        1        1   |  3
      4|        1        1        1|  4
      5|  1        1        1      |  5
      6|     1        1        1   |  6
      7|        1        1        1|  7
      8|  1        1        1      |  8
          0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
    typ = cast or types.promote(self.type, other.type)
    if out is None:
        out = self.__class__.sparse(
            typ, self.nrows * other.nrows, self.ncols * other.ncols
    if op is None:
        op = current_binop.get(self.type.TIMES)

    op = op.get_op()

            out._matrix[0], mask, accum, op, self._matrix[0], other._matrix[0], desc
    return out
def extract_matrix(self, row_index=None, col_index=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Extract a submatrix.

GrB_Matrix_extract extracts a submatrix from another matrix. The input matrix may be transposed first, via the descriptor. The result type remains the same.

row_index and col_index can be slice objects that default to the equivalent of GrB_ALL. Python slice objects support the SuiteSparse extensions for GxB_RANGE, GxB_BACKWARDS and GxB_STRIDE. See the User Guide for details.

The size of C is |row_index|-by-|col_index|. Entries outside that sub-range are not accessed and do not take part in the computation.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
>>> print(M.extract_matrix())
      0  1  2
  0|    42   |  0
  1|        0|  1
  2|149      |  2
      0  1  2
>>> print(M.extract_matrix(0, 1))
  0| 42|  0
>>> O = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT64, 1, 1)
>>> M.extract_matrix(0, 1, out=O) is O
>>> print(O)
  0| 42|  0
>>> print(M.extract_matrix(slice(1,2), 2))
  0|  0|  0
  1|   |  1
>>> print(M.extract_matrix(0, slice(0,1)))
      0  1
  0|    42|  0
      0  1
>>> N = Matrix.from_lists([1, 2], [2, 0], [True, True])
>>> print(M[N])
      0  1  2
  0|         |  0
  1|        0|  1
  2|149      |  2
      0  1  2
Expand source code
def extract_matrix(
    """Extract a submatrix.

    `GrB_Matrix_extract` extracts a submatrix from another matrix.
    The input matrix may be transposed first, via the descriptor.
    The result type remains the same.

    `row_index` and `col_index` can be slice objects that default
    to the equivalent of GrB_ALL.  Python slice objects support
    the SuiteSparse extensions for `GxB_RANGE`, `GxB_BACKWARDS`
    and `GxB_STRIDE`.  See the User Guide for details.

    The size of `C` is `|row_index|`-by-`|col_index|`.  Entries
    outside that sub-range are not accessed and do not take part
    in the computation.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
    >>> print(M.extract_matrix())
          0  1  2
      0|    42   |  0
      1|        0|  1
      2|149      |  2
          0  1  2

    >>> print(M.extract_matrix(0, 1))
      0| 42|  0

    >>> O = Matrix.sparse(types.UINT64, 1, 1)
    >>> M.extract_matrix(0, 1, out=O) is O
    >>> print(O)
      0| 42|  0

    >>> print(M.extract_matrix(slice(1,2), 2))
      0|  0|  0
      1|   |  1

    >>> print(M.extract_matrix(0, slice(0,1)))
          0  1
      0|    42|  0
          0  1

    >>> N = Matrix.from_lists([1, 2], [2, 0], [True, True])
    >>> print(M[N])
          0  1  2
      0|         |  0
      1|        0|  1
      2|149      |  2
          0  1  2

    ta = T0 in (desc or ())
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
    result_nrows = self.ncols if ta else self.nrows
    result_ncols = self.nrows if ta else self.ncols
    if isinstance(row_index, int):
        I, ni, isize = _build_range(slice(row_index, row_index), result_nrows - 1)
        I, ni, isize = _build_range(row_index, result_nrows - 1)
    if isinstance(col_index, int):
        J, nj, jsize = _build_range(slice(col_index, col_index), result_ncols - 1)
        J, nj, jsize = _build_range(col_index, result_ncols - 1)

    if isize is None:
        isize = result_nrows
    if jsize is None:
        jsize = result_ncols

    if out is None:
        out = self.__class__.sparse(self.type, isize, jsize)

            out._matrix[0], mask, accum, self._matrix[0], I, ni, J, nj, desc
    return out
def extract_col(self, col_index, row_slice=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Extract a column Vector.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|    42   |  0
  1|        0|  1
  2|149      |  2
      0  1  2
>>> print(M.extract_col(0))
>>> v = Vector.sparse(types.UINT64, M.ncols)
>>> M.extract_col(0, out=v) is v
>>> print(v)
Expand source code
def extract_col(
    self, col_index, row_slice=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None
    """Extract a column Vector.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|    42   |  0
      1|        0|  1
      2|149      |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> print(M.extract_col(0))

    >>> v = Vector.sparse(types.UINT64, M.ncols)
    >>> M.extract_col(0, out=v) is v
    >>> print(v)

    stop_val = self.ncols if T0 in (desc or ()) else self.nrows
    if out is None:
        out = Vector.sparse(self.type, stop_val)

    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
    I, ni, size = _build_range(row_slice, stop_val)

            out._vector[0], mask, accum, self._matrix[0], I, ni, col_index, desc
    return out
def extract_row(self, row_index, col_slice=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Extract a row Vector.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|    42   |  0
  1|        0|  1
  2|149      |  2
      0  1  2
>>> print(M.extract_row(0))
Expand source code
def extract_row(
    self, row_index, col_slice=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None
    """Extract a row Vector.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|    42   |  0
      1|        0|  1
      2|149      |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> print(M.extract_row(0))

    desc = desc & T0 if desc else T0
    return self.extract_col(
        row_index, col_slice, out, desc=desc, mask=None, accum=None
def assign_col(self, col_index, value, row_slice=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Assign a vector to a column.

>>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
>>> M.assign_col(1, Vector.from_lists([1, 2], [True, True], 3))
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|         |  0
  1|     t   |  1
  2|     t   |  2
      0  1  2
Expand source code
def assign_col(
    self, col_index, value, row_slice=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None
    """Assign a vector to a column.

    >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
    >>> M.assign_col(1, Vector.from_lists([1, 2], [True, True], 3))
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|         |  0
      1|     t   |  1
      2|     t   |  2
          0  1  2

    stop_val = self.ncols if T0 in (desc or ()) else self.nrows
    I, ni, size = _build_range(row_slice, stop_val)
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)

            self._matrix[0], mask, accum, value._vector[0], I, ni, col_index, desc
def assign_row(self, row_index, value, col_slice=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Assign a vector to a row.

>>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
>>> M.assign_row(1, Vector.from_lists([1, 2], [True, True], 3))
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|         |  0
  1|     t  t|  1
  2|         |  2
      0  1  2
Expand source code
def assign_row(
    self, row_index, value, col_slice=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None
    """Assign a vector to a row.

    >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
    >>> M.assign_row(1, Vector.from_lists([1, 2], [True, True], 3))
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|         |  0
      1|     t  t|  1
      2|         |  2
          0  1  2

    stop_val = self.nrows if T0 in (desc or ()) else self.ncols
    I, ni, size = _build_range(col_slice, stop_val)

    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
            self._matrix[0], mask, accum, value._vector[0], row_index, I, ni, desc
def assign_matrix(self, value, rindex=None, cindex=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Assign a submatrix.

Note: The name for this method Matrix.assign_matrix() is deprecated, use the name Matrix.assign_matrix() instead.

>>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
>>> S = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
>>> S[1,1] = True
>>> M.assign_matrix(S)
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|         |  0
  1|     t   |  1
  2|         |  2
      0  1  2
>>> M.clear()

Masked assignment with M[key] = value syntax can be done with if the index and value arguments are type Matrix:

>>> M[S] = S
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|         |  0
  1|     t   |  1
  2|         |  2
      0  1  2
Expand source code
def assign_matrix(
    self, value, rindex=None, cindex=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None
    """Assign a submatrix.

    Note: The name for this method `Matrix.assign_matrix()` is
    deprecated, use the name `Matrix.assign()` instead.

    >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
    >>> S = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
    >>> S[1,1] = True
    >>> M.assign_matrix(S)
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|         |  0
      1|     t   |  1
      2|         |  2
          0  1  2

    >>> M.clear()

    Masked assignment with `M[key] = value` syntax can be done
    with if the index and value arguments are type `Matrix`:

    >>> M[S] = S
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|         |  0
      1|     t   |  1
      2|         |  2
          0  1  2

    I, ni, isize = _build_range(rindex, self.nrows - 1)
    J, nj, jsize = _build_range(cindex, self.ncols - 1)
    isize = self.nrows
    jsize = self.ncols

    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)

            self._matrix[0], mask, accum, value._matrix[0], I, ni, J, nj, desc
def assign(self, value, rindex=None, cindex=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Assign a submatrix.

Note: The name for this method Matrix.assign_matrix() is deprecated, use the name Matrix.assign_matrix() instead.

>>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
>>> S = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
>>> S[1,1] = True
>>> M.assign_matrix(S)
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|         |  0
  1|     t   |  1
  2|         |  2
      0  1  2
>>> M.clear()

Masked assignment with M[key] = value syntax can be done with if the index and value arguments are type Matrix:

>>> M[S] = S
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|         |  0
  1|     t   |  1
  2|         |  2
      0  1  2
Expand source code
def assign_matrix(
    self, value, rindex=None, cindex=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None
    """Assign a submatrix.

    Note: The name for this method `Matrix.assign_matrix()` is
    deprecated, use the name `Matrix.assign()` instead.

    >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
    >>> S = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)
    >>> S[1,1] = True
    >>> M.assign_matrix(S)
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|         |  0
      1|     t   |  1
      2|         |  2
          0  1  2

    >>> M.clear()

    Masked assignment with `M[key] = value` syntax can be done
    with if the index and value arguments are type `Matrix`:

    >>> M[S] = S
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|         |  0
      1|     t   |  1
      2|         |  2
          0  1  2

    I, ni, isize = _build_range(rindex, self.nrows - 1)
    J, nj, jsize = _build_range(cindex, self.ncols - 1)
    isize = self.nrows
    jsize = self.ncols

    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)

            self._matrix[0], mask, accum, value._matrix[0], I, ni, J, nj, desc
def assign_scalar(self, value, row_slice=None, col_slice=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Assign a scalar value to the Matrix.

>>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)

The values of row_slice and col_slice determine what elements are assigned to the Matrix. The value None maps to the GraphBLAS symbol lib.GrB_ALL, so the default behavior, with no other arguments, assigns the scalar to all elements:

>>> M.assign_scalar(True)
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|  t  t  t|  0
  1|  t  t  t|  1
  2|  t  t  t|  2
      0  1  2
>>> M.clear()

This is the same as the slice syntax with a bare colon:

>>> M[:,:] = True
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|  t  t  t|  0
  1|  t  t  t|  1
  2|  t  t  t|  2
      0  1  2
>>> M.clear()

If row_slice or col_slice is an integer, use it as an index to one row or column:

>>> M.assign_scalar(True, 1)
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|         |  0
  1|  t  t  t|  1
  2|         |  2
      0  1  2
>>> M.clear()

An integer index and a scalar does row assignment:

>>> M[1] = True
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|         |  0
  1|  t  t  t|  1
  2|         |  2
      0  1  2
>>> M.clear()

this is the same as the syntax:

>>> M[1,:] = True
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|         |  0
  1|  t  t  t|  1
  2|         |  2
      0  1  2
>>> M.clear()

If col_slice is an integer, it does column assignment:

>>> M.assign_scalar(True, None, 1)
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|     t   |  0
  1|     t   |  1
  2|     t   |  2
      0  1  2
>>> M.clear()

Which is the same as the syntax:

>>> M[:,1] = True
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|     t   |  0
  1|     t   |  1
  2|     t   |  2
      0  1  2
>>> M.clear()

Just an integer index does a row assignment:

>>> M.clear()
>>> M[1] = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [True, True],3)
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|         |  0
  1|  t  t   |  1
  2|         |  2
      0  1  2
>>> M.clear()
>>> M[0:1,0:1] = True
>>> print(M)
      0  1  2
  0|  t  t   |  0
  1|  t  t   |  1
  2|         |  2
      0  1  2
>>> M.clear()
Expand source code
def assign_scalar(
    self, value, row_slice=None, col_slice=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None
    """Assign a scalar `value` to the Matrix.

    >>> M = Matrix.sparse(types.BOOL, 3, 3)

    The values of `row_slice` and `col_slice` determine what
    elements are assigned to the Matrix.  The value `None` maps to
    the GraphBLAS symbol `lib.GrB_ALL`, so the default behavior,
    with no other arguments, assigns the scalar to all elements:

    >>> M.assign_scalar(True)
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|  t  t  t|  0
      1|  t  t  t|  1
      2|  t  t  t|  2
          0  1  2
    >>> M.clear()

    This is the same as the slice syntax with a bare colon:

    >>> M[:,:] = True
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|  t  t  t|  0
      1|  t  t  t|  1
      2|  t  t  t|  2
          0  1  2
    >>> M.clear()

    If `row_slice` or `col_slice` is an integer, use it as an
    index to one row or column:

    >>> M.assign_scalar(True, 1)
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|         |  0
      1|  t  t  t|  1
      2|         |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> M.clear()

    An integer index and a scalar does row assignment:

    >>> M[1] = True
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|         |  0
      1|  t  t  t|  1
      2|         |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> M.clear()

    this is the same as the syntax:

    >>> M[1,:] = True
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|         |  0
      1|  t  t  t|  1
      2|         |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> M.clear()

    If `col_slice` is an integer, it does column assignment:

    >>> M.assign_scalar(True, None, 1)
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|     t   |  0
      1|     t   |  1
      2|     t   |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> M.clear()

    Which is the same as the syntax:

    >>> M[:,1] = True
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|     t   |  0
      1|     t   |  1
      2|     t   |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> M.clear()

    Just an integer index does a row assignment:

    >>> M.clear()
    >>> M[1] = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [True, True],3)
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|         |  0
      1|  t  t   |  1
      2|         |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> M.clear()

    >>> M[0:1,0:1] = True
    >>> print(M)
          0  1  2
      0|  t  t   |  0
      1|  t  t   |  1
      2|         |  2
          0  1  2
    >>> M.clear()

    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
    if row_slice is not None:
        if isinstance(row_slice, int):
            I, ni, isize = _build_range(slice(row_slice, row_slice), self.nrows - 1)
            I, ni, isize = _build_range(row_slice, self.nrows - 1)
        I = lib.GrB_ALL
        ni = 0
    if col_slice is not None:
        if isinstance(col_slice, int):
            J, nj, jsize = _build_range(slice(col_slice, col_slice), self.ncols - 1)
            J, nj, jsize = _build_range(col_slice, self.ncols - 1)
        J = lib.GrB_ALL
        nj = 0
    scalar_type = types._gb_from_type(type(value))
            self._matrix[0], mask, accum, value, I, ni, J, nj, desc
def get(self, i, j, default=None)

Get the element at row i col j or return the default value if the element is not present.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
>>> M.get(1, 2)
>>> M.get(0, 0) is None
>>> M.get(0, 0, 'foo')
Expand source code
def get(self, i, j, default=None):
    """Get the element at row `i` col `j` or return the default value if
    the element is not present.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
    >>> M.get(1, 2)
    >>> M.get(0, 0) is None
    >>> M.get(0, 0, 'foo')

        return self[i, j]
    except NoValue:
        return default
def wait(self)

Wait for this Matrix to complete before allowing another thread to change it.

Expand source code
def wait(self):
    """Wait for this Matrix to complete before allowing another thread to
    change it.

    _check(self, lib.GrB_Matrix_wait(self._matrix))
def to_markdown_table(self, title='A', width=2)

Return a string markdown table representation of the Matrix.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2, 0], [42, 2, 0, 149])
>>> print(M.to_markdown_table())
0|   |42| 2
1|   |  | 0
2| 149|  |
Expand source code
    def to_markdown_table(self, title="A", width=2):
        """Return a string markdown table representation of the Matrix.

        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2, 0], [42, 2, 0, 149])
        >>> print(M.to_markdown_table())
        0|   |42| 2
        1|   |  | 0
        2| 149|  |

        rows = set(self.rows)
        cols = set(self.cols)
        result = f"""\
{title}|{'|'.join(map(str, cols))}
---|{"|".join(['---'] * len(cols))}
        for i, row in enumerate(rows):
            result += f"{row}| " + "|".join(
                self.type.format_value(self.get(row, col, ""), width) for col in cols
            if i != len(rows) - 1:
                result += "\n"
        return result.rstrip()
def to_html_table(self, title='A', width=2)

Return a string markdown table representation of the Matrix.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2, 0], [42, 2, 0, 149])
>>> print(M.to_html_table())
                <td>  </td>
                <td> 2</td>
                <td>  </td>
                <td>  </td>
                <td> 0</td>
                <td>  </td>
                <td>  </td>
Expand source code
def to_html_table(self, title="A", width=2):
    """Return a string markdown table representation of the Matrix.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2, 0], [42, 2, 0, 149])
    >>> print(M.to_html_table())
                    <td>  </td>
                    <td> 2</td>
                    <td>  </td>
                    <td>  </td>
                    <td> 0</td>
                    <td>  </td>
                    <td>  </td>
    from mako.template import Template

    t = Template(
        rows = set(A.rows)
        cols = set(A.cols)
        % for col in cols:
        % endfor
        % for row in rows:
        % endfor
    </table><%def name="makerow(row)">
        % for col in cols:
            <td>${A.type.format_value(A.get(row, col, ''))}</td>
        % endfor
    return t.render(A=self, title=title)
def print(self, level=2, name='A', f=sys.stdout)

Print the matrix using GxB_Matrix_fprint(), by default to sys.stdout..

Level 1: Short description Level 2: Short list, short numbers Level 3: Long list, short number Level 4: Short list, long numbers Level 5: Long list, long numbers

Expand source code
def print(self, level=2, name="A", f=sys.stdout):  # pragma: nocover
    """Print the matrix using `GxB_Matrix_fprint()`, by default to

    Level 1: Short description
    Level 2: Short list, short numbers
    Level 3: Long list, short number
    Level 4: Short list, long numbers
    Level 5: Long list, long numbers

        self, lib.GxB_Matrix_fprint(self._matrix[0], bytes(name, "utf8"), level, f)
def to_string(self, format_string='{:>%s}', width=3, prec=5, empty_char='', cell_sep='')

Return a string representation of the Matrix.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
>>> M.to_string()
'      0  1  2\n  0|    42   |  0\n  1|        0|  1\n  2|149      |  2\n      0  1  2'
Expand source code
def to_string(
    self, format_string="{:>%s}", width=3, prec=5, empty_char="", cell_sep=""
    """Return a string representation of the Matrix.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
    >>> M.to_string()
    '      0  1  2\\n  0|    42   |  0\\n  1|        0|  1\\n  2|149      |  2\\n      0  1  2'
    format_string = format_string % width
    header = (
        + " "
        + "".join(format_string.format(i) for i in range(self.ncols))
    result = header + "\n"
    for row in range(self.nrows):
        result += format_string.format(row) + "|"
        for col in range(self.ncols):
            value = self.get(row, col, empty_char)
            result += cell_sep + self.type.format_value(value, width, prec)
        result += "|  " + str(row) + "\n"
    result += header

    return result
def to_scipy_sparse(self, format='csr')

Return a scipy sparse matrix of this Matrix.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
>>> M.to_scipy_sparse()
<3x3 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.int64'>'...
Expand source code
def to_scipy_sparse(self, format="csr"):
    """Return a scipy sparse matrix of this Matrix.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
    >>> M.to_scipy_sparse()
    <3x3 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.int64'>'...

    from scipy import sparse

    rows, cols, vals = self.to_arrays()
    s = sparse.coo_matrix(
        (vals, (rows, cols)), shape=self.shape, dtype=self.type._numpy_t
    if format == "coo":
        return s
    if format not in {"bsr", "csr", "csc", "coo", "lil", "dia", "dok"}:
        raise TypeError(f"Invalid format: {format}")
    return s.asformat(format)
def to_numpy(self)

Return a dense numpy matrix of this Matrix.

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
>>> M.to_numpy()
array([[  0,  42,   0],
       [  0,   0,   0],
       [149,   0,   0]], dtype=int64)
Expand source code
def to_numpy(self):
    """Return a dense numpy matrix of this Matrix.

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [42, 0, 149])
    >>> M.to_numpy()
    array([[  0,  42,   0],
           [  0,   0,   0],
           [149,   0,   0]], dtype=int64)
    s = self.to_scipy_sparse("coo")
    return s.toarray()
def out_degree(self, typ=pygraphblas.types.UINT64, out=None)

Return a UINT64 vector of the out-degree of this graph:

>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 0, 2], [1, 2, 2, 0], [42, 0, 3, 149])
>>> print(M.out_degree())
0| 2
1| 1
2| 1
Expand source code
def out_degree(self, typ=types.UINT64, out=None):
    """Return a UINT64 vector of the out-degree of this graph:

    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 0, 2], [1, 2, 2, 0], [42, 0, 3, 149])
    >>> print(M.out_degree())
    0| 2
    1| 1
    2| 1

    return self.cast(typ).plus_pair(Vector.iso(1, self.nrows), out=out)
def gini(self, typ=pygraphblas.types.FP64)

Calculate the Gini coefficient of the graph.

>>> M = Matrix.random(types.UINT8, 10, 10, 10, seed=42)
>>> M.gini()
>>> M = Matrix.random(types.UINT8, 100, 10, 10, seed=42)
>>> M.gini()
>>> M = Matrix.random(types.UINT8, 10000, 100, 100, seed=42)
>>> M.gini()
>>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 100, 100)
>>> M.gini()
Expand source code
def gini(self, typ=types.FP64):
    """Calculate the Gini coefficient of the graph.

    >>> M = Matrix.random(types.UINT8, 10, 10, 10, seed=42)
    >>> M.gini()

    >>> M = Matrix.random(types.UINT8, 100, 10, 10, seed=42)
    >>> M.gini()

    >>> M = Matrix.random(types.UINT8, 10000, 100, 100, seed=42)
    >>> M.gini()

    >>> M = Matrix.dense(types.UINT8, 100, 100)
    >>> M.gini()

    array = self.out_degree(typ).npV
    n = array.shape[0]
    index = np.arange(1, n + 1)
    return (np.sum((2 * index - n - 1) * array)) / (n * np.sum(array))
class Vector (vec, typ=None)

GraphBLAS Sparse Vector

This is a high-level wrapper around the low-level GrB_Vector type.

A Vector supports many possible operations according to the GraphBLAS API. Many of those operations have overloaded operators.

Operator Description Default
v @ A Vector Vector Multiplication type default PLUS_TIMES semiring
v @= A In-place Vector Vector Multiplication type default PLUS_TIMES semiring
v | w Vector Union type default SECOND combiner
v |= w In-place Vector Union type default SECOND combiner
v & w Vector Intersection type default SECOND combiner
v &= w In-place Vector Intersection type default SECOND combiner
v + w Vector Element-Wise Union type default PLUS combiner
v += w In-place Vector Element-Wise Union type default PLUS combiner
v - w Vector Element-Wise Union type default MINUS combiner
v -= w In-place Vector Element-Wise Union type default MINUS combiner
v * w Vector Element-Wise Intersection type default TIMES combiner
v *= w In-place Vector Element-Wise Intersection type default TIMES combiner
v / w Vector Element-Wise Intersection type default DIV combiner
v /= w In-place Vector Element-Wise Intersection type default DIV combiner
v == w Compare Element-Wise Union type default EQ operator
v != w Compare Element-Wise Union type default NE operator
v < w Compare Element-Wise Union type default LT operator
v > w Compare Element-Wise Union type default GT operator
v <= w Compare Element-Wise Union type default LE operator
v >= w Compare Element-Wise Union type default GE operator

Note that all the above operator syntax is mearly sugar over various combinations of calling Matrix.mxv(), Vector.vxm(), Vector.eadd(), and Vector.emult().

Expand source code
class Vector:
    """GraphBLAS Sparse Vector

    This is a high-level wrapper around the low-level GrB_Vector type.

    A Vector supports many possible operations according to the
    GraphBLAS API.  Many of those operations have overloaded

    Operator | Description | Default
    --- | --- | ---
    v @    A | Vector Vector Multiplication | type default PLUS_TIMES semiring
    v @=   A | In-place Vector Vector Multiplication | type default PLUS_TIMES semiring
    v \\|  w | Vector Union | type default SECOND combiner
    v \\|= w | In-place Vector Union | type default SECOND combiner
    v &    w | Vector Intersection | type default SECOND combiner
    v &=   w | In-place Vector Intersection | type default SECOND combiner
    v +    w | Vector Element-Wise Union | type default PLUS combiner
    v +=   w | In-place Vector Element-Wise Union | type default PLUS combiner
    v -    w | Vector Element-Wise Union | type default MINUS combiner
    v -=   w | In-place Vector Element-Wise Union | type default MINUS combiner
    v *    w | Vector Element-Wise Intersection | type default TIMES combiner
    v *=   w | In-place Vector Element-Wise Intersection | type default TIMES combiner
    v /    w | Vector Element-Wise Intersection | type default DIV combiner
    v /=   w | In-place Vector Element-Wise Intersection | type default DIV combiner
    v ==   w | Compare Element-Wise Union | type default EQ operator
    v !=   w | Compare Element-Wise Union | type default NE operator
    v <    w | Compare Element-Wise Union | type default LT operator
    v >    w | Compare Element-Wise Union | type default GT operator
    v <=   w | Compare Element-Wise Union | type default LE operator
    v >=   w | Compare Element-Wise Union | type default GE operator

    Note that all the above operator syntax is mearly sugar over
    various combinations of calling `Matrix.mxv`, `Vector.vxm`,
    `Vector.eadd`, and `Vector.emult`.


    __slots__ = ("_vector", "type", "_keep_alives")

    def _check(self, res):
        if res != lib.GrB_SUCCESS:
            error_string ="char**")
            lib.GrB_Vector_error(error_string, self._vector[0])
            raise _error_codes[res](ffi.string(error_string[0]))

    def __init__(self, vec, typ=None):
        if typ is None:
            new_type ="GrB_Type*")
            self._check(lib.GxB_Vector_type(new_type, vec[0]))

            typ = types._gb_type_to_type(new_type[0])

        self._vector = vec
        self.type = typ
        self._keep_alives = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()

    def __del__(self):

    def __len__(self):
        return self.nvals

    def __iter__(self):
        nvals = self.nvals
        _nvals ="GrB_Index[1]", [nvals])
        I ="GrB_Index[%s]" % nvals)
        X ="%s[%s]" % (self.type._c_type, nvals))
        self._check(self.type._Vector_extractTuples(I, X, _nvals, self._vector[0]))
        return zip(I, X)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """Look up operators as attributes for the given object."""
        return partial(getattr(self.type, name), self)

    def indices(self):
        """cdata array of vector indexes.

        >>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
        >>> list(v.indices)
        [0, 1, 2]

        nvals = self.nvals
        _nvals ="GrB_Index[1]", [nvals])
        I ="GrB_Index[%s]" % nvals)
        X = NULL
        self._check(self.type._Vector_extractTuples(I, X, _nvals, self._vector[0]))
        return I

    def I(self):
        """Iterator over for `Vector.indices`.

        >>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
        >>> list(v.I)
        [0, 1, 2]

        return iter(self.indices)

    def npI(self):
        """numpy array over `Vector.indices`.

        >>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
        >>> v.npI
        array([0, 1, 2], dtype=uint64)

        return np.frombuffer(ffi.buffer(self.indices), dtype=np.uint64)

    def vals(self):
        """Iterator of vector values.

        >>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
        >>> list(v.vals)
        [1, 2, 3]

        nvals = self.nvals
        _nvals ="GrB_Index[1]", [nvals])
        I = NULL
        V ="%s[%s]" % (self.type._c_type, nvals))
        self._check(self.type._Vector_extractTuples(I, V, _nvals, self._vector[0]))
        return V

    def V(self):
        """Iterator over for `Vector.vals`.

        >>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
        >>> list(v.V)
        [1, 2, 3]

        return iter(self.vals)

    def npV(self):
        """numpy array over `Vector.vals`.

        >>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
        >>> v.npV
        array([1, 2, 3])

        return np.frombuffer(ffi.buffer(self.vals), dtype=self.type._numpy_t)

    def all(self, other, op):
        """Do all elements in self compare True with op to other?

        >>> from . import INT64
        >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
        >>> N = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
        >>> O = Vector.from_lists([0, 1], [1, 2])
        >>> P = Vector.from_lists([0, 1], [1, 2], size=3)
        >>> Q = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 3], [1, 2, 3])
        >>> assert M.all(N, INT64.eq)
        >>> assert not M.all(N,
        >>> assert not M.all(O, INT64.eq)
        >>> assert not M.all(P, INT64.eq)
        >>> assert not M.all(Q, INT64.eq)

        if self.size != other.size:
            return False
        if self.nvals != other.nvals:
            return False
        C = self.emult(other, op, cast=types.BOOL)
        if C.nvals != self.nvals:  # pragma: nocover
            return False
        return C.reduce_bool(types.BOOL.land_monoid)

    def iseq(self, other, eq_op=None):
        """Compare two vectors for equality.

        Note to be confused with the `==` operator which does
        element-wise comparison and returns a `Vector`.

        >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
        >>> w = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
        >>> x = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1.0, 1.0])
        >>> v.iseq(w)

        >>> v.iseq(w, eq_op=types.UINT64.GE)

        >>> v.iseq(x)
        if self.type != other.type:
            return False
        if eq_op is None:
            eq_op = self.type.EQ
        return self.all(other, eq_op)

    def isne(self, other):
        """Compare two vectors for inequality.
        Note to be confused with the `==` operator which does
        element-wise comparison and returns a `Vector`.

        >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
        >>> w = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
        >>> v.isne(w)

        return not self.iseq(other)

    def sparse(cls, typ, size=None, fill=None, mask=None):
        """Create an empty Vector from the given type.  If `size` is not
        specified it defaults to `pygraphblas.GxB_INDEX_MAX`.

        >>> v = Vector.sparse(types.INT64, 3)
        >>> v
        <Vector(INT64 size: 3, nvals: 0)>
        >>> v.size
        >>> v = Vector.sparse(types.INT64)
        >>> v
        <Vector(INT64, nvals: 0)>
        >>> v.size == lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX

        >>> v[42] = True
        >>> w = Vector.sparse(types.INT64, fill=42, mask=v)
        >>> list(w)
        [(42, 42)]

        If no `fill` is provided, the `type.default_zero` is used:

        >>> w = Vector.sparse(types.INT64, mask=v)
        >>> list(w)
        [(42, 0)]
        if size is None:
            size = GxB_INDEX_MAX
        new_vec ="GrB_Vector*")
        _check(lib.GrB_Vector_new(new_vec, typ._gb_type, size))
        m = cls(new_vec, typ)
        if mask is not None:
            if fill is None:
                fill = m.type.default_zero
            m.assign_scalar(fill, mask=mask)
        return m

    def random(
    ):  # pragma: nocover
        """ """
        V = Vector.sparse(typ, size)
        if seed is not None:
        if V.size == 0:
            nvals = 0
        if typ is types.BOOL:
            f = partial(random.randint, 0, 1)
        if typ is types.UINT8:
            f = partial(random.randint, 0, (2 ** 8) - 1)
        if typ is types.UINT16:
            f = partial(random.randint, 0, (2 ** 16) - 1)
        if typ is types.UINT32:
            f = partial(random.randint, 0, (2 ** 32) - 1)
        if typ is types.UINT64:
            f = partial(random.randint, 0, (2 ** 64) - 1)
        if typ is types.INT8:
            f = partial(random.randint, (-(2 ** 7)) + 1, (2 ** 7) - 1)
        if typ is types.INT16:
            f = partial(random.randint, (-(2 ** 15)) + 1, (2 ** 15) - 1)
        if typ is types.INT32:
            f = partial(random.randint, (-(2 ** 31)) + 1, (2 ** 31) - 1)
        if typ is types.INT64:
            f = partial(random.randint, (-(2 ** 63)) + 1, (2 ** 63) - 1)
        if typ in (types.FP32, types.FP64):
            f = random.random
        if typ in (types.FC32, types.FC64):
            f = lambda: complex(random.random(), random.random())
        for i in range(nvals):
            i = random.randint(0, V.size - 1)
            V[i] = f()
        return V

    def from_lists(cls, I, V, size=None, typ=None):
        """Create a new vector from the given lists of indices and values.  If
        size is not provided, it is computed from the max values of
        the provides size indices.

        If the second argument is a scalar value, an "iso" vector is
        created where all values equal that scalar.

        >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
        >>> w = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], True)
        >>> assert not v.iseq(w)
        >>> assert v.pattern().iseq(w)
        if isinstance(V, (bool, int, float)):
            V = [V] * len(I)
        assert len(I) == len(V)
        assert len(I) > 0  # must be non empty
        if not size:
            size = max(I) + 1
        # TODO option to use ffi and GrB_Vector_build
        if typ is None:
            typ = types._gb_from_type(type(V[0]))
        m = cls.sparse(typ, size)
        for i, v in zip(I, V):
            m[i] = v
        return m

    def from_list(cls, I):
        """Create a new dense vector from the given lists of values."""
        size = len(I)
        assert size > 0
        # TODO use ffi and GrB_Vector_build
        m = cls.sparse(types._gb_from_type(type(I[0])), size)
        for i, v in enumerate(I):
            m[i] = v
        return m

    def from_1_to_n(cls, n):
        """Generate a vector from 1 to n.

        >>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
        >>> print(v)
        0| 1
        1| 2
        2| 3
        v = cls.sparse(types.INT64, n)
        for i in range(n):
            v[i] = i + 1
        return v

    def dup(self):
        """Create an duplicate Vector from the given argument.

        >>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
        >>> w = v.dup()
        >>> w is not v
        >>> w.iseq(v)
        >>> print(w)
        0| 1
        1| 2
        2| 3
        new_vec ="GrB_Vector*")
        self._check(lib.GrB_Vector_dup(new_vec, self._vector[0]))
        return self.__class__(new_vec, self.type)

    def hyper_switch(self):  # pragma: nocover
        """Get the hyper_switch threshold. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)"""
        switch ="double*")
            lib.GxB_Vector_Option_get(self._vector[0], lib.GxB_HYPER_SWITCH, switch)
        return switch[0]

    def hyper_switch(self, switch):  # pragma: nocover
        """Set the hyper_switch threshold. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)"""
        switch = ffi.cast("double", switch)
            lib.GxB_Vector_Option_set(self._vector[0], lib.GxB_HYPER_SWITCH, switch)

    def sparsity(self):  # pragma: nocover
        """Get Vector sparsity control. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)"""
        sparsity ="int*")
                self._vector[0], lib.GxB_SPARSITY_CONTROL, sparsity
        return sparsity[0]

    def sparsity(self, sparsity):  # pragma: nocover
        """Set Vector sparsity control. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)"""
        sparsity = ffi.cast("int", sparsity)
                self._vector[0], lib.GxB_SPARSITY_CONTROL, sparsity

    def sparsity_status(self):  # pragma: nocover
        """Get Vector sparsity status. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)"""
        status ="int*")
            lib.GxB_Vector_Option_get(self._vector[0], lib.GxB_SPARSITY_STATUS, status)
        return status[0]

    def dense(cls, typ, size=None, fill=None):
        """Return a dense vector of `typ` and `size`.  If `fill` is provided,
        use that value otherwise use `self.type.default_zero`

        >>> print(Vector.dense(types.FP32, 3))
        >>> print(Vector.dense(types.FP32, 3, fill=42.0))

        v = cls.sparse(typ, size)
        if fill is None:
            fill = v.type.default_zero
        v[:] = fill
        return v

    def iso(cls, value, size=GxB_INDEX_MAX):
        """Build an "iso" vector from a scalar value.

        This is similar to `Vector.dense` but infers the type of the
        new Matrix from the provided vbalue.

        >>> v = Vector.iso(3)
        >>> assert v[42] == 3
        typ = types._gb_from_type(type(value))
        return cls.dense(typ, size, value)

    def to_lists(self):
        """Extract the indices and values of the Vector as 2 lists.

        >>> Vector.from_1_to_n(3).to_lists()
        [[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3]]

        I ="GrB_Index[]", self.nvals)
        V = + "[]", self.nvals)
        n ="GrB_Index*")
        n[0] = self.nvals
        self._check(self.type._Vector_extractTuples(I, V, n, self._vector[0]))
        return [list(I), list(map(self.type._to_value, V))]

    def to_arrays(self):
        """Return as python `array` objects.

        >>> Vector.from_1_to_n(3).to_arrays()
        (array('L', [0, 1, 2]), array('q', [1, 2, 3]))

        if self.type._typecode is None:
            raise TypeError("This matrix has no array typecode.")
        nvals = self.nvals
        _nvals ="GrB_Index[1]", [nvals])
        I ="GrB_Index[%s]" % nvals)
        X ="%s[%s]" % (self.type._c_type, nvals))
        self._check(self.type._Vector_extractTuples(I, X, _nvals, self._vector[0]))
        return array("L", I), array(self.type._typecode, X)

    def size(self):
        """Return the size of the vector.

        >>> Vector.from_1_to_n(3).size

        n ="GrB_Index*")
        self._check(lib.GrB_Vector_size(n, self._vector[0]))
        return n[0]

    def nvals(self):
        """Return the number of values in the vector.

        >>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
        >>> v.nvals
        >>> v.clear()
        >>> v.nvals

        n ="GrB_Index*")
        self._check(lib.GrB_Vector_nvals(n, self._vector[0]))
        return n[0]

    def memory_usage(self):
        """Returns the memory usage of the Vector.

        >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0])
        >>> assert v.memory_usage > 0
        n ="size_t*")
        self._check(lib.GxB_Vector_memoryUsage(n, self._vector[0]))
        return n[0]

    def gb_type(self):
        """Return the GraphBLAS low-level type object of the Vector."""
        return self.type._gb_type

    def _full(self):
        B = self.__class__.sparse(self.type, self.size)

                B._vector[0], NULL, NULL, self.type.default_one, lib.GrB_ALL, 0, NULL
        return self.eadd(B, self.type.FIRST)

    def _compare(self, other, op, strop):
        C = self.__class__.sparse(types.BOOL, self.size)
        if isinstance(other, (bool, int, float, complex)):
            if op(other, 0):
                B = self.__class__.dup(self)
                B[:] = other
                self.emult(B, strop, out=C)
                return C
      , other).apply(types.BOOL.ONE, out=C)
                return C
        elif isinstance(other, Vector):
            A = self._full()
            B = other._full()
            A.emult(B, strop, out=C)
            return C
            raise NotImplementedError

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return self._compare(other,, ">")

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self._compare(other,, "<")

    def __ge__(self, other):
        return self._compare(other,, ">=")

    def __le__(self, other):
        return self._compare(other, operator.le, "<=")

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self._compare(other, operator.eq, "==")

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return self._compare(other,, "!=")

    def eadd(
        """Element-wise addition with other vector.

        Element-wise addition applies a binary operator element-wise
        on two vectors `v` and `w`, for all entries that appear in the
        set union of the patterns of `A` and `B`.

        The only difference between element-wise multiplication and
        addition is the pattern of the result, and what happens to
        entries outside the intersection. With multiplication the
        pattern of T is the intersection; with addition it is the set
        union. Entries outside the set intersection are dropped for
        multiplication, and kept for addition; in both cases the
        operator is only applied to those (and only those) entries in
        the intersection. Any binary operator can be used
        interchangeably for either operation.

        >>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
        >>> V = list(range(len(I)))
        >>> v = Vector.from_lists(I, V, 7)

        >>> w = Vector.from_lists(
        ...    [0, 1, 4, 6],
        ...    [9, 1, 4, 7], 7)

        >>> print(v.eadd(w))
        1| 4
        2| 4
        3| 6
        5| 8

        This can also be accomplished with the `+` operators:

        >>> print(v + w)
        1| 4
        2| 4
        3| 6
        5| 8

        The combining operator used can be provided either as a
        context manager or passed to `mxv` as the `add_op` argument.

        >>> with types.INT64.MIN:
        ...     print(v + w)
        0| 1
        1| 1
        2| 4
        3| 6
        4| 4
        5| 8
        6| 7

        You can provide a monoid for the operation:

        >>> print(v.eadd(w, v.type.min_monoid))
        0| 1
        1| 1
        2| 4
        3| 6
        4| 4
        5| 8
        6| 7

        Or you can use a semiring:

        >>> print(v.eadd(w, v.type.min_plus))
        0| 1
        1| 1
        2| 4
        3| 6
        4| 4
        5| 8
        6| 7

        The following operators default to use `eadd`:

        Operator | Description | Default
        --- | --- | ---
        v \\|  w | Vector Union | type default SECOND combiner
        v \\|= w | In-place Vector Union | type default SECOND combiner
        v +    w | Vector Element-Wise Union | type default PLUS combiner
        v +=   w | In-place Vector Element-Wise Union | type default PLUS combiner
        v -    w | Vector Element-Wise Union | type default MINUS combiner
        v -=   w | In-place Vector Element-Wise Union | type default MINUS combiner

        func = lib.GrB_Vector_eWiseAdd_BinaryOp
        if add_op is None:
            add_op = current_binop.get(NULL)
        elif isinstance(add_op, Monoid):
            func = lib.GrB_Vector_eWiseAdd_Monoid
        elif isinstance(add_op, Semiring):
            func = lib.GrB_Vector_eWiseAdd_Semiring

        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)

        if out is None:
            typ = cast or types.promote(self.type, other.type)
            _out ="GrB_Vector*")
            self._check(lib.GrB_Vector_new(_out, typ._gb_type, self.size))
            out = self.__class__(_out, typ)

        if add_op is NULL:
            add_op = out.type._default_addop()

        add_op = add_op.get_op()
        return out

    def emult(
        """Element-wise multiplication with other vector.

        Element-wise multiplication applies a binary operator
        element-wise on two vectors A and B, for all entries that
        appear in the set intersection of the patterns of A and B.

        The only difference between element-wise multiplication and
        addition is the pattern of the result, and what happens to
        entries outside the intersection. With multiplication the
        pattern of T is the intersection; with addition it is the set
        union. Entries outside the set intersection are dropped for
        multiplication, and kept for addition; in both cases the
        operator is only applied to those (and only those) entries in
        the intersection. Any binary operator can be used
        interchangeably for either operation.

        >>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
        >>> V = list(range(len(I)))
        >>> v = Vector.from_lists(I, V, 7)

        >>> w = Vector.from_lists(
        ...    [0, 1, 4, 6],
        ...    [9, 1, 4, 7], 7)

        >>> print(v.emult(w))
        0| 9
        1| 3

        This can also be accomplished with the `+` operators:

        >>> print(v * w)
        0| 9
        1| 3

        The combining operator used can be provided either as a
        context manager or passed to `mxv` as the `add_op` argument.

        >>> with types.INT64.MAX:
        ...     print(v * w)
        0| 9
        1| 3

        if mult_op is None:
            mult_op = current_binop.get(NULL)
        elif isinstance(mult_op, str):
            mult_op = _get_bin_op(mult_op, self.type)

        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        if out is None:
            typ = cast or types.promote(self.type, other.type)
            _out ="GrB_Vector*")
            self._check(lib.GrB_Vector_new(_out, typ._gb_type, self.size))
            out = self.__class__(_out, typ)

        if mult_op is NULL:
            mult_op = out.type._default_multop()

        mult_op = mult_op.get_op()
        return out

    def vxm(
        """Vector-Matrix multiply.

        Multiply this row vector by `other` matrix "on the left".  For
        column matrix/vector multiplication "on the right" see

        `vxm` can also be called directly or with the `@` operator:

        >>> from . import Matrix, INT64
        >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 3])
        >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [2, 3, 4])
        >>> o = v.vxm(M)
        >>> print(o)
        1| 2
        2| 6
        >>> o = v @ M
        >>> print(o)
        1| 2
        2| 6

        By default, `mxv` and `@` create a new result matrix of the
        correct type and dimensions if one is not provided.  If you
        want to provide your own matrix to put the result in, you can
        pass it in the `out` parameter.  This is useful for
        accumulating results into a single matrix with minimal
        copying.  This is also supported by the `@=` syntax:

        >>> o = v.dup()
        >>> v.vxm(M,, out=o) is o
        >>> print(o)
        1| 5
        >>> o = v.dup()
        >>> with Accum(INT64.min):
        ...     o @= M
        >>> print(o)
        0| 2
        1| 2
        2| 4

        The default semiring depends on the infered result type.  In
        the case of numbers, the default semiring is `PLUS_TIMES`.  In
        the case of type `BOOL`, it is `BOOL.lor_land`.

        >>> o = v.vxm(M, semiring=INT64.min_plus)
        >>> print(o)
        0| 7
        1| 3
        2| 5

        An explicit semiring can be passed to the method or provided
        with a context manager:

        >>> with INT64.min_plus:
        ...     o = v @ M
        >>> print(o)
        0| 7
        1| 3
        2| 5

        Or the semiring can be accessed via an attribute on the

        >>> o = v.min_plus(M)
        >>> print(o)
        0| 7
        1| 3
        2| 5

        Descriptors and accumulators can also be provided as an
        argument or a context manager:

        >>> o = v.vxm(M, desc=descriptor.T0)
        >>> print(o)
        1| 2
        2| 6
        >>> with descriptor.T0:
        ...     o = v @ M
        >>> print(o)
        1| 2
        2| 6
        >>> del o[1]
        >>> o = v.vxm(M, mask=o)
        >>> print(o)
        2| 6


        if semiring is None:
            semiring = current_semiring.get(NULL)

        if out is None:
            new_dimension = other.nrows if T1 in (desc or ()) else other.ncols
            if semiring is not NULL:
                typ = semiring.ztype
                typ = cast or types.promote(self.type, other.type)
            out = Vector.sparse(typ, new_dimension)
            typ = out.type

        if semiring is NULL:
            semiring = out.type._default_semiring()

        semiring = semiring.get_op()
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        return out

    def __matmul__(self, other):
        return self.vxm(other)

    def __imatmul__(self, other):
        return self.vxm(other, out=self)

    def __and__(self, other):
        return self.emult(other)

    def __iand__(self, other):
        return self.emult(other, out=self)

    def __or__(self, other):
        return self.eadd(other)

    def __ior__(self, other):
        return self.eadd(other, out=self)

    def __add__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Vector):
            return self.apply_second(self.type.PLUS, other)
        return self.eadd(other)

    def __radd__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Vector):
            return self.apply_first(other, self.type.PLUS)
        return other.eadd(self)  # pragma: nocover

    def __iadd__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Vector):
            return self.apply_second(self.type.PLUS, other, out=self)
        return self.eadd(other, out=self)

    def __sub__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Vector):
            return self.apply_second(self.type.MINUS, other)
        return self.eadd(other, self.type.MINUS)

    def __rsub__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Vector):
            return self.apply_first(other, self.type.MINUS)
        return other.eadd(self, self.type.MINUS)  # pragma: nocover

    def __isub__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Vector):
            return self.apply_second(self.type.MINUS, other)
        return other.eadd(self, self.type.MINUS, out=self)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Vector):
            return self.apply_second(self.type.TIMES, other)
        return self.emult(other, self.type.TIMES)

    def __rmul__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Vector):
            return self.apply_first(other, self.type.TIMES)
        return other.emult(self, add_op=self.type.TIMES)  # pragma: nocover

    def __imul__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Vector):
            return self.apply_second(self.type.TIMES, other, out=self)
        return other.emult(self, self.type.TIMES, out=self)

    def __truediv__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Vector):
            return self.apply_second(self.type.DIV, other)
        return self.emult(other, self.type.DIV)

    def __rtruediv__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Vector):
            return self.apply_first(other, self.type.DIV)
        return other.emult(self, self.type.DIV)  # pragma: nocover

    def __itruediv__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Vector):
            return self.apply_second(self.type.DIV, other, out=self)
        return other.emult(self, self.type.DIV, out=self)

    def __invert__(self):
        return self.apply(self.type.MINV)

    def __neg__(self):
        return self.apply(self.type.AINV)

    def __abs__(self):
        return self.apply(self.type.ABS)

    def clear(self):
        """Clear this vector removing all entries."""

    def resize(self, size=lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX):
        """Resize the vector.  If the dimensions decrease, entries that fall
        outside the resized vector are deleted.

        >>> v = Vector.dense(types.UINT8, 2)
        >>> v.resize(3)
        >>> print(v)
        0| 0
        1| 0

        self._check(lib.GrB_Vector_resize(self._vector[0], size))

    def _get_args(self, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        if accum is None:
            accum = current_accum.get(NULL)

        if accum is not NULL:
            accum = accum.get_op()

        if desc is None:
            desc = current_desc.get(NULL)

        if desc is not NULL:
            desc = desc.get_desc()

        if mask is None:
            mask = NULL
        # else:
        #     if desc is None:
        #         desc = S

        if isinstance(mask, Vector):
            mask = mask._vector[0]
        return mask, accum, desc

    def reduce(self, mon=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        """Do a scalar reduce based on this object's type:

        >>> V = Vector.random(types.UINT8, 10, 3, seed=42)
        >>> V.reduce()

        >>> V = Vector.random(types.FP32, 10, 3, seed=42)
        >>> V.reduce()

        >>> V = Vector.random(types.UINT8, 10, 3, seed=42)
        >>> V.reduce(V.type.min_monoid)

        >>> V = Vector.random(types.BOOL, 10, 3, seed=42)
        >>> V.reduce()

        if mon is None:
            if self.type is types.BOOL:
                mon = current_monoid.get(getattr(self.type, "lor_monoid"))
                mon = current_monoid.get(getattr(self.type, "plus_monoid"))
        mon = mon.get_op()
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(None, accum, desc)
        result = + "*")
        self._check(self.type._Vector_reduce(result, accum, mon, self._vector[0], desc))
        return result[0]

    def reduce_bool(self, mon=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        """Reduce vector to a boolean.

        >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1], [True, False])
        >>> v.reduce_bool()
        >>> v[0] = False
        >>> v.reduce_bool()
        >>> v[1] = True
        >>> v.reduce_bool(types.BOOL.LAND_MONOID)

        if mon is None:
            mon = current_monoid.get(types.BOOL.LOR_MONOID)
        mon = mon.get_op()
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        result ="_Bool*")
            lib.GrB_Vector_reduce_BOOL(result, accum, mon, self._vector[0], desc)
        return result[0]

    def reduce_int(self, mon=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        """Reduce vector to a integer.

        >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1], [1, 1])
        >>> v.reduce_int()
        >>> v[0] = 0
        >>> v.reduce_int()
        >>> v[1] = 2
        >>> v.reduce_int(types.INT64.MIN_MONOID)

        if mon is None:
            mon = current_monoid.get(types.INT64.PLUS_MONOID)
        mon = mon.get_op()
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        result ="int64_t*")
            lib.GrB_Vector_reduce_INT64(result, accum, mon, self._vector[0], desc)
        return result[0]

    def reduce_float(self, mon=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        """Reduce vector to a float.

        >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1], [1.2, 1.1])
        >>> v.reduce_float()
        >>> v[0] = 0
        >>> v.reduce_float()
        >>> v[1] = 2.2
        >>> v.reduce_float(types.FP64.MIN_MONOID)

        if mon is None:
            mon = current_monoid.get(types.FP64.PLUS_MONOID)
        mon = mon.get_op()
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        result ="double*")
            lib.GrB_Vector_reduce_FP64(result, accum, mon, self._vector[0], desc)
        return result[0]

    def max(self):
        """Return the max of the vector.

        >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [False, False, False])
        >>> M.max()
        >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [False, False, True])
        >>> M.max()
        >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [-42, 0, 149])
        >>> M.max()
        >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [-42.0, 0.0, 149.0])
        >>> M.max()
        >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0], [1j])
        >>> M.max()
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: Un-maxable type
        if self.type == types.BOOL:
            return self.reduce_bool(self.type.LOR_MONOID)
        if self.type in types._int_types:
            return self.reduce_int(self.type.MAX_MONOID)
        if self.type in types._float_types:
            return self.reduce_float(self.type.MAX_MONOID)
        raise TypeError("Un-maxable type")

    def min(self):
        """Return the min of the vector.

        >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [True, True, True])
        >>> M.min()
        >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [False, True, True])
        >>> M.min()
        >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [-42, 0, 149])
        >>> M.min()
        >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [-42.0, 0.0, 149.0])
        >>> M.min()
        >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0], [1j])
        >>> M.min()
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: Un-minable type
        if self.type == types.BOOL:
            return self.reduce_bool(self.type.LAND_MONOID)
        if self.type in types._int_types:
            return self.reduce_int(self.type.MIN_MONOID)
        if self.type in types._float_types:
            return self.reduce_float(self.type.MIN_MONOID)
        raise TypeError("Un-minable type")

    def apply(self, op, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        """Apply Unary op to vector elements.
        >>> from . import UINT64
        >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
        >>> print(v.apply(UINT64.ainv))

        Unary operators can also be accessed by atribute name on
        vectors they are applied to:

        >>> print(v.ainv())

        if out is None:
            out = Vector.sparse(self.type, self.size)

        op = op.get_op()
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
            lib.GrB_Vector_apply(out._vector[0], mask, accum, op, self._vector[0], desc)
        return out

    def apply_first(self, first, op, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        """Apply a binary operator to the entries in a vector, binding the first input
        to a scalar first.

        >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
        >>> print(v.apply_first(3, types.UINT64.PLUS))
        0| 4
        1| 4
        >>> w = Vector.sparse(v.type, v.size)
        >>> v.apply_first(3, types.UINT64.PLUS, out=w) is w

        if out is None:
            out = self.__class__.sparse(self.type, self.size)

        op = op.get_op()
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        if isinstance(first, Scalar):
            f = lib.GxB_Vector_apply_BinaryOp1st
            first = first._scalar[0]
            f = self.type._Vector_apply_BinaryOp1st
        self._check(f(out._vector[0], mask, accum, op, first, self._vector[0], desc))
        return out

    def apply_second(self, op, second, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        """Apply a binary operator to the entries in a vector, binding the second input
        to a scalar second.

        >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
        >>> print(v.apply_second(types.UINT64.PLUS, 3))
        0| 4
        1| 4
        >>> w = Vector.sparse(v.type, v.size)
        >>> v.apply_second(types.UINT64.PLUS, 3, out=w) is w
        >>> u = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1.1, 2.2])
        >>> u.apply_second(u.type.TIMES, 3.3, out=u) is u
        >>> u = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1.1, 2.2])
        >>> print(u * 3)
        >>> x = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1.1, 2.2])
        >>> x *= 3.0
        >>> print(x)

        if out is None:
            out = self.__class__.sparse(self.type, self.size)

        op = op.get_op()
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        if isinstance(second, Scalar):
            f = lib.GxB_Vector_apply_BinaryOp2nd
            second = second._scalar[0]
            f = self.type._Vector_apply_BinaryOp2nd

        self._check(f(out._vector[0], mask, accum, op, self._vector[0], second, desc))
        return out

    def select(self, op, thunk=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        """Select elements that match the given select operation condition.
        See `` for possible operators.

        >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 0])
        >>> print('>', 0))
        0| 1

        >>> w = Vector.sparse(types.UINT8, 2)
        >>>'>', 0, out=w) is w

        `min` and `max` selectors can be shortcuts for selecting all
        elements that equal the min or max reduction of all elements.

        >>> print('min'))
        1| 0
        >>> print('max'))
        0| 1

        if out is None:
            out = Vector.sparse(self.type, self.size)
        if isinstance(op, str):
            if op == "min":
                op = lib.GxB_EQ_THUNK
                thunk = self.min()
            elif op == "max":
                op = lib.GxB_EQ_THUNK
                thunk = self.max()
                op = _get_select_op(op)

        if thunk is None:
            thunk = NULL
        if isinstance(thunk, (bool, int, float, complex)):
            thunk = Scalar.from_value(thunk)
        if isinstance(thunk, Scalar):
            self._keep_alives[self._vector] = thunk
            thunk = thunk._scalar[0]

        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
                out._vector[0], mask, accum, op, self._vector[0], thunk, desc
        return out

    def pattern(self, typ=types.BOOL):
        """Return the pattern of the vector, this is a boolean Vector where
        every present value in this vector is set to True.

        result = Vector.sparse(typ, self.size)
        self.apply(types.BOOL.ONE, out=result)
        return result

    def S(self):
        """Return the vector "structure".  This is the same as calling
        `Vector.pattern()` with no arguments.

        >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
        >>> assert v.S == v.pattern()

        return self.pattern()

    def nonzero(self):
        """Select vector of nonzero entries."""

    def __setitem__(self, index, value):
        if isinstance(index, int):
            val = self.type._from_value(value)
            self._check(self.type._Vector_setElement(self._vector[0], val, index))

        if isinstance(index, slice):
            if isinstance(value, Vector):
                self.assign(value, index)
            if isinstance(value, (bool, int, float, complex)):
                self.assign_scalar(value, index)

        if isinstance(index, Vector):
            mask = index._vector[0]
            index = slice(None, None, None)
            if isinstance(value, Vector):
                self.assign(value, index, mask=mask)
            self.assign_scalar(value, index, mask=mask)
        raise TypeError("Unknown index")

    def assign(self, value, index=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        """Assign vector to vector.

        >>> v = Vector.sparse(types.INT8, 3)
        >>> w = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
        >>> v[:] = w
        >>> print(v)
        0| 1
        1| 2
        2| 3

        If the index is another vector it is used as an assignment

        >>> v.clear()
        >>> m = Vector.sparse(types.BOOL, 3)
        >>> m[1] = True
        >>> v[m] = w
        >>> print(v)
        1| 2
        >>> v.clear()
        >>> m = Vector.sparse(types.BOOL, 3)
        >>> m[1] = True
        >>> v[m] = 3
        >>> print(v)
        1| 3

        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        I, ni, size = _build_range(index, self.size - 1)
                self._vector[0], mask, accum, value._vector[0], I, ni, desc

    def assign_scalar(self, value, index=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        """Assign scalar to vector.

        >>> v = Vector.sparse(types.INT8, 3)
        >>> v[:] = 2
        >>> print(v)
        0| 2
        1| 2
        2| 2

        If the index is another vector it is used as an assignment

        >>> v.clear()
        >>> m = Vector.sparse(types.BOOL, 3)
        >>> m[1] = True
        >>> v[m] = 3
        >>> print(v)
        1| 3

        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        scalar_type = types._gb_from_type(type(value))
        I, ni, size = _build_range(index, self.size - 1)
                self._vector[0], mask, accum, value, I, ni, desc

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if isinstance(index, int):
            return self.extract_element(index)
            return self.extract(index)

    def __delitem__(self, index):
        if not isinstance(index, int):
            raise TypeError(
                "__delitem__ currently only supports single element removal"
        self._check(lib.GrB_Vector_removeElement(self._vector[0], index))

    def extract_element(self, index):
        """Extract element from vector."""
        result =
                result, self._vector[0], ffi.cast("GrB_Index", index)
        return self.type._to_value(result[0])

    def extract(self, index, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
        """Extract subvector from vector."""
        mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        if isinstance(index, Vector):
            mask = index._vector[0]
            index = slice(None, None, None)
        I, ni, size = _build_range(index, self.size - 1)
        if size is None:
            size = self.size
        result = Vector.sparse(self.type, size)
                result._vector[0], mask, accum, self._vector[0], I, ni, desc
        return result

    def __contains__(self, index):
            v = self[index]
            return True
        except NoValue:
            return False

    def get(self, i, default=None):
        """Get element at `i` or return `default` if not present.

        >>> M = Vector.from_lists([1, 2], [42, 149])
        >>> M.get(1)
        >>> M.get(0) is None
        >>> M.get(0, 'foo')

            return self[i]
        except NoValue:
            return default

    def wait(self):
        """Wait for vector to complete."""

    def to_string(self, format_string="{:>%s}", width=2, prec=3, empty_char=""):
        """Return string representation of vector."""
        format_string = format_string % width
        result = ""
        for row in range(self.size):
            value = self.get(row, empty_char)
            result += str(row) + "|"
            result += format_string.format(
                self.type.format_value(value, width, prec)
            if row < self.size - 1:
                result += "\n"
        return result

    def __str__(self):
        return self.to_string()

    def __repr__(self):
        tname = self.type.__name__
        if self.size == lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX:
            return f"<Vector({tname}, nvals: {self.nvals})>"

        return f"<Vector({tname} size: {self.size}, nvals: {self.nvals})>"

    def print(self, level=2, name="A", f=sys.stdout):  # pragma: nocover
        """Print the matrix using `GxB_Matrix_fprint()`, by default to

        Level 1: Short description
        Level 2: Short list, short numbers
        Level 3: Long list, short number
        Level 4: Short list, long numbers
        Level 5: Long list, long numbers

            lib.GxB_Vector_fprint(self._vector[0], bytes(name, "utf8"), level, f)

Static methods

def sparse(typ, size=None, fill=None, mask=None)

Create an empty Vector from the given type. If size is not specified it defaults to GxB_INDEX_MAX.

>>> v = Vector.sparse(types.INT64, 3)
>>> v
<Vector(INT64 size: 3, nvals: 0)>
>>> v.size
>>> v = Vector.sparse(types.INT64)
>>> v
<Vector(INT64, nvals: 0)>
>>> v.size == lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
>>> v[42] = True
>>> w = Vector.sparse(types.INT64, fill=42, mask=v)
>>> list(w)
[(42, 42)]

If no fill is provided, the type.default_zero is used:

>>> w = Vector.sparse(types.INT64, mask=v)
>>> list(w)
[(42, 0)]
Expand source code
def sparse(cls, typ, size=None, fill=None, mask=None):
    """Create an empty Vector from the given type.  If `size` is not
    specified it defaults to `pygraphblas.GxB_INDEX_MAX`.

    >>> v = Vector.sparse(types.INT64, 3)
    >>> v
    <Vector(INT64 size: 3, nvals: 0)>
    >>> v.size
    >>> v = Vector.sparse(types.INT64)
    >>> v
    <Vector(INT64, nvals: 0)>
    >>> v.size == lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX

    >>> v[42] = True
    >>> w = Vector.sparse(types.INT64, fill=42, mask=v)
    >>> list(w)
    [(42, 42)]

    If no `fill` is provided, the `type.default_zero` is used:

    >>> w = Vector.sparse(types.INT64, mask=v)
    >>> list(w)
    [(42, 0)]
    if size is None:
        size = GxB_INDEX_MAX
    new_vec ="GrB_Vector*")
    _check(lib.GrB_Vector_new(new_vec, typ._gb_type, size))
    m = cls(new_vec, typ)
    if mask is not None:
        if fill is None:
            fill = m.type.default_zero
        m.assign_scalar(fill, mask=mask)
    return m
def random(typ, nvals, size=1152921504606846976, make_pattern=False, seed=None)
Expand source code
def random(
):  # pragma: nocover
    """ """
    V = Vector.sparse(typ, size)
    if seed is not None:
    if V.size == 0:
        nvals = 0
    if typ is types.BOOL:
        f = partial(random.randint, 0, 1)
    if typ is types.UINT8:
        f = partial(random.randint, 0, (2 ** 8) - 1)
    if typ is types.UINT16:
        f = partial(random.randint, 0, (2 ** 16) - 1)
    if typ is types.UINT32:
        f = partial(random.randint, 0, (2 ** 32) - 1)
    if typ is types.UINT64:
        f = partial(random.randint, 0, (2 ** 64) - 1)
    if typ is types.INT8:
        f = partial(random.randint, (-(2 ** 7)) + 1, (2 ** 7) - 1)
    if typ is types.INT16:
        f = partial(random.randint, (-(2 ** 15)) + 1, (2 ** 15) - 1)
    if typ is types.INT32:
        f = partial(random.randint, (-(2 ** 31)) + 1, (2 ** 31) - 1)
    if typ is types.INT64:
        f = partial(random.randint, (-(2 ** 63)) + 1, (2 ** 63) - 1)
    if typ in (types.FP32, types.FP64):
        f = random.random
    if typ in (types.FC32, types.FC64):
        f = lambda: complex(random.random(), random.random())
    for i in range(nvals):
        i = random.randint(0, V.size - 1)
        V[i] = f()
    return V
def from_lists(I, V, size=None, typ=None)

Create a new vector from the given lists of indices and values. If size is not provided, it is computed from the max values of the provides size indices.

If the second argument is a scalar value, an "iso" vector is created where all values equal that scalar.

>>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
>>> w = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], True)
>>> assert not v.iseq(w)
>>> assert v.pattern().iseq(w)
Expand source code
def from_lists(cls, I, V, size=None, typ=None):
    """Create a new vector from the given lists of indices and values.  If
    size is not provided, it is computed from the max values of
    the provides size indices.

    If the second argument is a scalar value, an "iso" vector is
    created where all values equal that scalar.

    >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
    >>> w = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], True)
    >>> assert not v.iseq(w)
    >>> assert v.pattern().iseq(w)
    if isinstance(V, (bool, int, float)):
        V = [V] * len(I)
    assert len(I) == len(V)
    assert len(I) > 0  # must be non empty
    if not size:
        size = max(I) + 1
    # TODO option to use ffi and GrB_Vector_build
    if typ is None:
        typ = types._gb_from_type(type(V[0]))
    m = cls.sparse(typ, size)
    for i, v in zip(I, V):
        m[i] = v
    return m
def from_list(I)

Create a new dense vector from the given lists of values.

Expand source code
def from_list(cls, I):
    """Create a new dense vector from the given lists of values."""
    size = len(I)
    assert size > 0
    # TODO use ffi and GrB_Vector_build
    m = cls.sparse(types._gb_from_type(type(I[0])), size)
    for i, v in enumerate(I):
        m[i] = v
    return m
def from_1_to_n(n)

Generate a vector from 1 to n.

>>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
>>> print(v)
0| 1
1| 2
2| 3
Expand source code
def from_1_to_n(cls, n):
    """Generate a vector from 1 to n.

    >>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
    >>> print(v)
    0| 1
    1| 2
    2| 3
    v = cls.sparse(types.INT64, n)
    for i in range(n):
        v[i] = i + 1
    return v
def dense(typ, size=None, fill=None)

Return a dense vector of typ and size. If fill is provided, use that value otherwise use self.type.default_zero

>>> print(Vector.dense(types.FP32, 3))
>>> print(Vector.dense(types.FP32, 3, fill=42.0))
Expand source code
def dense(cls, typ, size=None, fill=None):
    """Return a dense vector of `typ` and `size`.  If `fill` is provided,
    use that value otherwise use `self.type.default_zero`

    >>> print(Vector.dense(types.FP32, 3))
    >>> print(Vector.dense(types.FP32, 3, fill=42.0))

    v = cls.sparse(typ, size)
    if fill is None:
        fill = v.type.default_zero
    v[:] = fill
    return v
def iso(value, size=1152921504606846976)

Build an "iso" vector from a scalar value.

This is similar to Vector.dense() but infers the type of the new Matrix from the provided vbalue.

>>> v = Vector.iso(3)
>>> assert v[42] == 3
Expand source code
def iso(cls, value, size=GxB_INDEX_MAX):
    """Build an "iso" vector from a scalar value.

    This is similar to `Vector.dense` but infers the type of the
    new Matrix from the provided vbalue.

    >>> v = Vector.iso(3)
    >>> assert v[42] == 3
    typ = types._gb_from_type(type(value))
    return cls.dense(typ, size, value)

Instance Attributes

var indices

cdata array of vector indexes.

>>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
>>> list(v.indices)
[0, 1, 2]
Expand source code
def indices(self):
    """cdata array of vector indexes.

    >>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
    >>> list(v.indices)
    [0, 1, 2]

    nvals = self.nvals
    _nvals ="GrB_Index[1]", [nvals])
    I ="GrB_Index[%s]" % nvals)
    X = NULL
    self._check(self.type._Vector_extractTuples(I, X, _nvals, self._vector[0]))
    return I
var I

Iterator over for Vector.indices.

>>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
>>> list(v.I)
[0, 1, 2]
Expand source code
def I(self):
    """Iterator over for `Vector.indices`.

    >>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
    >>> list(v.I)
    [0, 1, 2]

    return iter(self.indices)
var npI

numpy array over Vector.indices.

>>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
>>> v.npI
array([0, 1, 2], dtype=uint64)
Expand source code
def npI(self):
    """numpy array over `Vector.indices`.

    >>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
    >>> v.npI
    array([0, 1, 2], dtype=uint64)

    return np.frombuffer(ffi.buffer(self.indices), dtype=np.uint64)
var vals

Iterator of vector values.

>>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
>>> list(v.vals)
[1, 2, 3]
Expand source code
def vals(self):
    """Iterator of vector values.

    >>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
    >>> list(v.vals)
    [1, 2, 3]

    nvals = self.nvals
    _nvals ="GrB_Index[1]", [nvals])
    I = NULL
    V ="%s[%s]" % (self.type._c_type, nvals))
    self._check(self.type._Vector_extractTuples(I, V, _nvals, self._vector[0]))
    return V
var V

Iterator over for Vector.vals.

>>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
>>> list(v.V)
[1, 2, 3]
Expand source code
def V(self):
    """Iterator over for `Vector.vals`.

    >>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
    >>> list(v.V)
    [1, 2, 3]

    return iter(self.vals)
var npV

numpy array over Vector.vals.

>>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
>>> v.npV
array([1, 2, 3])
Expand source code
def npV(self):
    """numpy array over `Vector.vals`.

    >>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
    >>> v.npV
    array([1, 2, 3])

    return np.frombuffer(ffi.buffer(self.vals), dtype=self.type._numpy_t)
var hyper_switch

Get the hyper_switch threshold. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)

Expand source code
def hyper_switch(self):  # pragma: nocover
    """Get the hyper_switch threshold. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)"""
    switch ="double*")
        lib.GxB_Vector_Option_get(self._vector[0], lib.GxB_HYPER_SWITCH, switch)
    return switch[0]
var sparsity

Get Vector sparsity control. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)

Expand source code
def sparsity(self):  # pragma: nocover
    """Get Vector sparsity control. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)"""
    sparsity ="int*")
            self._vector[0], lib.GxB_SPARSITY_CONTROL, sparsity
    return sparsity[0]
var sparsity_status

Get Vector sparsity status. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)

Expand source code
def sparsity_status(self):  # pragma: nocover
    """Get Vector sparsity status. (See SuiteSparse User Guide)"""
    status ="int*")
        lib.GxB_Vector_Option_get(self._vector[0], lib.GxB_SPARSITY_STATUS, status)
    return status[0]
var size

Return the size of the vector.

>>> Vector.from_1_to_n(3).size
Expand source code
def size(self):
    """Return the size of the vector.

    >>> Vector.from_1_to_n(3).size

    n ="GrB_Index*")
    self._check(lib.GrB_Vector_size(n, self._vector[0]))
    return n[0]
var nvals

Return the number of values in the vector.

>>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
>>> v.nvals
>>> v.clear()
>>> v.nvals
Expand source code
def nvals(self):
    """Return the number of values in the vector.

    >>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
    >>> v.nvals
    >>> v.clear()
    >>> v.nvals

    n ="GrB_Index*")
    self._check(lib.GrB_Vector_nvals(n, self._vector[0]))
    return n[0]
var memory_usage

Returns the memory usage of the Vector.

>>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0])
>>> assert v.memory_usage > 0
Expand source code
def memory_usage(self):
    """Returns the memory usage of the Vector.

    >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0])
    >>> assert v.memory_usage > 0
    n ="size_t*")
    self._check(lib.GxB_Vector_memoryUsage(n, self._vector[0]))
    return n[0]
var gb_type

Return the GraphBLAS low-level type object of the Vector.

Expand source code
def gb_type(self):
    """Return the GraphBLAS low-level type object of the Vector."""
    return self.type._gb_type
var S

Return the vector "structure". This is the same as calling Vector.pattern() with no arguments.

>>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
>>> assert v.S == v.pattern()
Expand source code
def S(self):
    """Return the vector "structure".  This is the same as calling
    `Vector.pattern()` with no arguments.

    >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
    >>> assert v.S == v.pattern()

    return self.pattern()
var type

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.


def all(self, other, op)

Do all elements in self compare True with op to other?

>>> from . import INT64
>>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
>>> N = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
>>> O = Vector.from_lists([0, 1], [1, 2])
>>> P = Vector.from_lists([0, 1], [1, 2], size=3)
>>> Q = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 3], [1, 2, 3])
>>> assert M.all(N, INT64.eq)
>>> assert not M.all(N,
>>> assert not M.all(O, INT64.eq)
>>> assert not M.all(P, INT64.eq)
>>> assert not M.all(Q, INT64.eq)
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def all(self, other, op):
    """Do all elements in self compare True with op to other?

    >>> from . import INT64
    >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
    >>> N = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
    >>> O = Vector.from_lists([0, 1], [1, 2])
    >>> P = Vector.from_lists([0, 1], [1, 2], size=3)
    >>> Q = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 3], [1, 2, 3])
    >>> assert M.all(N, INT64.eq)
    >>> assert not M.all(N,
    >>> assert not M.all(O, INT64.eq)
    >>> assert not M.all(P, INT64.eq)
    >>> assert not M.all(Q, INT64.eq)

    if self.size != other.size:
        return False
    if self.nvals != other.nvals:
        return False
    C = self.emult(other, op, cast=types.BOOL)
    if C.nvals != self.nvals:  # pragma: nocover
        return False
    return C.reduce_bool(types.BOOL.land_monoid)
def iseq(self, other, eq_op=None)

Compare two vectors for equality.

Note to be confused with the == operator which does element-wise comparison and returns a Vector.

>>> v = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
>>> w = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
>>> x = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1.0, 1.0])
>>> v.iseq(w)
>>> v.iseq(w, eq_op=types.UINT64.GE)
>>> v.iseq(x)
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def iseq(self, other, eq_op=None):
    """Compare two vectors for equality.

    Note to be confused with the `==` operator which does
    element-wise comparison and returns a `Vector`.

    >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
    >>> w = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
    >>> x = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1.0, 1.0])
    >>> v.iseq(w)

    >>> v.iseq(w, eq_op=types.UINT64.GE)

    >>> v.iseq(x)
    if self.type != other.type:
        return False
    if eq_op is None:
        eq_op = self.type.EQ
    return self.all(other, eq_op)
def isne(self, other)

Compare two vectors for inequality. Note to be confused with the == operator which does element-wise comparison and returns a Vector.

>>> v = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
>>> w = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
>>> v.isne(w)
Expand source code
def isne(self, other):
    """Compare two vectors for inequality.
    Note to be confused with the `==` operator which does
    element-wise comparison and returns a `Vector`.

    >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
    >>> w = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
    >>> v.isne(w)

    return not self.iseq(other)
def dup(self)

Create an duplicate Vector from the given argument.

>>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
>>> w = v.dup()
>>> w is not v
>>> w.iseq(v)
>>> print(w)
0| 1
1| 2
2| 3
Expand source code
def dup(self):
    """Create an duplicate Vector from the given argument.

    >>> v = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
    >>> w = v.dup()
    >>> w is not v
    >>> w.iseq(v)
    >>> print(w)
    0| 1
    1| 2
    2| 3
    new_vec ="GrB_Vector*")
    self._check(lib.GrB_Vector_dup(new_vec, self._vector[0]))
    return self.__class__(new_vec, self.type)
def to_lists(self)

Extract the indices and values of the Vector as 2 lists.

>>> Vector.from_1_to_n(3).to_lists()
[[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3]]
Expand source code
def to_lists(self):
    """Extract the indices and values of the Vector as 2 lists.

    >>> Vector.from_1_to_n(3).to_lists()
    [[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3]]

    I ="GrB_Index[]", self.nvals)
    V = + "[]", self.nvals)
    n ="GrB_Index*")
    n[0] = self.nvals
    self._check(self.type._Vector_extractTuples(I, V, n, self._vector[0]))
    return [list(I), list(map(self.type._to_value, V))]
def to_arrays(self)

Return as python array objects.

>>> Vector.from_1_to_n(3).to_arrays()
(array('L', [0, 1, 2]), array('q', [1, 2, 3]))
Expand source code
def to_arrays(self):
    """Return as python `array` objects.

    >>> Vector.from_1_to_n(3).to_arrays()
    (array('L', [0, 1, 2]), array('q', [1, 2, 3]))

    if self.type._typecode is None:
        raise TypeError("This matrix has no array typecode.")
    nvals = self.nvals
    _nvals ="GrB_Index[1]", [nvals])
    I ="GrB_Index[%s]" % nvals)
    X ="%s[%s]" % (self.type._c_type, nvals))
    self._check(self.type._Vector_extractTuples(I, X, _nvals, self._vector[0]))
    return array("L", I), array(self.type._typecode, X)
def eadd(self, other, add_op=None, cast=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Element-wise addition with other vector.

Element-wise addition applies a binary operator element-wise on two vectors v and w, for all entries that appear in the set union of the patterns of A and B.

The only difference between element-wise multiplication and addition is the pattern of the result, and what happens to entries outside the intersection. With multiplication the pattern of T is the intersection; with addition it is the set union. Entries outside the set intersection are dropped for multiplication, and kept for addition; in both cases the operator is only applied to those (and only those) entries in the intersection. Any binary operator can be used interchangeably for either operation.

>>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
>>> V = list(range(len(I)))
>>> v = Vector.from_lists(I, V, 7)
>>> w = Vector.from_lists(
...    [0, 1, 4, 6],
...    [9, 1, 4, 7], 7)
>>> print(v.eadd(w))
1| 4
2| 4
3| 6
5| 8

This can also be accomplished with the + operators:

>>> print(v + w)
1| 4
2| 4
3| 6
5| 8

The combining operator used can be provided either as a context manager or passed to mxv as the add_op argument.

>>> with types.INT64.MIN:
...     print(v + w)
0| 1
1| 1
2| 4
3| 6
4| 4
5| 8
6| 7

You can provide a monoid for the operation:

>>> print(v.eadd(w, v.type.min_monoid))
0| 1
1| 1
2| 4
3| 6
4| 4
5| 8
6| 7

Or you can use a semiring:

>>> print(v.eadd(w, v.type.min_plus))
0| 1
1| 1
2| 4
3| 6
4| 4
5| 8
6| 7

The following operators default to use eadd:

Operator Description Default
v | w Vector Union type default SECOND combiner
v |= w In-place Vector Union type default SECOND combiner
v + w Vector Element-Wise Union type default PLUS combiner
v += w In-place Vector Element-Wise Union type default PLUS combiner
v - w Vector Element-Wise Union type default MINUS combiner
v -= w In-place Vector Element-Wise Union type default MINUS combiner
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def eadd(
    """Element-wise addition with other vector.

    Element-wise addition applies a binary operator element-wise
    on two vectors `v` and `w`, for all entries that appear in the
    set union of the patterns of `A` and `B`.

    The only difference between element-wise multiplication and
    addition is the pattern of the result, and what happens to
    entries outside the intersection. With multiplication the
    pattern of T is the intersection; with addition it is the set
    union. Entries outside the set intersection are dropped for
    multiplication, and kept for addition; in both cases the
    operator is only applied to those (and only those) entries in
    the intersection. Any binary operator can be used
    interchangeably for either operation.

    >>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
    >>> V = list(range(len(I)))
    >>> v = Vector.from_lists(I, V, 7)

    >>> w = Vector.from_lists(
    ...    [0, 1, 4, 6],
    ...    [9, 1, 4, 7], 7)

    >>> print(v.eadd(w))
    1| 4
    2| 4
    3| 6
    5| 8

    This can also be accomplished with the `+` operators:

    >>> print(v + w)
    1| 4
    2| 4
    3| 6
    5| 8

    The combining operator used can be provided either as a
    context manager or passed to `mxv` as the `add_op` argument.

    >>> with types.INT64.MIN:
    ...     print(v + w)
    0| 1
    1| 1
    2| 4
    3| 6
    4| 4
    5| 8
    6| 7

    You can provide a monoid for the operation:

    >>> print(v.eadd(w, v.type.min_monoid))
    0| 1
    1| 1
    2| 4
    3| 6
    4| 4
    5| 8
    6| 7

    Or you can use a semiring:

    >>> print(v.eadd(w, v.type.min_plus))
    0| 1
    1| 1
    2| 4
    3| 6
    4| 4
    5| 8
    6| 7

    The following operators default to use `eadd`:

    Operator | Description | Default
    --- | --- | ---
    v \\|  w | Vector Union | type default SECOND combiner
    v \\|= w | In-place Vector Union | type default SECOND combiner
    v +    w | Vector Element-Wise Union | type default PLUS combiner
    v +=   w | In-place Vector Element-Wise Union | type default PLUS combiner
    v -    w | Vector Element-Wise Union | type default MINUS combiner
    v -=   w | In-place Vector Element-Wise Union | type default MINUS combiner

    func = lib.GrB_Vector_eWiseAdd_BinaryOp
    if add_op is None:
        add_op = current_binop.get(NULL)
    elif isinstance(add_op, Monoid):
        func = lib.GrB_Vector_eWiseAdd_Monoid
    elif isinstance(add_op, Semiring):
        func = lib.GrB_Vector_eWiseAdd_Semiring

    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)

    if out is None:
        typ = cast or types.promote(self.type, other.type)
        _out ="GrB_Vector*")
        self._check(lib.GrB_Vector_new(_out, typ._gb_type, self.size))
        out = self.__class__(_out, typ)

    if add_op is NULL:
        add_op = out.type._default_addop()

    add_op = add_op.get_op()
    return out
def emult(self, other, mult_op=None, cast=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Element-wise multiplication with other vector.

Element-wise multiplication applies a binary operator element-wise on two vectors A and B, for all entries that appear in the set intersection of the patterns of A and B.

The only difference between element-wise multiplication and addition is the pattern of the result, and what happens to entries outside the intersection. With multiplication the pattern of T is the intersection; with addition it is the set union. Entries outside the set intersection are dropped for multiplication, and kept for addition; in both cases the operator is only applied to those (and only those) entries in the intersection. Any binary operator can be used interchangeably for either operation.

>>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
>>> V = list(range(len(I)))
>>> v = Vector.from_lists(I, V, 7)
>>> w = Vector.from_lists(
...    [0, 1, 4, 6],
...    [9, 1, 4, 7], 7)
>>> print(v.emult(w))
0| 9
1| 3

This can also be accomplished with the + operators:

>>> print(v * w)
0| 9
1| 3

The combining operator used can be provided either as a context manager or passed to mxv as the add_op argument.

>>> with types.INT64.MAX:
...     print(v * w)
0| 9
1| 3
Expand source code
def emult(
    """Element-wise multiplication with other vector.

    Element-wise multiplication applies a binary operator
    element-wise on two vectors A and B, for all entries that
    appear in the set intersection of the patterns of A and B.

    The only difference between element-wise multiplication and
    addition is the pattern of the result, and what happens to
    entries outside the intersection. With multiplication the
    pattern of T is the intersection; with addition it is the set
    union. Entries outside the set intersection are dropped for
    multiplication, and kept for addition; in both cases the
    operator is only applied to those (and only those) entries in
    the intersection. Any binary operator can be used
    interchangeably for either operation.

    >>> I = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
    >>> V = list(range(len(I)))
    >>> v = Vector.from_lists(I, V, 7)

    >>> w = Vector.from_lists(
    ...    [0, 1, 4, 6],
    ...    [9, 1, 4, 7], 7)

    >>> print(v.emult(w))
    0| 9
    1| 3

    This can also be accomplished with the `+` operators:

    >>> print(v * w)
    0| 9
    1| 3

    The combining operator used can be provided either as a
    context manager or passed to `mxv` as the `add_op` argument.

    >>> with types.INT64.MAX:
    ...     print(v * w)
    0| 9
    1| 3

    if mult_op is None:
        mult_op = current_binop.get(NULL)
    elif isinstance(mult_op, str):
        mult_op = _get_bin_op(mult_op, self.type)

    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
    if out is None:
        typ = cast or types.promote(self.type, other.type)
        _out ="GrB_Vector*")
        self._check(lib.GrB_Vector_new(_out, typ._gb_type, self.size))
        out = self.__class__(_out, typ)

    if mult_op is NULL:
        mult_op = out.type._default_multop()

    mult_op = mult_op.get_op()
    return out
def vxm(self, other, semiring=None, cast=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Vector-Matrix multiply.

Multiply this row vector by other matrix "on the left". For column matrix/vector multiplication "on the right" see Matrix.mxv().

vxm can also be called directly or with the @ operator:

>>> from . import Matrix, INT64
>>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 3])
>>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [2, 3, 4])
>>> o = v.vxm(M)
>>> print(o)
1| 2
2| 6
>>> o = v @ M
>>> print(o)
1| 2
2| 6

By default, mxv and @ create a new result matrix of the correct type and dimensions if one is not provided. If you want to provide your own matrix to put the result in, you can pass it in the out parameter. This is useful for accumulating results into a single matrix with minimal copying. This is also supported by the @= syntax:

>>> o = v.dup()
>>> v.vxm(M,, out=o) is o
>>> print(o)
1| 5
>>> o = v.dup()
>>> with Accum(INT64.min):
...     o @= M
>>> print(o)
0| 2
1| 2
2| 4

The default semiring depends on the infered result type. In the case of numbers, the default semiring is PLUS_TIMES. In the case of type BOOL, it is BOOL.lor_land.

>>> o = v.vxm(M, semiring=INT64.min_plus)
>>> print(o)
0| 7
1| 3
2| 5

An explicit semiring can be passed to the method or provided with a context manager:

>>> with INT64.min_plus:
...     o = v @ M
>>> print(o)
0| 7
1| 3
2| 5

Or the semiring can be accessed via an attribute on the vector:

>>> o = v.min_plus(M)
>>> print(o)
0| 7
1| 3
2| 5

Descriptors and accumulators can also be provided as an argument or a context manager:

>>> o = v.vxm(M, desc=descriptor.T0)
>>> print(o)
1| 2
2| 6
>>> with descriptor.T0:
...     o = v @ M
>>> print(o)
1| 2
2| 6
>>> del o[1]
>>> o = v.vxm(M, mask=o)
>>> print(o)
2| 6
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def vxm(
    """Vector-Matrix multiply.

    Multiply this row vector by `other` matrix "on the left".  For
    column matrix/vector multiplication "on the right" see

    `vxm` can also be called directly or with the `@` operator:

    >>> from . import Matrix, INT64
    >>> M = Matrix.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 3])
    >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [2, 3, 4])
    >>> o = v.vxm(M)
    >>> print(o)
    1| 2
    2| 6
    >>> o = v @ M
    >>> print(o)
    1| 2
    2| 6

    By default, `mxv` and `@` create a new result matrix of the
    correct type and dimensions if one is not provided.  If you
    want to provide your own matrix to put the result in, you can
    pass it in the `out` parameter.  This is useful for
    accumulating results into a single matrix with minimal
    copying.  This is also supported by the `@=` syntax:

    >>> o = v.dup()
    >>> v.vxm(M,, out=o) is o
    >>> print(o)
    1| 5
    >>> o = v.dup()
    >>> with Accum(INT64.min):
    ...     o @= M
    >>> print(o)
    0| 2
    1| 2
    2| 4

    The default semiring depends on the infered result type.  In
    the case of numbers, the default semiring is `PLUS_TIMES`.  In
    the case of type `BOOL`, it is `BOOL.lor_land`.

    >>> o = v.vxm(M, semiring=INT64.min_plus)
    >>> print(o)
    0| 7
    1| 3
    2| 5

    An explicit semiring can be passed to the method or provided
    with a context manager:

    >>> with INT64.min_plus:
    ...     o = v @ M
    >>> print(o)
    0| 7
    1| 3
    2| 5

    Or the semiring can be accessed via an attribute on the

    >>> o = v.min_plus(M)
    >>> print(o)
    0| 7
    1| 3
    2| 5

    Descriptors and accumulators can also be provided as an
    argument or a context manager:

    >>> o = v.vxm(M, desc=descriptor.T0)
    >>> print(o)
    1| 2
    2| 6
    >>> with descriptor.T0:
    ...     o = v @ M
    >>> print(o)
    1| 2
    2| 6
    >>> del o[1]
    >>> o = v.vxm(M, mask=o)
    >>> print(o)
    2| 6


    if semiring is None:
        semiring = current_semiring.get(NULL)

    if out is None:
        new_dimension = other.nrows if T1 in (desc or ()) else other.ncols
        if semiring is not NULL:
            typ = semiring.ztype
            typ = cast or types.promote(self.type, other.type)
        out = Vector.sparse(typ, new_dimension)
        typ = out.type

    if semiring is NULL:
        semiring = out.type._default_semiring()

    semiring = semiring.get_op()
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
    return out
def clear(self)

Clear this vector removing all entries.

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def clear(self):
    """Clear this vector removing all entries."""
def resize(self, size=1152921504606846976)

Resize the vector. If the dimensions decrease, entries that fall outside the resized vector are deleted.

>>> v = Vector.dense(types.UINT8, 2)
>>> v.resize(3)
>>> print(v)
0| 0
1| 0
Expand source code
def resize(self, size=lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX):
    """Resize the vector.  If the dimensions decrease, entries that fall
    outside the resized vector are deleted.

    >>> v = Vector.dense(types.UINT8, 2)
    >>> v.resize(3)
    >>> print(v)
    0| 0
    1| 0

    self._check(lib.GrB_Vector_resize(self._vector[0], size))
def reduce(self, mon=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Do a scalar reduce based on this object's type:

>>> V = Vector.random(types.UINT8, 10, 3, seed=42)
>>> V.reduce()
>>> V = Vector.random(types.FP32, 10, 3, seed=42)
>>> V.reduce()
>>> V = Vector.random(types.UINT8, 10, 3, seed=42)
>>> V.reduce(V.type.min_monoid)
>>> V = Vector.random(types.BOOL, 10, 3, seed=42)
>>> V.reduce()
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def reduce(self, mon=None, accum=None, desc=None):
    """Do a scalar reduce based on this object's type:

    >>> V = Vector.random(types.UINT8, 10, 3, seed=42)
    >>> V.reduce()

    >>> V = Vector.random(types.FP32, 10, 3, seed=42)
    >>> V.reduce()

    >>> V = Vector.random(types.UINT8, 10, 3, seed=42)
    >>> V.reduce(V.type.min_monoid)

    >>> V = Vector.random(types.BOOL, 10, 3, seed=42)
    >>> V.reduce()

    if mon is None:
        if self.type is types.BOOL:
            mon = current_monoid.get(getattr(self.type, "lor_monoid"))
            mon = current_monoid.get(getattr(self.type, "plus_monoid"))
    mon = mon.get_op()
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(None, accum, desc)
    result = + "*")
    self._check(self.type._Vector_reduce(result, accum, mon, self._vector[0], desc))
    return result[0]
def reduce_bool(self, mon=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Reduce vector to a boolean.

>>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1], [True, False])
>>> v.reduce_bool()
>>> v[0] = False
>>> v.reduce_bool()
>>> v[1] = True
>>> v.reduce_bool(types.BOOL.LAND_MONOID)
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def reduce_bool(self, mon=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
    """Reduce vector to a boolean.

    >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1], [True, False])
    >>> v.reduce_bool()
    >>> v[0] = False
    >>> v.reduce_bool()
    >>> v[1] = True
    >>> v.reduce_bool(types.BOOL.LAND_MONOID)

    if mon is None:
        mon = current_monoid.get(types.BOOL.LOR_MONOID)
    mon = mon.get_op()
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
    result ="_Bool*")
        lib.GrB_Vector_reduce_BOOL(result, accum, mon, self._vector[0], desc)
    return result[0]
def reduce_int(self, mon=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Reduce vector to a integer.

>>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1], [1, 1])
>>> v.reduce_int()
>>> v[0] = 0
>>> v.reduce_int()
>>> v[1] = 2
>>> v.reduce_int(types.INT64.MIN_MONOID)
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def reduce_int(self, mon=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
    """Reduce vector to a integer.

    >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1], [1, 1])
    >>> v.reduce_int()
    >>> v[0] = 0
    >>> v.reduce_int()
    >>> v[1] = 2
    >>> v.reduce_int(types.INT64.MIN_MONOID)

    if mon is None:
        mon = current_monoid.get(types.INT64.PLUS_MONOID)
    mon = mon.get_op()
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
    result ="int64_t*")
        lib.GrB_Vector_reduce_INT64(result, accum, mon, self._vector[0], desc)
    return result[0]
def reduce_float(self, mon=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Reduce vector to a float.

>>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1], [1.2, 1.1])
>>> v.reduce_float()
>>> v[0] = 0
>>> v.reduce_float()
>>> v[1] = 2.2
>>> v.reduce_float(types.FP64.MIN_MONOID)
Expand source code
def reduce_float(self, mon=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
    """Reduce vector to a float.

    >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0, 1], [1.2, 1.1])
    >>> v.reduce_float()
    >>> v[0] = 0
    >>> v.reduce_float()
    >>> v[1] = 2.2
    >>> v.reduce_float(types.FP64.MIN_MONOID)

    if mon is None:
        mon = current_monoid.get(types.FP64.PLUS_MONOID)
    mon = mon.get_op()
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
    result ="double*")
        lib.GrB_Vector_reduce_FP64(result, accum, mon, self._vector[0], desc)
    return result[0]
def max(self)

Return the max of the vector.

>>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [False, False, False])
>>> M.max()
>>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [False, False, True])
>>> M.max()
>>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [-42, 0, 149])
>>> M.max()
>>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [-42.0, 0.0, 149.0])
>>> M.max()
>>> M = Vector.from_lists([0], [1j])
>>> M.max()
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Un-maxable type
Expand source code
def max(self):
    """Return the max of the vector.

    >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [False, False, False])
    >>> M.max()
    >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [False, False, True])
    >>> M.max()
    >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [-42, 0, 149])
    >>> M.max()
    >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [-42.0, 0.0, 149.0])
    >>> M.max()
    >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0], [1j])
    >>> M.max()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: Un-maxable type
    if self.type == types.BOOL:
        return self.reduce_bool(self.type.LOR_MONOID)
    if self.type in types._int_types:
        return self.reduce_int(self.type.MAX_MONOID)
    if self.type in types._float_types:
        return self.reduce_float(self.type.MAX_MONOID)
    raise TypeError("Un-maxable type")
def min(self)

Return the min of the vector.

>>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [True, True, True])
>>> M.min()
>>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [False, True, True])
>>> M.min()
>>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [-42, 0, 149])
>>> M.min()
>>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [-42.0, 0.0, 149.0])
>>> M.min()
>>> M = Vector.from_lists([0], [1j])
>>> M.min()
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Un-minable type
Expand source code
def min(self):
    """Return the min of the vector.

    >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [True, True, True])
    >>> M.min()
    >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [False, True, True])
    >>> M.min()
    >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [-42, 0, 149])
    >>> M.min()
    >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0, 1, 2], [-42.0, 0.0, 149.0])
    >>> M.min()
    >>> M = Vector.from_lists([0], [1j])
    >>> M.min()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: Un-minable type
    if self.type == types.BOOL:
        return self.reduce_bool(self.type.LAND_MONOID)
    if self.type in types._int_types:
        return self.reduce_int(self.type.MIN_MONOID)
    if self.type in types._float_types:
        return self.reduce_float(self.type.MIN_MONOID)
    raise TypeError("Un-minable type")
def apply(self, op, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Apply Unary op to vector elements.

>>> from . import UINT64
>>> v = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
>>> print(v.apply(UINT64.ainv))

Unary operators can also be accessed by atribute name on vectors they are applied to:

>>> print(v.ainv())
Expand source code
def apply(self, op, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
    """Apply Unary op to vector elements.
    >>> from . import UINT64
    >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
    >>> print(v.apply(UINT64.ainv))

    Unary operators can also be accessed by atribute name on
    vectors they are applied to:

    >>> print(v.ainv())

    if out is None:
        out = Vector.sparse(self.type, self.size)

    op = op.get_op()
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
        lib.GrB_Vector_apply(out._vector[0], mask, accum, op, self._vector[0], desc)
    return out
def apply_first(self, first, op, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Apply a binary operator to the entries in a vector, binding the first input to a scalar first.

>>> v = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
>>> print(v.apply_first(3, types.UINT64.PLUS))
0| 4
1| 4
>>> w = Vector.sparse(v.type, v.size)
>>> v.apply_first(3, types.UINT64.PLUS, out=w) is w
Expand source code
def apply_first(self, first, op, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
    """Apply a binary operator to the entries in a vector, binding the first input
    to a scalar first.

    >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
    >>> print(v.apply_first(3, types.UINT64.PLUS))
    0| 4
    1| 4
    >>> w = Vector.sparse(v.type, v.size)
    >>> v.apply_first(3, types.UINT64.PLUS, out=w) is w

    if out is None:
        out = self.__class__.sparse(self.type, self.size)

    op = op.get_op()
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
    if isinstance(first, Scalar):
        f = lib.GxB_Vector_apply_BinaryOp1st
        first = first._scalar[0]
        f = self.type._Vector_apply_BinaryOp1st
    self._check(f(out._vector[0], mask, accum, op, first, self._vector[0], desc))
    return out
def apply_second(self, op, second, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Apply a binary operator to the entries in a vector, binding the second input to a scalar second.

>>> v = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
>>> print(v.apply_second(types.UINT64.PLUS, 3))
0| 4
1| 4
>>> w = Vector.sparse(v.type, v.size)
>>> v.apply_second(types.UINT64.PLUS, 3, out=w) is w
>>> u = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1.1, 2.2])
>>> u.apply_second(u.type.TIMES, 3.3, out=u) is u
>>> u = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1.1, 2.2])
>>> print(u * 3)
>>> x = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1.1, 2.2])
>>> x *= 3.0
>>> print(x)
Expand source code
def apply_second(self, op, second, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
    """Apply a binary operator to the entries in a vector, binding the second input
    to a scalar second.

    >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 1])
    >>> print(v.apply_second(types.UINT64.PLUS, 3))
    0| 4
    1| 4
    >>> w = Vector.sparse(v.type, v.size)
    >>> v.apply_second(types.UINT64.PLUS, 3, out=w) is w
    >>> u = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1.1, 2.2])
    >>> u.apply_second(u.type.TIMES, 3.3, out=u) is u
    >>> u = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1.1, 2.2])
    >>> print(u * 3)
    >>> x = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1.1, 2.2])
    >>> x *= 3.0
    >>> print(x)

    if out is None:
        out = self.__class__.sparse(self.type, self.size)

    op = op.get_op()
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
    if isinstance(second, Scalar):
        f = lib.GxB_Vector_apply_BinaryOp2nd
        second = second._scalar[0]
        f = self.type._Vector_apply_BinaryOp2nd

    self._check(f(out._vector[0], mask, accum, op, self._vector[0], second, desc))
    return out
def select(self, op, thunk=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Select elements that match the given select operation condition. See for possible operators.

>>> v = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 0])
>>> print('>', 0))
0| 1
>>> w = Vector.sparse(types.UINT8, 2)
>>>'>', 0, out=w) is w

min and max selectors can be shortcuts for selecting all elements that equal the min or max reduction of all elements.

>>> print('min'))
1| 0
>>> print('max'))
0| 1
Expand source code
def select(self, op, thunk=None, out=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
    """Select elements that match the given select operation condition.
    See `` for possible operators.

    >>> v = Vector.from_lists([0,1], [1, 0])
    >>> print('>', 0))
    0| 1

    >>> w = Vector.sparse(types.UINT8, 2)
    >>>'>', 0, out=w) is w

    `min` and `max` selectors can be shortcuts for selecting all
    elements that equal the min or max reduction of all elements.

    >>> print('min'))
    1| 0
    >>> print('max'))
    0| 1

    if out is None:
        out = Vector.sparse(self.type, self.size)
    if isinstance(op, str):
        if op == "min":
            op = lib.GxB_EQ_THUNK
            thunk = self.min()
        elif op == "max":
            op = lib.GxB_EQ_THUNK
            thunk = self.max()
            op = _get_select_op(op)

    if thunk is None:
        thunk = NULL
    if isinstance(thunk, (bool, int, float, complex)):
        thunk = Scalar.from_value(thunk)
    if isinstance(thunk, Scalar):
        self._keep_alives[self._vector] = thunk
        thunk = thunk._scalar[0]

    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
            out._vector[0], mask, accum, op, self._vector[0], thunk, desc
    return out
def pattern(self, typ=pygraphblas.types.BOOL)

Return the pattern of the vector, this is a boolean Vector where every present value in this vector is set to True.

Expand source code
def pattern(self, typ=types.BOOL):
    """Return the pattern of the vector, this is a boolean Vector where
    every present value in this vector is set to True.

    result = Vector.sparse(typ, self.size)
    self.apply(types.BOOL.ONE, out=result)
    return result
def nonzero(self)

Select vector of nonzero entries.

Expand source code
def nonzero(self):
    """Select vector of nonzero entries."""
def assign(self, value, index=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Assign vector to vector.

>>> v = Vector.sparse(types.INT8, 3)
>>> w = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
>>> v[:] = w
>>> print(v)
0| 1
1| 2
2| 3

If the index is another vector it is used as an assignment mask:

>>> v.clear()
>>> m = Vector.sparse(types.BOOL, 3)
>>> m[1] = True
>>> v[m] = w
>>> print(v)
1| 2
>>> v.clear()
>>> m = Vector.sparse(types.BOOL, 3)
>>> m[1] = True
>>> v[m] = 3
>>> print(v)
1| 3
Expand source code
def assign(self, value, index=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
    """Assign vector to vector.

    >>> v = Vector.sparse(types.INT8, 3)
    >>> w = Vector.from_1_to_n(3)
    >>> v[:] = w
    >>> print(v)
    0| 1
    1| 2
    2| 3

    If the index is another vector it is used as an assignment

    >>> v.clear()
    >>> m = Vector.sparse(types.BOOL, 3)
    >>> m[1] = True
    >>> v[m] = w
    >>> print(v)
    1| 2
    >>> v.clear()
    >>> m = Vector.sparse(types.BOOL, 3)
    >>> m[1] = True
    >>> v[m] = 3
    >>> print(v)
    1| 3

    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
    I, ni, size = _build_range(index, self.size - 1)
            self._vector[0], mask, accum, value._vector[0], I, ni, desc
def assign_scalar(self, value, index=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Assign scalar to vector.

>>> v = Vector.sparse(types.INT8, 3)
>>> v[:] = 2
>>> print(v)
0| 2
1| 2
2| 2

If the index is another vector it is used as an assignment mask:

>>> v.clear()
>>> m = Vector.sparse(types.BOOL, 3)
>>> m[1] = True
>>> v[m] = 3
>>> print(v)
1| 3
Expand source code
def assign_scalar(self, value, index=None, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
    """Assign scalar to vector.

    >>> v = Vector.sparse(types.INT8, 3)
    >>> v[:] = 2
    >>> print(v)
    0| 2
    1| 2
    2| 2

    If the index is another vector it is used as an assignment

    >>> v.clear()
    >>> m = Vector.sparse(types.BOOL, 3)
    >>> m[1] = True
    >>> v[m] = 3
    >>> print(v)
    1| 3

    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
    scalar_type = types._gb_from_type(type(value))
    I, ni, size = _build_range(index, self.size - 1)
            self._vector[0], mask, accum, value, I, ni, desc
def extract_element(self, index)

Extract element from vector.

Expand source code
def extract_element(self, index):
    """Extract element from vector."""
    result =
            result, self._vector[0], ffi.cast("GrB_Index", index)
    return self.type._to_value(result[0])
def extract(self, index, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None)

Extract subvector from vector.

Expand source code
def extract(self, index, mask=None, accum=None, desc=None):
    """Extract subvector from vector."""
    mask, accum, desc = self._get_args(mask, accum, desc)
    if isinstance(index, Vector):
        mask = index._vector[0]
        index = slice(None, None, None)
    I, ni, size = _build_range(index, self.size - 1)
    if size is None:
        size = self.size
    result = Vector.sparse(self.type, size)
            result._vector[0], mask, accum, self._vector[0], I, ni, desc
    return result
def get(self, i, default=None)

Get element at i or return default if not present.

>>> M = Vector.from_lists([1, 2], [42, 149])
>>> M.get(1)
>>> M.get(0) is None
>>> M.get(0, 'foo')
Expand source code
def get(self, i, default=None):
    """Get element at `i` or return `default` if not present.

    >>> M = Vector.from_lists([1, 2], [42, 149])
    >>> M.get(1)
    >>> M.get(0) is None
    >>> M.get(0, 'foo')

        return self[i]
    except NoValue:
        return default
def wait(self)

Wait for vector to complete.

Expand source code
def wait(self):
    """Wait for vector to complete."""
def to_string(self, format_string='{:>%s}', width=2, prec=3, empty_char='')

Return string representation of vector.

Expand source code
def to_string(self, format_string="{:>%s}", width=2, prec=3, empty_char=""):
    """Return string representation of vector."""
    format_string = format_string % width
    result = ""
    for row in range(self.size):
        value = self.get(row, empty_char)
        result += str(row) + "|"
        result += format_string.format(
            self.type.format_value(value, width, prec)
        if row < self.size - 1:
            result += "\n"
    return result
def print(self, level=2, name='A', f=sys.stdout)

Print the matrix using GxB_Matrix_fprint(), by default to sys.stdout..

Level 1: Short description Level 2: Short list, short numbers Level 3: Long list, short number Level 4: Short list, long numbers Level 5: Long list, long numbers

Expand source code
def print(self, level=2, name="A", f=sys.stdout):  # pragma: nocover
    """Print the matrix using `GxB_Matrix_fprint()`, by default to

    Level 1: Short description
    Level 2: Short list, short numbers
    Level 3: Long list, short number
    Level 4: Short list, long numbers
    Level 5: Long list, long numbers

        lib.GxB_Vector_fprint(self._vector[0], bytes(name, "utf8"), level, f)
class Scalar (s, typ)

GraphBLAS Scalar

Used for now mostly for the

Expand source code
class Scalar:
    """GraphBLAS Scalar

    Used for now mostly for the ``.


    __slots__ = ("_scalar", "type")

    def __init__(self, s, typ):
        self._scalar = s
        self.type = typ

    def __del__(self):

    def __len__(self):
        return self.nvals

    def dup(self):
        """Create an duplicate Scalar from the given argument."""
        new_sca ="GxB_Scalar*")
        _check(lib.GxB_Scalar_dup(new_sca, self._scalar[0]))
        return self.__class__(new_sca, self.type)

    def from_type(cls, typ):
        """Create an empty Scalar from the given type and size."""
        new_sca ="GxB_Scalar*")
        _check(lib.GxB_Scalar_new(new_sca, typ._gb_type))
        return cls(new_sca, typ)

    def from_value(cls, value):
        """Create an empty Scalar from the given type and size."""
        new_sca ="GxB_Scalar*")
        typ = _gb_from_type(type(value))
        _check(lib.GxB_Scalar_new(new_sca, typ._gb_type))
        s = cls(new_sca, typ)
        s[0] = value
        return s

    def gb_type(self):
        """Return the GraphBLAS low-level type object of the Scalar."""
        return self.type._gb_type

    def clear(self):
        """Clear the scalar."""

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        result = + "*")
            self.type._Scalar_extractElement(result, self._scalar[0]), raise_no_val=True
        return result[0]

    def __setitem__(self, index, value):
                self._scalar[0], ffi.cast(self.type._c_type, value)

    def wait(self):

    def nvals(self):
        """Return the number of values in the scalar (0 or 1)."""
        n ="GrB_Index*")
        _check(lib.GxB_Scalar_nvals(n, self._scalar[0]))
        return n[0]

    def __bool__(self):
        return bool(self.nvals)

Static methods

def from_type(typ)

Create an empty Scalar from the given type and size.

Expand source code
def from_type(cls, typ):
    """Create an empty Scalar from the given type and size."""
    new_sca ="GxB_Scalar*")
    _check(lib.GxB_Scalar_new(new_sca, typ._gb_type))
    return cls(new_sca, typ)
def from_value(value)

Create an empty Scalar from the given type and size.

Expand source code
def from_value(cls, value):
    """Create an empty Scalar from the given type and size."""
    new_sca ="GxB_Scalar*")
    typ = _gb_from_type(type(value))
    _check(lib.GxB_Scalar_new(new_sca, typ._gb_type))
    s = cls(new_sca, typ)
    s[0] = value
    return s

Instance Attributes

var gb_type

Return the GraphBLAS low-level type object of the Scalar.

Expand source code
def gb_type(self):
    """Return the GraphBLAS low-level type object of the Scalar."""
    return self.type._gb_type
var nvals

Return the number of values in the scalar (0 or 1).

Expand source code
def nvals(self):
    """Return the number of values in the scalar (0 or 1)."""
    n ="GrB_Index*")
    _check(lib.GxB_Scalar_nvals(n, self._scalar[0]))
    return n[0]
var type

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.


def dup(self)

Create an duplicate Scalar from the given argument.

Expand source code
def dup(self):
    """Create an duplicate Scalar from the given argument."""
    new_sca ="GxB_Scalar*")
    _check(lib.GxB_Scalar_dup(new_sca, self._scalar[0]))
    return self.__class__(new_sca, self.type)
def clear(self)

Clear the scalar.

Expand source code
def clear(self):
    """Clear the scalar."""
def wait(self)
Expand source code
def wait(self):
class Accum (binaryop)

Helper context manager to specify accumulator binary operator in overloaded operator contexts like @. This disambiguates for methods like Matrix.eadd() and Matrix.emult() that can specify both a binary operators and a binary accumulator.

See those methods and Matrix.mxm() for examples.

Expand source code
class Accum:
    """Helper context manager to specify accumulator binary operator in
    overloaded operator contexts like `@`.  This disambiguates for
    methods like `Matrix.eadd` and `Matrix.emult` that can specify
    both a binary operators *and* a binary accumulator.

    See those methods and `Matrix.mxm` for examples.


    __slots__ = ("binaryop", "token")

    def __init__(self, binaryop):
        self.binaryop = binaryop

    def __enter__(self):
        self.token = current_accum.set(self.binaryop)
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *errors):
        return False

Instance Attributes

var binaryop

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var token

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

class BOOL

GraphBLAS Boolean Type.

Expand source code
class BOOL(Type):
    """GraphBLAS Boolean Type."""

    _gb_type = lib.GrB_BOOL
    _c_type = "_Bool"
    default_one = True
    default_zero = False
    _typecode = "B"
    _numba_t = numba.boolean
    _numpy_t = numpy.bool_

    def _default_addop(self):  # pragma: nocover
        return self.LOR

    def _default_multop(self):  # pragma: nocover
        return self.LAND

    def _default_semiring(self):  # pragma: nocover
        return self.LOR_LAND

    def format_value(cls, val, width=2, prec=None):
        f = "{:>%s}" % width
        if not isinstance(val, bool):
            return f.format(val)
        return f.format("t") if val is True else f.format("f")

    def _to_value(cls, cdata):
        return bool(cdata)

Class Attributes

var ABS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=abs(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
var AINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=ainv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
var ANY
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var ANY_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
var ANY_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var ANY_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var ANY_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var ANY_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var DIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var EQ
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var EQ_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
var EQ_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var EQ_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var EQ_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var EQ_LOR
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var EQ_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
var GE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var GT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=identity(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
var LAND
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var LE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var LNOT
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=not(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
var LOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var LOR_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
var LOR_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var LOR_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var LOR_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var LOR_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var LT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 
var LXOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var MAX
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var MIN
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var MINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=minv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
var NE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var ONE
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=one(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
var PAIR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
var PLUS
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var POW
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pow(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var RDIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
var abs
var ainv
var any
var any_eq
var any_first
var any_ge
var any_gt
var any_land
var any_le
var any_lor
var any_lt
var any_lxor
var any_monoid
var any_pair
var any_second
var default_one
var default_zero
var div
var eq
var eq_eq
var eq_first
var eq_ge
var eq_gt
var eq_land
var eq_le
var eq_lor
var eq_lt
var eq_lxor
var eq_monoid
var eq_pair
var eq_second
var first
var ge
var gt
var identity
var land
var land_eq
var land_first
var land_ge
var land_gt
var land_land
var land_le
var land_lor
var land_lt
var land_lxor
var land_monoid
var land_pair
var land_second
var le
var lnot
var lor
var lor_eq
var lor_first
var lor_ge
var lor_gt
var lor_land
var lor_le
var lor_lor
var lor_lt
var lor_lxor
var lor_monoid
var lor_pair
var lor_second
var lt
var lxnor_monoid
var lxor
var lxor_eq
var lxor_first
var lxor_ge
var lxor_gt
var lxor_land
var lxor_le
var lxor_lor
var lxor_lt
var lxor_lxor
var lxor_monoid
var lxor_pair
var lxor_second
var max
var min
var minus
var minv
var ne
var one
var pair
var plus
var pow
var rdiv
var rminus
var second
var times

Static methods

def format_value(val, width=2, prec=None)

Return the value as a formatted string for display.

Expand source code
def format_value(cls, val, width=2, prec=None):
    f = "{:>%s}" % width
    if not isinstance(val, bool):
        return f.format(val)
    return f.format("t") if val is True else f.format("f")
class FP64

GraphBLAS 64 bit float.

Expand source code
class FP64(Type):
    """GraphBLAS 64 bit float."""

    default_one = 1.0
    default_zero = 0.0
    _gb_type = lib.GrB_FP64
    _c_type = "double"
    _typecode = "d"
    _numba_t = numba.float64
    _numpy_t = numpy.float64

    def format_value(cls, val, width=2, prec=2):
        return f"{val:>{width}.{prec}}"

Class Attributes

var ABS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=abs(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var ACOS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=acos(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=acosh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var AINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=ainv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var ANY
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var ANY_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var ANY_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var ANY_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var ANY_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var ANY_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]
var ANY_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var ASIN
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=asin(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=asinh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var ATAN
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=atan(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var ATAN2
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=atan2(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=atanh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var CEIL
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=ceil(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=cmplx(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=copysign(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var COS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=cos(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var COSH
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=cosh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var DIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var EQ
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var EQ_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var EQ_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var EQ_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var EQ_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var EQ_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var EQ_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var ERF
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=erf(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var ERFC
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=erfc(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var EXP
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=exp(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var EXP2
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=exp2(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var EXPM1
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=expm1(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=floor(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var FMOD
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=fmod(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=frexpe(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=frexpx(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var GE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var GT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=hypot(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=identity(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=isfinite(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=isinf(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=isnan(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var LAND
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ldexp(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var LE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=lgamma(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var LNOT
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=not(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var LOG
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=log(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var LOG1P
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=log1p(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var LOG2
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=log2(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var LOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var LOR_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var LOR_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var LOR_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var LOR_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var LOR_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var LOR_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var LT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var LXOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var MAX
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var MIN
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var MINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=minv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var NE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var ONE
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=one(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
var PAIR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
var PLUS
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var POW
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pow(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
var RDIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=remainder(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=round(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=signum(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var SIN
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=sin(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var SINH
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=sinh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var SQRT
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=sqrt(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var TAN
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=tan(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var TANH
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=tanh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=tgamma(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=trunc(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double size: 8
var abs
var acos
var acosh
var ainv
var any
var any_div
var any_eq
var any_first
var any_ge
var any_gt
var any_iseq
var any_isge
var any_isgt
var any_isle
var any_islt
var any_isne
var any_land
var any_le
var any_lor
var any_lt
var any_lxor
var any_max
var any_min
var any_minus
var any_monoid
var any_ne
var any_pair
var any_plus
var any_rdiv
var any_rminus
var any_second
var any_times
var asin
var asinh
var atan
var atan2
var atanh
var ceil
var cmplx
var copysign
var cos
var cosh
var default_one
var default_zero
var div
var eq
var eq_eq
var eq_ge
var eq_gt
var eq_le
var eq_lt
var eq_ne
var erf
var erfc
var exp
var exp2
var expm1
var first
var floor
var fmod
var frexpe
var frexpx
var ge
var gt
var hypot
var identity
var isfinite
var isinf
var isnan
var land
var land_eq
var land_ge
var land_gt
var land_le
var land_lt
var land_ne
var ldexp
var le
var lgamma
var lnot
var log
var log1p
var log2
var lor
var lor_eq
var lor_ge
var lor_gt
var lor_le
var lor_lt
var lor_ne
var lt
var lxor
var lxor_eq
var lxor_ge
var lxor_gt
var lxor_le
var lxor_lt
var lxor_ne
var max
var max_div
var max_first
var max_iseq
var max_isge
var max_isgt
var max_isle
var max_islt
var max_isne
var max_land
var max_lor
var max_lxor
var max_max
var max_min
var max_minus
var max_monoid
var max_pair
var max_plus
var max_rdiv
var max_rminus
var max_second
var max_times
var min
var min_div
var min_first
var min_iseq
var min_isge
var min_isgt
var min_isle
var min_islt
var min_isne
var min_land
var min_lor
var min_lxor
var min_max
var min_min
var min_minus
var min_monoid
var min_pair
var min_plus
var min_rdiv
var min_rminus
var min_second
var min_times
var minus
var minv
var ne
var one
var pair
var plus
var plus_div
var plus_first
var plus_iseq
var plus_isge
var plus_isgt
var plus_isle
var plus_islt
var plus_isne
var plus_land
var plus_lor
var plus_lxor
var plus_max
var plus_min
var plus_minus
var plus_monoid
var plus_pair
var plus_plus
var plus_rdiv
var plus_rminus
var plus_second
var plus_times
var pow
var rdiv
var remainder
var rminus
var round
var second
var signum
var sin
var sinh
var sqrt
var tan
var tanh
var tgamma
var times
var times_div
var times_first
var times_iseq
var times_isge
var times_isgt
var times_isle
var times_islt
var times_isne
var times_land
var times_lor
var times_lxor
var times_max
var times_min
var times_minus
var times_monoid
var times_pair
var times_plus
var times_rdiv
var times_rminus
var times_second
var times_times
var trunc

Static methods

def format_value(val, width=2, prec=2)

Return the value as a formatted string for display.

Expand source code
def format_value(cls, val, width=2, prec=2):
    return f"{val:>{width}.{prec}}"
class FP32

GraphBLAS 32 bit float.

Expand source code
class FP32(Type):
    """GraphBLAS 32 bit float."""

    default_one = 1.0
    default_zero = 0.0
    _gb_type = lib.GrB_FP32
    _c_type = "float"
    _typecode = "f"
    _numba_t = numba.float32
    _numpy_t = numpy.float32

    def format_value(cls, val, width=2, prec=2):
        return f"{val:>{width}.{prec}}"

Class Attributes

var ABS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=abs(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var ACOS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=acos(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=acosh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var AINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=ainv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var ANY
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var ANY_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var ANY_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var ANY_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var ANY_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var ANY_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]
var ANY_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] terminal: [    0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var ASIN
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=asin(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=asinh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var ATAN
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=atan(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var ATAN2
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=atan2(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=atanh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var CEIL
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=ceil(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=cmplx(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=copysign(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var COS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=cos(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var COSH
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=cosh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var DIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var EQ
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var EQ_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var EQ_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var EQ_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var EQ_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var EQ_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var EQ_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var ERF
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=erf(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var ERFC
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=erfc(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var EXP
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=exp(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var EXP2
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=exp2(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var EXPM1
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=expm1(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=floor(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var FMOD
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=fmod(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=frexpe(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=frexpx(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var GE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var GT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=hypot(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=identity(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=isfinite(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=isinf(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=isnan(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var LAND
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ldexp(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var LE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=lgamma(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var LNOT
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=not(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var LOG
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=log(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var LOG1P
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=log1p(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var LOG2
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=log2(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var LOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var LOR_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var LOR_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var LOR_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var LOR_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var LOR_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var LOR_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var LT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var LXOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var MAX
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    -Inf ] terminal: [    Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var MIN
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var MINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=minv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    Inf ] terminal: [    -Inf ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var NE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var ONE
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=one(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
var PAIR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
var PLUS
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var POW
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pow(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
var RDIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=remainder(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=round(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=signum(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var SIN
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=sin(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var SINH
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=sinh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var SQRT
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=sqrt(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var TAN
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=tan(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var TANH
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=tanh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=tgamma(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    identity: [    1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=trunc(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float size: 4
var abs
var acos
var acosh
var ainv
var any
var any_div
var any_eq
var any_first
var any_ge
var any_gt
var any_iseq
var any_isge
var any_isgt
var any_isle
var any_islt
var any_isne
var any_land
var any_le
var any_lor
var any_lt
var any_lxor
var any_max
var any_min
var any_minus
var any_monoid
var any_ne
var any_pair
var any_plus
var any_rdiv
var any_rminus
var any_second
var any_times
var asin
var asinh
var atan
var atan2
var atanh
var ceil
var cmplx
var copysign
var cos
var cosh
var default_one
var default_zero
var div
var eq
var eq_eq
var eq_ge
var eq_gt
var eq_le
var eq_lt
var eq_ne
var erf
var erfc
var exp
var exp2
var expm1
var first
var floor
var fmod
var frexpe
var frexpx
var ge
var gt
var hypot
var identity
var isfinite
var isinf
var isnan
var land
var land_eq
var land_ge
var land_gt
var land_le
var land_lt
var land_ne
var ldexp
var le
var lgamma
var lnot
var log
var log1p
var log2
var lor
var lor_eq
var lor_ge
var lor_gt
var lor_le
var lor_lt
var lor_ne
var lt
var lxor
var lxor_eq
var lxor_ge
var lxor_gt
var lxor_le
var lxor_lt
var lxor_ne
var max
var max_div
var max_first
var max_iseq
var max_isge
var max_isgt
var max_isle
var max_islt
var max_isne
var max_land
var max_lor
var max_lxor
var max_max
var max_min
var max_minus
var max_monoid
var max_pair
var max_plus
var max_rdiv
var max_rminus
var max_second
var max_times
var min
var min_div
var min_first
var min_iseq
var min_isge
var min_isgt
var min_isle
var min_islt
var min_isne
var min_land
var min_lor
var min_lxor
var min_max
var min_min
var min_minus
var min_monoid
var min_pair
var min_plus
var min_rdiv
var min_rminus
var min_second
var min_times
var minus
var minv
var ne
var one
var pair
var plus
var plus_div
var plus_first
var plus_iseq
var plus_isge
var plus_isgt
var plus_isle
var plus_islt
var plus_isne
var plus_land
var plus_lor
var plus_lxor
var plus_max
var plus_min
var plus_minus
var plus_monoid
var plus_pair
var plus_plus
var plus_rdiv
var plus_rminus
var plus_second
var plus_times
var pow
var rdiv
var remainder
var rminus
var round
var second
var signum
var sin
var sinh
var sqrt
var tan
var tanh
var tgamma
var times
var times_div
var times_first
var times_iseq
var times_isge
var times_isgt
var times_isle
var times_islt
var times_isne
var times_land
var times_lor
var times_lxor
var times_max
var times_min
var times_minus
var times_monoid
var times_pair
var times_plus
var times_rdiv
var times_rminus
var times_second
var times_times
var trunc

Static methods

def format_value(val, width=2, prec=2)

Return the value as a formatted string for display.

Expand source code
def format_value(cls, val, width=2, prec=2):
    return f"{val:>{width}.{prec}}"
class FC64

GraphBLAS 64 bit float complex.

Expand source code
class FC64(Type):
    """GraphBLAS 64 bit float complex."""

    default_one = complex(1.0)
    default_zero = complex(0.0)
    _gb_type = lib.GxB_FC64
    _c_type = "double _Complex"
    _numba_t = numba.complex128
    _numpy_t = numpy.complex128

Class Attributes

var ABS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=abs(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var ACOS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=acos(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=acosh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var AINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=ainv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var ANY
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] terminal: [    0 + 0i ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] terminal: [    0 + 0i ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] terminal: [    0 + 0i ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] terminal: [    0 + 0i ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] terminal: [    0 + 0i ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] terminal: [    0 + 0i ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] terminal: [    0 + 0i ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] terminal: [    0 + 0i ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] terminal: [    0 + 0i ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] terminal: [    0 + 0i ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
var ASIN
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=asin(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=asinh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var ATAN
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=atan(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=atanh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var CARG
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=carg(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var CEIL
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=ceil(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=cimag(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var CONJ
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=conj(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var COS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=cos(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var COSH
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=cosh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=creal(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var DIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
var EQ
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
var EXP
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=exp(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var EXP2
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=exp2(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var EXPM1
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=expm1(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=floor(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=identity(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=isfinite(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=isinf(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=isnan(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var LOG
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=log(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var LOG1P
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=log1p(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var LOG2
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=log2(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
var MINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=minv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var NE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
var ONE
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=one(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
var PAIR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
var PLUS
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] 
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
var POW
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pow(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
var RDIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=round(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=signum(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var SIN
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=sin(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var SINH
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=sinh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var SQRT
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=sqrt(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var TAN
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=tan(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var TANH
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=tanh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    1 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    1 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    1 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    1 + 0i ] 
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    1 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    1 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    1 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    1 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    1 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    identity: [    1 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: ytype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=trunc(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype double complex size: 16
    GraphBLAS type: xtype double complex size: 16
var abs
var acos
var acosh
var ainv
var any
var any_div
var any_first
var any_minus
var any_monoid
var any_pair
var any_plus
var any_rdiv
var any_rminus
var any_second
var any_times
var asin
var asinh
var atan
var atanh
var carg
var ceil
var cimag
var conj
var cos
var cosh
var creal
var default_one
var default_zero
var div
var eq
var exp
var exp2
var expm1
var first
var floor
var identity
var isfinite
var isinf
var isnan
var log
var log1p
var log2
var minus
var minv
var ne
var one
var pair
var plus
var plus_div
var plus_first
var plus_minus
var plus_monoid
var plus_pair
var plus_plus
var plus_rdiv
var plus_rminus
var plus_second
var plus_times
var pow
var rdiv
var rminus
var round
var second
var signum
var sin
var sinh
var sqrt
var tan
var tanh
var times
var times_div
var times_first
var times_minus
var times_monoid
var times_pair
var times_plus
var times_rdiv
var times_rminus
var times_second
var times_times
var trunc
class FC32

GraphBLAS 32 bit float complex.

Expand source code
class FC32(Type):
    """GraphBLAS 32 bit float complex."""

    default_one = complex(1.0)
    default_zero = complex(0.0)
    _gb_type = lib.GxB_FC32
    _c_type = "float _Complex"
    _numba_t = numba.complex64
    _numpy_t = numpy.complex64

Class Attributes

var ABS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=abs(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var ACOS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=acos(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=acosh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var AINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=ainv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var ANY
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] terminal: [    0 + 0i ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] terminal: [    0 + 0i ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] terminal: [    0 + 0i ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] terminal: [    0 + 0i ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] terminal: [    0 + 0i ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] terminal: [    0 + 0i ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] terminal: [    0 + 0i ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] terminal: [    0 + 0i ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] terminal: [    0 + 0i ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] terminal: [    0 + 0i ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
var ASIN
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=asin(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=asinh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var ATAN
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=atan(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=atanh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var CARG
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=carg(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var CEIL
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=ceil(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=cimag(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var CONJ
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=conj(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var COS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=cos(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var COSH
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=cosh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=creal(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var DIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
var EQ
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
var EXP
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=exp(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var EXP2
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=exp2(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var EXPM1
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=expm1(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=floor(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=identity(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=isfinite(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=isinf(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=isnan(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var LOG
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=log(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var LOG1P
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=log1p(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var LOG2
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=log2(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
var MINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=minv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var NE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
var ONE
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=one(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
var PAIR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
var PLUS
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] 
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    0 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
var POW
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pow(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
var RDIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=round(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=signum(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var SIN
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=sin(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var SINH
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=sinh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var SQRT
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=sqrt(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var TAN
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=tan(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var TANH
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=tanh(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    1 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    1 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    1 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    1 + 0i ] 
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    1 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    1 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    1 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    1 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    1 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    identity: [    1 + 0i ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=trunc(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype float complex size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype float complex size: 8
var abs
var acos
var acosh
var ainv
var any
var any_div
var any_first
var any_minus
var any_monoid
var any_pair
var any_plus
var any_rdiv
var any_rminus
var any_second
var any_times
var asin
var asinh
var atan
var atanh
var carg
var ceil
var cimag
var conj
var cos
var cosh
var creal
var default_one
var default_zero
var div
var eq
var exp
var exp2
var expm1
var first
var floor
var identity
var isfinite
var isinf
var isnan
var log
var log1p
var log2
var minus
var minv
var ne
var one
var pair
var plus
var plus_div
var plus_first
var plus_minus
var plus_monoid
var plus_pair
var plus_plus
var plus_rdiv
var plus_rminus
var plus_second
var plus_times
var pow
var rdiv
var rminus
var round
var second
var signum
var sin
var sinh
var sqrt
var tan
var tanh
var times
var times_div
var times_first
var times_minus
var times_monoid
var times_pair
var times_plus
var times_rdiv
var times_rminus
var times_second
var times_times
var trunc
class INT64

GraphBLAS 64 bit signed integer.

Expand source code
class INT64(Type):
    """GraphBLAS 64 bit signed integer."""

    _gb_type = lib.GrB_INT64
    _c_type = "int64_t"
    _typecode = "q"
    _numba_t = numba.int64
    _numpy_t = numpy.int64

Class Attributes

var ABS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=abs(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
var AINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=ainv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
var ANY
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var ANY_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firsti(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firsti1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firstj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firstj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
var ANY_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var ANY_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var ANY_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var ANY_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]
var ANY_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondi(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondi1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var BAND
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var BCLR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitclear(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var BGET
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitget(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var BOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var BSET
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitset(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitshift(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var BXOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var DIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var EQ
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var EQ_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var EQ_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var EQ_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var EQ_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var EQ_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var EQ_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=firsti(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=firsti1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=firstj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=firstj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
var GE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var GT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=identity(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
var LAND
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var LE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var LNOT
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=not(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
var LOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var LOR_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var LOR_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var LOR_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var LOR_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var LOR_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var LOR_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var LT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var LXOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var MAX
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firsti(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firsti1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firstj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firstj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondi(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondi1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   -9223372036854775808 ] terminal: [   9223372036854775807 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var MIN
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var MINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=minv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firsti(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firsti1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firstj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firstj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondi(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondi1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   9223372036854775807 ] terminal: [   -9223372036854775808 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var NE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var ONE
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=one(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
var PAIR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
var PLUS
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firsti(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firsti1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firstj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firstj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondi(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondi1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=positioni(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=positioni1(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=positionj(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=positionj1(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
var POW
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pow(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var RDIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=secondi(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=secondi1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=secondj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=secondj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firsti(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firsti1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firstj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firstj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondi(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondi1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int64_t size: 8
var abs
var ainv
var any
var any_div
var any_eq
var any_first
var any_firsti
var any_firsti1
var any_firstj
var any_firstj1
var any_ge
var any_gt
var any_iseq
var any_isge
var any_isgt
var any_isle
var any_islt
var any_isne
var any_land
var any_le
var any_lor
var any_lt
var any_lxor
var any_max
var any_min
var any_minus
var any_monoid
var any_ne
var any_pair
var any_plus
var any_rdiv
var any_rminus
var any_second
var any_secondi
var any_secondi1
var any_secondj
var any_secondj1
var any_times
var band
var bclr
var bget
var bor
var bset
var bshift
var bxnor
var bxor
var default_one
var default_zero
var div
var eq
var eq_eq
var eq_ge
var eq_gt
var eq_le
var eq_lt
var eq_ne
var first
var firsti
var firsti1
var firstj
var firstj1
var ge
var gt
var identity
var land
var land_eq
var land_ge
var land_gt
var land_le
var land_lt
var land_ne
var le
var lnot
var lor
var lor_eq
var lor_ge
var lor_gt
var lor_le
var lor_lt
var lor_ne
var lt
var lxor
var lxor_eq
var lxor_ge
var lxor_gt
var lxor_le
var lxor_lt
var lxor_ne
var max
var max_div
var max_first
var max_firsti
var max_firsti1
var max_firstj
var max_firstj1
var max_iseq
var max_isge
var max_isgt
var max_isle
var max_islt
var max_isne
var max_land
var max_lor
var max_lxor
var max_max
var max_min
var max_minus
var max_monoid
var max_pair
var max_plus
var max_rdiv
var max_rminus
var max_second
var max_secondi
var max_secondi1
var max_secondj
var max_secondj1
var max_times
var min
var min_div
var min_first
var min_firsti
var min_firsti1
var min_firstj
var min_firstj1
var min_iseq
var min_isge
var min_isgt
var min_isle
var min_islt
var min_isne
var min_land
var min_lor
var min_lxor
var min_max
var min_min
var min_minus
var min_monoid
var min_pair
var min_plus
var min_rdiv
var min_rminus
var min_second
var min_secondi
var min_secondi1
var min_secondj
var min_secondj1
var min_times
var minus
var minv
var ne
var one
var pair
var plus
var plus_div
var plus_first
var plus_firsti
var plus_firsti1
var plus_firstj
var plus_firstj1
var plus_iseq
var plus_isge
var plus_isgt
var plus_isle
var plus_islt
var plus_isne
var plus_land
var plus_lor
var plus_lxor
var plus_max
var plus_min
var plus_minus
var plus_monoid
var plus_pair
var plus_plus
var plus_rdiv
var plus_rminus
var plus_second
var plus_secondi
var plus_secondi1
var plus_secondj
var plus_secondj1
var plus_times
var positioni
var positioni1
var positionj
var positionj1
var pow
var rdiv
var rminus
var second
var secondi
var secondi1
var secondj
var secondj1
var times
var times_div
var times_first
var times_firsti
var times_firsti1
var times_firstj
var times_firstj1
var times_iseq
var times_isge
var times_isgt
var times_isle
var times_islt
var times_isne
var times_land
var times_lor
var times_lxor
var times_max
var times_min
var times_minus
var times_monoid
var times_pair
var times_plus
var times_rdiv
var times_rminus
var times_second
var times_secondi
var times_secondi1
var times_secondj
var times_secondj1
var times_times
class INT32

GraphBLAS 32 bit signed integer.

Expand source code
class INT32(Type):
    """GraphBLAS 32 bit signed integer."""

    _gb_type = lib.GrB_INT32
    _c_type = "int32_t"
    _typecode = "l"
    _numba_t = numba.int32
    _numpy_t = numpy.int32

Class Attributes

var ABS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=abs(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
var AINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=ainv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
var ANY
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var ANY_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firsti(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firsti1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firstj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firstj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
var ANY_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var ANY_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var ANY_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var ANY_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]
var ANY_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondi(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondi1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var BAND
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var BCLR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitclear(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var BGET
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitget(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var BOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var BSET
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitset(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitshift(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var BXOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var DIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var EQ
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var EQ_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var EQ_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var EQ_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var EQ_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var EQ_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var EQ_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=firsti(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=firsti1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=firstj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=firstj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
var GE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var GT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=identity(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
var LAND
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var LE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var LNOT
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=not(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
var LOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var LOR_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var LOR_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var LOR_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var LOR_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var LOR_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var LOR_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var LT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var LXOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var MAX
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firsti(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firsti1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firstj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firstj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondi(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondi1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   -2147483648 ] terminal: [   2147483647 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var MIN
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var MINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=minv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firsti(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firsti1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firstj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firstj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondi(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondi1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   2147483647 ] terminal: [   -2147483648 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var NE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var ONE
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=one(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
var PAIR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
var PLUS
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firsti(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firsti1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firstj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firstj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondi(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondi1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=positioni(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=positioni1(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=positionj(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=positionj1(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
var POW
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pow(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var RDIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=secondi(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=secondi1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=secondj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=secondj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firsti(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firsti1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firstj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=firstj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondi(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondi1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondj(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=secondj1(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int32_t size: 4
var abs
var ainv
var any
var any_div
var any_eq
var any_first
var any_firsti
var any_firsti1
var any_firstj
var any_firstj1
var any_ge
var any_gt
var any_iseq
var any_isge
var any_isgt
var any_isle
var any_islt
var any_isne
var any_land
var any_le
var any_lor
var any_lt
var any_lxor
var any_max
var any_min
var any_minus
var any_monoid
var any_ne
var any_pair
var any_plus
var any_rdiv
var any_rminus
var any_second
var any_secondi
var any_secondi1
var any_secondj
var any_secondj1
var any_times
var band
var bclr
var bget
var bor
var bset
var bshift
var bxnor
var bxor
var default_one
var default_zero
var div
var eq
var eq_eq
var eq_ge
var eq_gt
var eq_le
var eq_lt
var eq_ne
var first
var firsti
var firsti1
var firstj
var firstj1
var ge
var gt
var identity
var land
var land_eq
var land_ge
var land_gt
var land_le
var land_lt
var land_ne
var le
var lnot
var lor
var lor_eq
var lor_ge
var lor_gt
var lor_le
var lor_lt
var lor_ne
var lt
var lxor
var lxor_eq
var lxor_ge
var lxor_gt
var lxor_le
var lxor_lt
var lxor_ne
var max
var max_div
var max_first
var max_firsti
var max_firsti1
var max_firstj
var max_firstj1
var max_iseq
var max_isge
var max_isgt
var max_isle
var max_islt
var max_isne
var max_land
var max_lor
var max_lxor
var max_max
var max_min
var max_minus
var max_monoid
var max_pair
var max_plus
var max_rdiv
var max_rminus
var max_second
var max_secondi
var max_secondi1
var max_secondj
var max_secondj1
var max_times
var min
var min_div
var min_first
var min_firsti
var min_firsti1
var min_firstj
var min_firstj1
var min_iseq
var min_isge
var min_isgt
var min_isle
var min_islt
var min_isne
var min_land
var min_lor
var min_lxor
var min_max
var min_min
var min_minus
var min_monoid
var min_pair
var min_plus
var min_rdiv
var min_rminus
var min_second
var min_secondi
var min_secondi1
var min_secondj
var min_secondj1
var min_times
var minus
var minv
var ne
var one
var pair
var plus
var plus_div
var plus_first
var plus_firsti
var plus_firsti1
var plus_firstj
var plus_firstj1
var plus_iseq
var plus_isge
var plus_isgt
var plus_isle
var plus_islt
var plus_isne
var plus_land
var plus_lor
var plus_lxor
var plus_max
var plus_min
var plus_minus
var plus_monoid
var plus_pair
var plus_plus
var plus_rdiv
var plus_rminus
var plus_second
var plus_secondi
var plus_secondi1
var plus_secondj
var plus_secondj1
var plus_times
var positioni
var positioni1
var positionj
var positionj1
var pow
var rdiv
var rminus
var second
var secondi
var secondi1
var secondj
var secondj1
var times
var times_div
var times_first
var times_firsti
var times_firsti1
var times_firstj
var times_firstj1
var times_iseq
var times_isge
var times_isgt
var times_isle
var times_islt
var times_isne
var times_land
var times_lor
var times_lxor
var times_max
var times_min
var times_minus
var times_monoid
var times_pair
var times_plus
var times_rdiv
var times_rminus
var times_second
var times_secondi
var times_secondi1
var times_secondj
var times_secondj1
var times_times
class INT16

GraphBLAS 16 bit signed integer.

Expand source code
class INT16(Type):
    """GraphBLAS 16 bit signed integer."""

    _gb_type = lib.GrB_INT16
    _c_type = "int16_t"
    _typecode = "i"
    _numba_t = numba.int16
    _numpy_t = numpy.int16

Class Attributes

var ABS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=abs(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
var AINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=ainv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
var ANY
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var ANY_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
var ANY_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var ANY_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var ANY_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var ANY_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]
var ANY_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var BAND
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var BCLR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitclear(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var BGET
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitget(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var BOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var BSET
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitset(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitshift(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var BXOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var DIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var EQ
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var EQ_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var EQ_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var EQ_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var EQ_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var EQ_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var EQ_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
var GE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var GT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=identity(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
var LAND
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var LE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var LNOT
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=not(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
var LOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var LOR_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var LOR_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var LOR_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var LOR_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var LOR_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var LOR_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var LT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var LXOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var MAX
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   -32768 ] terminal: [   32767 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var MIN
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var MINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=minv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   32767 ] terminal: [   -32768 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var NE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var ONE
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=one(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
var PAIR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
var PLUS
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var POW
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pow(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var RDIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int16_t size: 2
var abs
var ainv
var any
var any_div
var any_eq
var any_first
var any_ge
var any_gt
var any_iseq
var any_isge
var any_isgt
var any_isle
var any_islt
var any_isne
var any_land
var any_le
var any_lor
var any_lt
var any_lxor
var any_max
var any_min
var any_minus
var any_monoid
var any_ne
var any_pair
var any_plus
var any_rdiv
var any_rminus
var any_second
var any_times
var band
var bclr
var bget
var bor
var bset
var bshift
var bxnor
var bxor
var default_one
var default_zero
var div
var eq
var eq_eq
var eq_ge
var eq_gt
var eq_le
var eq_lt
var eq_ne
var first
var ge
var gt
var identity
var land
var land_eq
var land_ge
var land_gt
var land_le
var land_lt
var land_ne
var le
var lnot
var lor
var lor_eq
var lor_ge
var lor_gt
var lor_le
var lor_lt
var lor_ne
var lt
var lxor
var lxor_eq
var lxor_ge
var lxor_gt
var lxor_le
var lxor_lt
var lxor_ne
var max
var max_div
var max_first
var max_iseq
var max_isge
var max_isgt
var max_isle
var max_islt
var max_isne
var max_land
var max_lor
var max_lxor
var max_max
var max_min
var max_minus
var max_monoid
var max_pair
var max_plus
var max_rdiv
var max_rminus
var max_second
var max_times
var min
var min_div
var min_first
var min_iseq
var min_isge
var min_isgt
var min_isle
var min_islt
var min_isne
var min_land
var min_lor
var min_lxor
var min_max
var min_min
var min_minus
var min_monoid
var min_pair
var min_plus
var min_rdiv
var min_rminus
var min_second
var min_times
var minus
var minv
var ne
var one
var pair
var plus
var plus_div
var plus_first
var plus_iseq
var plus_isge
var plus_isgt
var plus_isle
var plus_islt
var plus_isne
var plus_land
var plus_lor
var plus_lxor
var plus_max
var plus_min
var plus_minus
var plus_monoid
var plus_pair
var plus_plus
var plus_rdiv
var plus_rminus
var plus_second
var plus_times
var pow
var rdiv
var rminus
var second
var times
var times_div
var times_first
var times_iseq
var times_isge
var times_isgt
var times_isle
var times_islt
var times_isne
var times_land
var times_lor
var times_lxor
var times_max
var times_min
var times_minus
var times_monoid
var times_pair
var times_plus
var times_rdiv
var times_rminus
var times_second
var times_times
class INT8

GraphBLAS 8 bit signed integer.

Expand source code
class INT8(Type):
    """GraphBLAS 8 bit signed integer."""

    _gb_type = lib.GrB_INT8
    _c_type = "int8_t"
    _typecode = "b"
    _numba_t = numba.int8
    _numpy_t = numpy.int8

Class Attributes

var ABS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=abs(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
var AINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=ainv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
var ANY
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var ANY_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
var ANY_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var ANY_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var ANY_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var ANY_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]
var ANY_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var BAND
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var BCLR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitclear(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var BGET
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitget(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var BOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var BSET
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitset(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitshift(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var BXOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var DIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var EQ
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var EQ_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var EQ_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var EQ_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var EQ_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var EQ_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var EQ_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
var GE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var GT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=identity(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
var LAND
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var LE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var LNOT
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=not(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
var LOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var LOR_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var LOR_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var LOR_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var LOR_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var LOR_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var LOR_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var LT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var LXOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var MAX
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   -128 ] terminal: [   127 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var MIN
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var MINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=minv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   127 ] terminal: [   -128 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var NE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var ONE
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=one(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
var PAIR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
var PLUS
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var POW
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pow(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var RDIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
var abs
var ainv
var any
var any_div
var any_eq
var any_first
var any_ge
var any_gt
var any_iseq
var any_isge
var any_isgt
var any_isle
var any_islt
var any_isne
var any_land
var any_le
var any_lor
var any_lt
var any_lxor
var any_max
var any_min
var any_minus
var any_monoid
var any_ne
var any_pair
var any_plus
var any_rdiv
var any_rminus
var any_second
var any_times
var band
var bclr
var bget
var bor
var bset
var bshift
var bxnor
var bxor
var default_one
var default_zero
var div
var eq
var eq_eq
var eq_ge
var eq_gt
var eq_le
var eq_lt
var eq_ne
var first
var ge
var gt
var identity
var land
var land_eq
var land_ge
var land_gt
var land_le
var land_lt
var land_ne
var le
var lnot
var lor
var lor_eq
var lor_ge
var lor_gt
var lor_le
var lor_lt
var lor_ne
var lt
var lxor
var lxor_eq
var lxor_ge
var lxor_gt
var lxor_le
var lxor_lt
var lxor_ne
var max
var max_div
var max_first
var max_iseq
var max_isge
var max_isgt
var max_isle
var max_islt
var max_isne
var max_land
var max_lor
var max_lxor
var max_max
var max_min
var max_minus
var max_monoid
var max_pair
var max_plus
var max_rdiv
var max_rminus
var max_second
var max_times
var min
var min_div
var min_first
var min_iseq
var min_isge
var min_isgt
var min_isle
var min_islt
var min_isne
var min_land
var min_lor
var min_lxor
var min_max
var min_min
var min_minus
var min_monoid
var min_pair
var min_plus
var min_rdiv
var min_rminus
var min_second
var min_times
var minus
var minv
var ne
var one
var pair
var plus
var plus_div
var plus_first
var plus_iseq
var plus_isge
var plus_isgt
var plus_isle
var plus_islt
var plus_isne
var plus_land
var plus_lor
var plus_lxor
var plus_max
var plus_min
var plus_minus
var plus_monoid
var plus_pair
var plus_plus
var plus_rdiv
var plus_rminus
var plus_second
var plus_times
var pow
var rdiv
var rminus
var second
var times
var times_div
var times_first
var times_iseq
var times_isge
var times_isgt
var times_isle
var times_islt
var times_isne
var times_land
var times_lor
var times_lxor
var times_max
var times_min
var times_minus
var times_monoid
var times_pair
var times_plus
var times_rdiv
var times_rminus
var times_second
var times_times
class UINT64

GraphBLAS 64 bit unsigned integer.

Expand source code
class UINT64(Type):
    """GraphBLAS 64 bit unsigned integer."""

    _gb_type = lib.GrB_UINT64
    _c_type = "uint64_t"
    _typecode = "Q"
    _numba_t = numba.uint64
    _numpy_t = numpy.uint64

Class Attributes

var ABS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=abs(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
var AINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=ainv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
var ANY
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var ANY_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
var ANY_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var ANY_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var ANY_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var ANY_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]
var ANY_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var BAND
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]
var BCLR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitclear(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var BGET
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitget(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var BOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]
var BSET
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitset(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitshift(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] 
var BXOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 
var DIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var EQ
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var EQ_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var EQ_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var EQ_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var EQ_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var EQ_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var EQ_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
var GE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var GT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=identity(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
var LAND
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var LE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var LNOT
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=not(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
var LOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var LOR_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var LOR_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var LOR_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var LOR_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var LOR_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var LOR_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var LT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var LXOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var MAX
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   18446744073709551615 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var MIN
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var MINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=minv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   18446744073709551615 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var NE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var ONE
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=one(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
var PAIR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
var PLUS
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var POW
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pow(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var RDIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint64_t size: 8
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint64_t size: 8
var abs
var ainv
var any
var any_div
var any_eq
var any_first
var any_ge
var any_gt
var any_iseq
var any_isge
var any_isgt
var any_isle
var any_islt
var any_isne
var any_land
var any_le
var any_lor
var any_lt
var any_lxor
var any_max
var any_min
var any_minus
var any_monoid
var any_ne
var any_pair
var any_plus
var any_rdiv
var any_rminus
var any_second
var any_times
var band
var band_band
var band_bor
var band_bxnor
var band_bxor
var band_monoid
var bclr
var bget
var bor
var bor_band
var bor_bor
var bor_bxnor
var bor_bxor
var bor_monoid
var bset
var bshift
var bxnor
var bxnor_band
var bxnor_bor
var bxnor_bxnor
var bxnor_bxor
var bxnor_monoid
var bxor
var bxor_band
var bxor_bor
var bxor_bxnor
var bxor_bxor
var bxor_monoid
var default_one
var default_zero
var div
var eq
var eq_eq
var eq_ge
var eq_gt
var eq_le
var eq_lt
var eq_ne
var first
var ge
var gt
var identity
var land
var land_eq
var land_ge
var land_gt
var land_le
var land_lt
var land_ne
var le
var lnot
var lor
var lor_eq
var lor_ge
var lor_gt
var lor_le
var lor_lt
var lor_ne
var lt
var lxor
var lxor_eq
var lxor_ge
var lxor_gt
var lxor_le
var lxor_lt
var lxor_ne
var max
var max_div
var max_first
var max_iseq
var max_isge
var max_isgt
var max_isle
var max_islt
var max_isne
var max_land
var max_lor
var max_lxor
var max_max
var max_min
var max_minus
var max_monoid
var max_pair
var max_plus
var max_rdiv
var max_rminus
var max_second
var max_times
var min
var min_div
var min_first
var min_iseq
var min_isge
var min_isgt
var min_isle
var min_islt
var min_isne
var min_land
var min_lor
var min_lxor
var min_max
var min_min
var min_minus
var min_monoid
var min_pair
var min_plus
var min_rdiv
var min_rminus
var min_second
var min_times
var minus
var minv
var ne
var one
var pair
var plus
var plus_div
var plus_first
var plus_iseq
var plus_isge
var plus_isgt
var plus_isle
var plus_islt
var plus_isne
var plus_land
var plus_lor
var plus_lxor
var plus_max
var plus_min
var plus_minus
var plus_monoid
var plus_pair
var plus_plus
var plus_rdiv
var plus_rminus
var plus_second
var plus_times
var pow
var rdiv
var rminus
var second
var times
var times_div
var times_first
var times_iseq
var times_isge
var times_isgt
var times_isle
var times_islt
var times_isne
var times_land
var times_lor
var times_lxor
var times_max
var times_min
var times_minus
var times_monoid
var times_pair
var times_plus
var times_rdiv
var times_rminus
var times_second
var times_times
class UINT32

GraphBLAS 32 bit unsigned integer.

Expand source code
class UINT32(Type):
    """GraphBLAS 32 bit unsigned integer."""

    _gb_type = lib.GrB_UINT32
    _c_type = "uint32_t"
    _typecode = "L"
    _numba_t = numba.uint32
    _numpy_t = numpy.uint32

Class Attributes

var ABS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=abs(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
var AINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=ainv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
var ANY
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var ANY_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
var ANY_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var ANY_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var ANY_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var ANY_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]
var ANY_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var BAND
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]
var BCLR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitclear(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var BGET
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitget(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var BOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]
var BSET
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitset(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitshift(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] 
var BXOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 
var DIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var EQ
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var EQ_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var EQ_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var EQ_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var EQ_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var EQ_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var EQ_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
var GE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var GT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=identity(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
var LAND
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var LE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var LNOT
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=not(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
var LOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var LOR_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var LOR_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var LOR_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var LOR_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var LOR_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var LOR_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var LT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var LXOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var MAX
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   4294967295 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var MIN
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var MINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=minv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   4294967295 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var NE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var ONE
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=one(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
var PAIR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
var PLUS
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var POW
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pow(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var RDIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint32_t size: 4
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint32_t size: 4
var abs
var ainv
var any
var any_div
var any_eq
var any_first
var any_ge
var any_gt
var any_iseq
var any_isge
var any_isgt
var any_isle
var any_islt
var any_isne
var any_land
var any_le
var any_lor
var any_lt
var any_lxor
var any_max
var any_min
var any_minus
var any_monoid
var any_ne
var any_pair
var any_plus
var any_rdiv
var any_rminus
var any_second
var any_times
var band
var band_band
var band_bor
var band_bxnor
var band_bxor
var band_monoid
var bclr
var bget
var bor
var bor_band
var bor_bor
var bor_bxnor
var bor_bxor
var bor_monoid
var bset
var bshift
var bxnor
var bxnor_band
var bxnor_bor
var bxnor_bxnor
var bxnor_bxor
var bxnor_monoid
var bxor
var bxor_band
var bxor_bor
var bxor_bxnor
var bxor_bxor
var bxor_monoid
var default_one
var default_zero
var div
var eq
var eq_eq
var eq_ge
var eq_gt
var eq_le
var eq_lt
var eq_ne
var first
var ge
var gt
var identity
var land
var land_eq
var land_ge
var land_gt
var land_le
var land_lt
var land_ne
var le
var lnot
var lor
var lor_eq
var lor_ge
var lor_gt
var lor_le
var lor_lt
var lor_ne
var lt
var lxor
var lxor_eq
var lxor_ge
var lxor_gt
var lxor_le
var lxor_lt
var lxor_ne
var max
var max_div
var max_first
var max_iseq
var max_isge
var max_isgt
var max_isle
var max_islt
var max_isne
var max_land
var max_lor
var max_lxor
var max_max
var max_min
var max_minus
var max_monoid
var max_pair
var max_plus
var max_rdiv
var max_rminus
var max_second
var max_times
var min
var min_div
var min_first
var min_iseq
var min_isge
var min_isgt
var min_isle
var min_islt
var min_isne
var min_land
var min_lor
var min_lxor
var min_max
var min_min
var min_minus
var min_monoid
var min_pair
var min_plus
var min_rdiv
var min_rminus
var min_second
var min_times
var minus
var minv
var ne
var one
var pair
var plus
var plus_div
var plus_first
var plus_iseq
var plus_isge
var plus_isgt
var plus_isle
var plus_islt
var plus_isne
var plus_land
var plus_lor
var plus_lxor
var plus_max
var plus_min
var plus_minus
var plus_monoid
var plus_pair
var plus_plus
var plus_rdiv
var plus_rminus
var plus_second
var plus_times
var pow
var rdiv
var rminus
var second
var times
var times_div
var times_first
var times_iseq
var times_isge
var times_isgt
var times_isle
var times_islt
var times_isne
var times_land
var times_lor
var times_lxor
var times_max
var times_min
var times_minus
var times_monoid
var times_pair
var times_plus
var times_rdiv
var times_rminus
var times_second
var times_times
class UINT16

GraphBLAS 16 bit unsigned integer.

Expand source code
class UINT16(Type):
    """GraphBLAS 16 bit unsigned integer."""

    _gb_type = lib.GrB_UINT16
    _c_type = "uint16_t"
    _typecode = "I"
    _numba_t = numba.uint16
    _numpy_t = numpy.uint16

Class Attributes

var ABS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=abs(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
var AINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=ainv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
var ANY
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var ANY_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
var ANY_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var ANY_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var ANY_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var ANY_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]
var ANY_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var BAND
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]
var BCLR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitclear(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var BGET
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitget(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var BOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]
var BSET
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitset(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitshift(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] 
var BXOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 
var DIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var EQ
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var EQ_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var EQ_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var EQ_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var EQ_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var EQ_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var EQ_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
var GE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var GT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=identity(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
var LAND
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var LE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var LNOT
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=not(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
var LOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var LOR_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var LOR_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var LOR_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var LOR_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var LOR_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var LOR_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var LT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var LXOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var MAX
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   65535 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var MIN
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var MINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=minv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   65535 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var NE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var ONE
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=one(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
var PAIR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
var PLUS
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var POW
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pow(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var RDIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint16_t size: 2
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint16_t size: 2
var abs
var ainv
var any
var any_div
var any_eq
var any_first
var any_ge
var any_gt
var any_iseq
var any_isge
var any_isgt
var any_isle
var any_islt
var any_isne
var any_land
var any_le
var any_lor
var any_lt
var any_lxor
var any_max
var any_min
var any_minus
var any_monoid
var any_ne
var any_pair
var any_plus
var any_rdiv
var any_rminus
var any_second
var any_times
var band
var band_band
var band_bor
var band_bxnor
var band_bxor
var band_monoid
var bclr
var bget
var bor
var bor_band
var bor_bor
var bor_bxnor
var bor_bxor
var bor_monoid
var bset
var bshift
var bxnor
var bxnor_band
var bxnor_bor
var bxnor_bxnor
var bxnor_bxor
var bxnor_monoid
var bxor
var bxor_band
var bxor_bor
var bxor_bxnor
var bxor_bxor
var bxor_monoid
var default_one
var default_zero
var div
var eq
var eq_eq
var eq_ge
var eq_gt
var eq_le
var eq_lt
var eq_ne
var first
var ge
var gt
var identity
var land
var land_eq
var land_ge
var land_gt
var land_le
var land_lt
var land_ne
var le
var lnot
var lor
var lor_eq
var lor_ge
var lor_gt
var lor_le
var lor_lt
var lor_ne
var lt
var lxor
var lxor_eq
var lxor_ge
var lxor_gt
var lxor_le
var lxor_lt
var lxor_ne
var max
var max_div
var max_first
var max_iseq
var max_isge
var max_isgt
var max_isle
var max_islt
var max_isne
var max_land
var max_lor
var max_lxor
var max_max
var max_min
var max_minus
var max_monoid
var max_pair
var max_plus
var max_rdiv
var max_rminus
var max_second
var max_times
var min
var min_div
var min_first
var min_iseq
var min_isge
var min_isgt
var min_isle
var min_islt
var min_isne
var min_land
var min_lor
var min_lxor
var min_max
var min_min
var min_minus
var min_monoid
var min_pair
var min_plus
var min_rdiv
var min_rminus
var min_second
var min_times
var minus
var minv
var ne
var one
var pair
var plus
var plus_div
var plus_first
var plus_iseq
var plus_isge
var plus_isgt
var plus_isle
var plus_islt
var plus_isne
var plus_land
var plus_lor
var plus_lxor
var plus_max
var plus_min
var plus_minus
var plus_monoid
var plus_pair
var plus_plus
var plus_rdiv
var plus_rminus
var plus_second
var plus_times
var pow
var rdiv
var rminus
var second
var times
var times_div
var times_first
var times_iseq
var times_isge
var times_isgt
var times_isle
var times_islt
var times_isne
var times_land
var times_lor
var times_lxor
var times_max
var times_min
var times_minus
var times_monoid
var times_pair
var times_plus
var times_rdiv
var times_rminus
var times_second
var times_times
class UINT8

GraphBLAS 8 bit unsigned integer.

Expand source code
class UINT8(Type):
    """GraphBLAS 8 bit unsigned integer."""

    _gb_type = lib.GrB_UINT8
    _c_type = "uint8_t"
    _typecode = "B"
    _numba_t = numba.uint8
    _numpy_t = numpy.uint8

Class Attributes

var ABS
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=abs(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
var AINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=ainv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
var ANY
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var ANY_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
var ANY_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var ANY_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var ANY_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var ANY_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]
var ANY_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=any(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var BAND
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]
var BCLR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitclear(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var BGET
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitget(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var BOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]
var BSET
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitset(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitshift(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype int8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] 
var BXOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitand(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxnor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=bitxor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 
var DIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var EQ
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var EQ_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var EQ_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var EQ_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var EQ_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var EQ_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var EQ_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
var GE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var GT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=identity(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
var LAND
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var LE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var LNOT
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=not(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
var LOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var LOR_EQ
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var LOR_GE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var LOR_GT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var LOR_LE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var LOR_LT
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var LOR_NE
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   1 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var LT
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var LXOR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=eq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=gt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=le(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=lt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype bool size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var MAX
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] terminal: [   255 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var MIN
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var MINV
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=minv(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   255 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var NE
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=ne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype bool size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var ONE
    GraphBLAS UnaryOp:  (built-in) z=one(x)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
var PAIR
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
var PLUS
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   0 ] 

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var POW
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=pow(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var RDIV
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp:  (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=div(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=first(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=iseq(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isge(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isgt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isle(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=islt(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=isne(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=and(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=or(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=xor(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=max(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=min(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=minus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Monoid:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=pair(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=plus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rdiv(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=rminus(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=second(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS Semiring:  (built-in)
    GraphBLAS Monoid: semiring->add (built-in)
    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: monoid->op (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
    identity: [   1 ] terminal: [   0 ]

    GraphBLAS BinaryOp: semiring->multiply (built-in) z=times(x,y)
    GraphBLAS type: ztype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: xtype uint8_t size: 1
    GraphBLAS type: ytype uint8_t size: 1
var abs
var ainv
var any
var any_div
var any_eq
var any_first
var any_ge
var any_gt
var any_iseq
var any_isge
var any_isgt
var any_isle
var any_islt
var any_isne
var any_land
var any_le
var any_lor
var any_lt
var any_lxor
var any_max
var any_min
var any_minus
var any_monoid
var any_ne
var any_pair
var any_plus
var any_rdiv
var any_rminus
var any_second
var any_times
var band
var band_band
var band_bor
var band_bxnor
var band_bxor
var band_monoid
var bclr
var bget
var bor
var bor_band
var bor_bor
var bor_bxnor
var bor_bxor
var bor_monoid
var bset
var bshift
var bxnor
var bxnor_band
var bxnor_bor
var bxnor_bxnor
var bxnor_bxor
var bxnor_monoid
var bxor
var bxor_band
var bxor_bor
var bxor_bxnor
var bxor_bxor
var bxor_monoid
var default_one
var default_zero
var div
var eq
var eq_eq
var eq_ge
var eq_gt
var eq_le
var eq_lt
var eq_ne
var first
var ge
var gt
var identity
var land
var land_eq
var land_ge
var land_gt
var land_le
var land_lt
var land_ne
var le
var lnot
var lor
var lor_eq
var lor_ge
var lor_gt
var lor_le
var lor_lt
var lor_ne
var lt
var lxor
var lxor_eq
var lxor_ge
var lxor_gt
var lxor_le
var lxor_lt
var lxor_ne
var max
var max_div
var max_first
var max_iseq
var max_isge
var max_isgt
var max_isle
var max_islt
var max_isne
var max_land
var max_lor
var max_lxor
var max_max
var max_min
var max_minus
var max_monoid
var max_pair
var max_plus
var max_rdiv
var max_rminus
var max_second
var max_times
var min
var min_div
var min_first
var min_iseq
var min_isge
var min_isgt
var min_isle
var min_islt
var min_isne
var min_land
var min_lor
var min_lxor
var min_max
var min_min
var min_minus
var min_monoid
var min_pair
var min_plus
var min_rdiv
var min_rminus
var min_second
var min_times
var minus
var minv
var ne
var one
var pair
var plus
var plus_div
var plus_first
var plus_iseq
var plus_isge
var plus_isgt
var plus_isle
var plus_islt
var plus_isne
var plus_land
var plus_lor
var plus_lxor
var plus_max
var plus_min
var plus_minus
var plus_monoid
var plus_pair
var plus_plus
var plus_rdiv
var plus_rminus
var plus_second
var plus_times
var pow
var rdiv
var rminus
var second
var times
var times_div
var times_first
var times_iseq
var times_isge
var times_isgt
var times_isle
var times_islt
var times_isne
var times_land
var times_lor
var times_lxor
var times_max
var times_min
var times_minus
var times_monoid
var times_pair
var times_plus
var times_rdiv
var times_rminus
var times_second
var times_times



Contains all automatically generated Descriptors from CFFI.


Helper functions for drawing graphs and matrices with graphviz in doctests and Jupyter notebooks …


Contains all automatically generated SelectOps from CFFI …

Global variables


Maximum key size for SuiteSparse, defaults to 2**60.



var GxB_SPEC

Tuple containing GxB_SPEC (MAJOR, MINOR, SUB)


def binary_op(arg_type, nopython=True)

Decorator to jit-compile Python function into a GrB_BinaryOp object.

>>> from random import uniform
>>> from pygraphblas import Matrix, binary_op, types, gviz
>>> @binary_op(types.FP64)
... def uniform(x, y):
...     return uniform(x, y)
>>> A = Matrix.dense(types.FP64, 3, 3, fill=0)
>>> B = A.dup()
>>> with uniform:
...     A += 1

Calling A += 1 with the uniform binary operator is the same as calling apply_second with an out parameter:

>>> B.apply_second(uniform, 1, out=B) is B
>>> ga = gviz.draw_matrix(A, scale=40,
...     filename='docs/imgs/binary_op_A')
>>> gb = gviz.draw_matrix(B, scale=40,
...     filename='docs/imgs/binary_op_B')

binary_op_A.png binary_op_B.png

Expand source code
def binary_op(arg_type, nopython=True):
    """Decorator to jit-compile Python function into a GrB_BinaryOp

    >>> from random import uniform
    >>> from pygraphblas import Matrix, binary_op, types, gviz
    >>> @binary_op(types.FP64)
    ... def uniform(x, y):
    ...     return uniform(x, y)
    >>> A = Matrix.dense(types.FP64, 3, 3, fill=0)
    >>> B = A.dup()
    >>> with uniform:
    ...     A += 1

    Calling `A += 1` with the `uniform` binary operator is the same as
    calling `apply_second` with an `out` parameter:

    >>> B.apply_second(uniform, 1, out=B) is B
    >>> ga = gviz.draw_matrix(A, scale=40,
    ...     filename='docs/imgs/binary_op_A')
    >>> gb = gviz.draw_matrix(B, scale=40,
    ...     filename='docs/imgs/binary_op_B')

    ![binary_op_A.png](../imgs/binary_op_A.png) ![binary_op_B.png](../imgs/binary_op_B.png)


    def inner(func):
        func_name = func.__name__
        sig = numba.void(
        jitfunc = numba.jit(func, nopython=nopython)

        @numba.cfunc(sig, nopython=True)
        def wrapper(z, x, y):  # pragma: no cover
            result = jitfunc(x[0], y[0])
            z[0] = result

        out ="GrB_BinaryOp*")
            ffi.cast("GxB_binary_function", wrapper.address),

        return BinaryOp(func_name, arg_type.__name__, out[0])

    return inner
def unary_op(arg_type)

Decorator to jit-compile Python function into a GrB_BinaryOp object.

>>> from random import random
>>> from pygraphblas import Matrix, binary_op, types, gviz
>>> @unary_op(types.FP64)
... def random(x):
...     return x * random()
>>> A = Matrix.dense(types.FP64, 3, 3, fill=1)
>>> A.apply(random, out=A) is A
>>> ga = gviz.draw_matrix(A, scale=40,
...     filename='docs/imgs/unary_op_A')


Expand source code
def unary_op(arg_type):
    """Decorator to jit-compile Python function into a GrB_BinaryOp

    >>> from random import random
    >>> from pygraphblas import Matrix, binary_op, types, gviz
    >>> @unary_op(types.FP64)
    ... def random(x):
    ...     return x * random()
    >>> A = Matrix.dense(types.FP64, 3, 3, fill=1)
    >>> A.apply(random, out=A) is A

    >>> ga = gviz.draw_matrix(A, scale=40,
    ...     filename='docs/imgs/unary_op_A')



    def inner(func):
        func_name = func.__name__
        sig = numba.void(
        jitfunc = numba.jit(func, nopython=True)

        @numba.cfunc(sig, nopython=True)
        def wrapper(z, x):  # pragma: no cover
            result = jitfunc(x[0])
            z[0] = result

        out ="GrB_UnaryOp*")
            core_ffi.cast("GxB_unary_function", wrapper.address),

        return UnaryOp(func_name, arg_type.__name__, out[0])

    return inner
def select_op(arg_type, thunk_type=None)

Decorator to jit-compile Python function into a GrB_BinaryOp object.

>>> from random import random
>>> from pygraphblas import Matrix, select_op, types, gviz, descriptor
>>> @select_op(types.FP64, types.FP64)
... def random_gt(i, j, x, v):
...     if random() > v:
...         return True
...     return False
>>> A = Matrix.dense(types.FP64, 3, 3, fill=1)
>>>, 0.5, out=A, desc=descriptor.R) is A
>>> ga = gviz.draw_matrix(A, scale=40,
...     filename='docs/imgs/select_op_A')


>>> @select_op(types.FP64)
... def coin_flip(i, j, x, v):
...     if random() > 0.5:
...         return True
...     return False
>>> A = Matrix.dense(types.FP64, 3, 3, fill=1)
<Matrix(FP64, shape: (3, 3), nvals: ...)>
Expand source code
def select_op(arg_type, thunk_type=None):
    """Decorator to jit-compile Python function into a GrB_BinaryOp

    >>> from random import random
    >>> from pygraphblas import Matrix, select_op, types, gviz, descriptor
    >>> @select_op(types.FP64, types.FP64)
    ... def random_gt(i, j, x, v):
    ...     if random() > v:
    ...         return True
    ...     return False
    >>> A = Matrix.dense(types.FP64, 3, 3, fill=1)
    >>>, 0.5, out=A, desc=descriptor.R) is A
    >>> ga = gviz.draw_matrix(A, scale=40,
    ...     filename='docs/imgs/select_op_A')


    >>> @select_op(types.FP64)
    ... def coin_flip(i, j, x, v):
    ...     if random() > 0.5:
    ...         return True
    ...     return False
    >>> A = Matrix.dense(types.FP64, 3, 3, fill=1)
    <Matrix(FP64, shape: (3, 3), nvals: ...)>
    if thunk_type is not None:
        thunk_type = thunk_type._gb_type
        thunk_type = core_ffi.NULL

    def inner(func):
        func_name = func.__name__
        sig = numba.boolean(
        jitfunc = numba.jit(func, nopython=True)

        @numba.cfunc(sig, nopython=True)
        def wrapper(i, j, x, t):  # pragma: no cover
            return jitfunc(i, j, x[0], t[0])

        out ="GxB_SelectOp*")
            core_ffi.cast("GxB_select_function", wrapper.address),

        return SelectOp(func_name, out[0])

    return inner
def options_set(nthreads=None, chunk=None, burble=None, hyper_switch=None, bitmap_switch=None, format=None)

Set global library options.

This options are passed directly to SuiteSparse so see the SuiteSparse User Guide for details.

  • nthreads: Globals number of threads to use.

  • chunk: Chunk size for dividing parallel work.

  • burble: Switch to enable "burble" debug output. SuiteSparse must be compiled with burble turned on.

  • hyper_switch: Controls the hypersparsity of the internal data structure for a matrix. The parameter is typically in the range 0 to 1.

  • bitmap_switch: Controls when to switch to bitmap format.

  • format: Default global matrix data format.

Expand source code
def options_set(
    """Set global library options.

    This options are passed directly to SuiteSparse so see the
    SuiteSparse User Guide for details.

    - `nthreads`: Globals number of threads to use.

    - `chunk`: Chunk size for dividing parallel work.

    - `burble`: Switch to enable "burble" debug output.  SuiteSparse
      must be compiled with burble turned on.

    - `hyper_switch`: Controls the hypersparsity of the internal data
      structure for a matrix.  The parameter is typically in the range
      0 to 1.

    - `bitmap_switch`: Controls when to switch to bitmap format.

    - `format`: Default global matrix data format.

    if nthreads is not None:
        nthreads = ffi.cast("int", nthreads)
        _check(lib.GxB_Global_Option_set(lib.GxB_GLOBAL_NTHREADS, nthreads))
    if chunk is not None:
        chunk = ffi.cast("double", chunk)
        _check(lib.GxB_Global_Option_set(lib.GxB_GLOBAL_CHUNK, chunk))
    if burble is not None:
        burble = ffi.cast("int", burble)
        _check(lib.GxB_Global_Option_set(lib.GxB_BURBLE, burble))
    if hyper_switch is not None:
        hyper_switch = ffi.cast("double", hyper_switch)
        _check(lib.GxB_Global_Option_set(lib.GxB_HYPER_SWITCH, hyper_switch))
    if bitmap_switch is not None:
        bitmap_switch ="double[8]", bitmap_switch)
        _check(lib.GxB_Global_Option_set(lib.GxB_BITMAP_SWITCH, bitmap_switch))
    if format is not None:
        format = ffi.cast("GxB_Format_Value*", format)
        _check(lib.GxB_Global_Option_set(lib.GxB_FORMAT, format))
def options_get()

Get global library options. See SuiteSparse User Guide.

>>> pprint(options_get())
{'bitmap_switch': [...],
 'burble': ...,
 'chunk': ...,
 'format': ...,
 'hyper_switch': ...,
 'nthreads': ...}
Expand source code
def options_get():
    """Get global library options.  See SuiteSparse User Guide.

    >>> pprint(options_get())
    {'bitmap_switch': [...],
     'burble': ...,
     'chunk': ...,
     'format': ...,
     'hyper_switch': ...,
     'nthreads': ...}

    nthreads ="int*")
    _check(lib.GxB_Global_Option_get(lib.GxB_GLOBAL_NTHREADS, nthreads))
    chunk ="double*")
    _check(lib.GxB_Global_Option_get(lib.GxB_GLOBAL_CHUNK, chunk))
    burble ="int*")
    _check(lib.GxB_Global_Option_get(lib.GxB_BURBLE, burble))
    hyper_switch ="double*")
    _check(lib.GxB_Global_Option_get(lib.GxB_HYPER_SWITCH, hyper_switch))
    bitmap_switch ="double[8]")
    _check(lib.GxB_Global_Option_get(lib.GxB_BITMAP_SWITCH, bitmap_switch))
    format ="GxB_Format_Value*")
    _check(lib.GxB_Global_Option_get(lib.GxB_FORMAT, format))

    return dict(